I loved the early summer, it was my favorite season by far. It wasn't hot enough to be uncomfortable, everything was blooming and lush, and there was plenty of sun. I would have been perfectly content with sitting on the balcony all morning, but today I was busy.

"Good morning," Harry said, coming onto the balcony with two mugs of coffee in his hand. As I accepted the cup of coffee, I leaned up to kiss him. "Sleep well?"

I nodded. "Yes," I grinned.

We had been living together for a long time, almost a year now. I'd moved out of Cooper and Ethan's before the baby came home, though I'd been spending most nights at Harry's before that anyways.

"What have you been working on?" he asked me, seeing my notepad in my lap.

"Just a commentary on Friday's game," I told him. I had attended the Harpies' match against the Tutshill Tornadoes and Damien wanted a review for Monday's paper, meaning I should get this done before we left.

He sat down and read what I had written. I had been very successful at the Daily Prophet, and moved up to being a Junior Editor. It seemed that if I couldn't be the one in the commentaries, I should be writing them. I had found my new passion.

Harry had been very supportive of it. Work did take up a lot of time in my life though. I spent a week in Spain for a tournament last summer and nearly all my weekends were spent at some pitch. Luckily for the weekend games, Harry could usually come with me.

Harry had also been very successful at work in the past year. He had been promoted to Head of Magical Law Enforcement after Andrew had stepped down last year. He was great at his job. It was a huge time commitment but we still worked out time for us. I was so proud of him, and happily took my place as his date to all Ministry functions.

I though of Andrew, my poor brother. After divorcing Audrey last year, his life had only gone downhill. He only had his children on the weekends, and had stepped down at work. He'd alienated his family. I could only hope that eventually he would get over himself.

I stole the notebook back from him and finished it up so I could mail it off and get ready. Harry disappeared inside and came back ten minutes later with a breakfast of eggs and toast.

"I can't believe Julian is a year old already," he told me. "Feels like last week when he was born, doesn't it?"

I nodded. "Definitely," I said. "I mean, he's walking and starting to talk. That's so bizarre. But I feel old saying how quickly he's grown."

I loved Julian so dearly. He was a very sweet child, always calm and happy. I could count the amount of times I had seen him cry over the past year on my fingers, and I spent a lot of time with him. I hoped that if I had children, they would be like Julian. I couldn't wait to go celebrate him today.

After we finished eating, I went and mailed my article to Damien, while he showered, and then I showered. Cooper and Ethan had purchased a townhouse on the edge of the city. They wanted Julian to grow up with a house and a yard, but still needed to be in close proximity to the city for their work.

I put on a dress that I had bought just for the occasion. My weight had been all over the place after my accident and finally stabilized after I moved in with Harry. He had to stay in shape for work and that definitely affected me. I was glad to be stable again. That and the fact I had a good, steady paycheck meant that my wardrobe improved drastically. I still kept my hair brown instead of blond, but that was out of preference.

Harry and I took a taxi out to Cooper and Ethan's. I loved that we could do that, we had it going pretty well. We were incredibly stable finance wise, able to plan holidays. I knew if it came time, we would not have to worry about having children. But that was a ways off, as we weren't even engaged yet.

I hoped we would be soon, though. I knew that Harry was the one, and I was pretty sure he agreed. I didn't see any reason to drag out the process. Plus then we would get certain luxuries we didn't have now. We could buy a house together in the countryside and live in bliss.

But I wasn't going to push it yet. We had a few conversations about it and I knew it was something that was coming.

The taxi pulled up to Cooper and Ethan's place, and we got out. Just a few people were here already, so I got to see Julian right away. I picked him up in my arms and he squeeled. "You're getting heavy!" I told him, then blew a raspberry into his cheek.

"You didn't have to get him that much stuff," Ethan said, looking at all the bags Harry carried.

I knew I didn't. He would have been happy with an empty cardboard box to play with. He had everything he wanted and more, but I did it because I wanted to.

I just smiled at Julian, his hazel eyes staring right back at me. I loved this little boy so much.

"It's crazy to me that he's a year old already," Harry said.

"Time flies," Cooper said. "Next thing we know, he'll be off to Hogwarts..."

"Maybe he'll get some cousins first?" Ethan asked, looking at us.

Harry and I just chuckled. "Maybe..." I said. "Anyways, anything we can do to help?"

Cooper nodded. "Just take those gifts upstairs and put them in his bedroom?" he asked.

I reluctantly gave the baby back to Cooper, but knew I would get him back later. I took a bag from Harry and we went upstairs.

Julian's room was a soft blue color. I noticed the mobile I had bought him was hanging over his crib, which made me smile. Harry was busy arranging the gifts on the floor while I looked around the room.

I stopped at the picture of Cooper, Ethan, and Julian. Cooper and Ethan looked so happy in that picture. They had a solid relationship, loved each other and loved their baby.

Harry saw me looking at the picture, and came up behind me. He leaned his chin on my shoulder. "I want that," he told me.

"Hmm?" I asked, unsure exactly what he meant.

`A marriage and a family. I want that," he said. I turned around to look at him.

"Oh," I said, chewing on my lip. "Well, you know I want it too, Harry."

He nodded. "Why don't get get started on it then?" he asked, producing a ring from his pocket.

"Oh," was all I managed. My heart beat furiously in my chest as I came to realize exactly what just happened. I took a step closer to him. "Yes," I said, nodding. My body was flooded with adrenaline and excitement.

"Yeah?" he asked, throwing his arm around me. After a tight squeeze, he pulled away and slipped the ring on my finger. I admired the square diamond that would now sit on my finger for the rest of my life.

"Yes!" I said again. I got a few tears in my eyes, but wiped them away quickly. I couldn't believe how happy I was. I took a second to take a deep breath and calm down before kissing him.

He just grinned. "Maybe we could just slip away on a holiday and get married," he suggested.

I knew he had already had the big wedding and didn't really want another, which was fine with me. I didn't have that many people to invite, and would prefer something with just the two of us.

"France, maybe?" I asked. I always found the south of France to be a romantic place.

"Sure," he said. "Anywhere but Spain."

I nodded, chuckling, and grabbed his hand. "Let's go down to the party," I suggested. "We'll tell people tomorrow."

He nodded, and we went to rejoin the party.

Author's Note: Well, here you go! The Epilogue. I hope you all enjoyed it. As always, I give a shout out to the people who faithfully reviewed, so a big thank you to... xxalesanaxx, Who Are You What Do You Want, michaelc100, you go girl, Rori Potter, snakesandemeralds, Crystal-Wolf-Guardian-967, and LivingInTheClouds. If I forgot anyone or left you out, it was an accident and I'm sorry. Of course, I cannot forget to thank my absolutely FANTASTIC beta, potter-reading-coastie. I don't really have words, so I'll just say: Yep. So go check out the prologue to my new story, called 'The Road to Heaven'. Thank you so much everyone!