"And how does it work?" Eggman asked, looking over all the properties of Chemical Z he had put into his computer. He was slightly concerned that this was even possible. Being able to find everything that went into it would be hard enough, he can only imagine what would come out of it. It was no wonder the left overs were powerful enough to thin the veil between the dimensions.
"It took as a really long time to be able to control what we have," Professor Utonium told him gravely, "and by that time it was too late. We let it loose without fully understanding it and it's changed a lot of lives, and not just for the good."
"Is that why those girls were there earlier?" Eggman asked. He had been able to sense their power through Sonic.
"Miyako, Momoko, and Kaoru were once three normal girls. They've grown to love their powers, but it is not something I would've willingly gave them, or anyone, if not for the accident."
Eggman nodded to himself. "And were they the only ones? Were there more?"
"We find more and more side effects every day, it seems."
"Well," Doctor Eggman smiled, "luckily, I think I know the exact thing that will be able to pull all of Chemical Z back onto your side and into something that will kill all of it's properties so it doesn't spread again. You may be able to rid your city of Chemical Z completely."
The professor seemed to think this over. "Will it pull the Chemical Z out of the girls?"
"I don't know," Eggman frowned. "If I had to guess, anyperson or thing already infected with Chemical Z will stay that way. I don't think my plan is strong enough to pull the Chemical out of anything but the air. Except for water, maybe."
"And what about Sonic?"
"Right now all I have to worry about is pulling him onto this side before the lack of erosion from Chemical Z strengthens the veil. I think that if we can time the pull of the Chemical Z towards you when the bursts from his brain are dormant, we may be able to pull him through. If everything is in your area and away from him nothing will be able to hold him in place. So the only way this will work is the person doing the pulling is far away from Sonic, preferably somewhere high. If you can get high into the air and pull the chemical up, we may have a better chance."
"Then what exactly is your plan, Doctor?"
"This should do it, Professor," Ken said, handing him a large Chemical Z gun. "I made the necessary adjustment and now we should be able to pull in as much Chemical Z as we need. It also has a longer range now, so we should be able to clean up most of the city."
"It shouldn't be much longer now," Professor Utonium told his son. "As soon Dr. Robotnik is ready to reverse the waves shooting from Sonic we'll be able to fix this. Momoko and Kaoru are preparing to go with Sonic to where we think the coordinates of the Doctor's lab is on their end. You'll be going with them. Miyako will stay with me in the observatory on the other side of the hill."
Ken nodded. "It'll take 10 seconds after you turn it on for the Chemical Z to start moving towards you. After that, it'll come fast, and it will all come at once. Make sure Bubbles is watching closely. The Chemical Z will probably bond together and create a ray of white light. It it comes too fast and you think you might get hit, make Bubbles catch some of it with her want. It'll slow it down and she should be able to direct it into the gun."
"We're ready," they heard Sonic rasp from the other room. "Everything on this side should be able to run smoothly. As long as you do your part, this should go off without a hitch."
"Are you sure this will do it?" Professor Utonium asked Ken.
"All of Doctor Robotnik's plans and formulas made sense. I don't see how we didn't think of it earlier."
Blossom insisted on carrying Sonic to the designated area. She insisted that she knew the city and he didn't and that he may get lost if he tried to go on his own. When they touched down, Buttercup grabbed her communicater and spoke quickly to Bubbles, making sure that she and the Professor were ready and waiting at the observatory before handing it over Ken.
"Ten seconds," Ken reminded him. The Professor needed to start the countdown as soon as he hit the power on the gun. When the Professor got to one, Eggman would cut off the continuing burst of waves from Sonic's brain, but he needed to do that in perfect unison with one of the timed bursts coming from him. The whole operation was going to be really tricky, and if anyone was off by as much as a second the whole thing could go wrong.
"That's it," Sonic rasped. "The last burst. 75 seconds until the next one."
"If you're going to say your goodbyes you need to do it now," Ken rushed on. "And fast."
"Bye Sonic!" Bubbles called happily from the other side of the communicator. "It was nice knowing you!"
"And although you didn't necessarily wanted to be here," the Professor said. "I'm glad you were. Your world helped us find one of the key steps to collecting Chemical Z. Things might start to go back to normal now."
"Or as normal as their gonna get," Buttercup frowned."
"45 seconds."
"Goodbye, Sonic!" Blossom said. "Thanks for letting us save you! Life as a hero will always become me."
"Buttercup?" Ken asked, raising an eyebrow.
Buttercup rolled her eyes. "I guess you weren't as much as a pain as I thought you would be, Sonic."
Sonic chuckled. "I think you were more of a pain to me," he pointed at his head before rasping out "15."
"Professor?" Ken said into the communicator. "12... 11... 10."
The Professor flipped the switch on the gun as Ken said then, pointing it at the opening of the ceiling of the observatory.
"I hope you're able to get rid of this nuisance Ken told Sonic," shaking his head.
"5... Me too."
"3... 2... 1..."
Flickers of light started shooting over their heads towards the observatory as Eggman pressed the button to cut off the continuing wave from Sonic's brain.
Blossom's eyes widened. "He's fading!" she gasped, reaching out toward him.
"Don't!" Ken pulled back her hand. "He has to."
"I almost didn't believe it was true," Buttercup laughed. "Bye!"
Eggman's lab fell completely silent for 5 seconds until Amy let out a sigh of frustration.
"He's not awake!"
"Well he's not on the other side anymore," Eggman muttered. The second wave eminating from his brain is gone. We aren't getting any signals from the other dimension. It's just him."
"Then why isn't he awake?"
"Can you be quiet!" Eggman snapped. "I still need to release all of the extra energy. If I don't his brain will overheat and he's likely to die."
"Then why aren't you releasing it? Why didn't you plan that before hand?"
"Because he didn't have any extra energy beforehand! Trying to build a plot around something that isn't there is impossible."
"How long do we have?"
"Before the buildup is dangerous? I'd guess about fifteen seconds."
"Eggman!" Amy screamed.
"I told you to be quiet!" Eggman's fingers were moving so fast over the keyboard you could barely see them. "I got it! Amy! Flip the switch on the remote on side of the bed!"
Amy grabbed the remote and pressed the button.
Energy rushed out of Sonic's body and through the room, entering into a bottle next to the bed.
Eggman rushed over and picked it up. "Ah," he sighed happily. "Feel that," he held out his hand to Amy. "You can feel the pulse of the energy."
"Sonic's not awake." Amy said through clenched teeth.
"He'll be fine," he told her. "He should wake up any minute now. The energy was too much for him and it took a lot out of him to hold onto it. His muscles will feel awful when he wakes up, especially his brain. Try to keep him lying down. Try to get him to sleep if you can." Eggman walked out of the room.
"What are you going to do with that?" Amy called after him, but didn't receive a response. "First he gets the formula for Chemical Z and now he has bottled pure energy," she mumbled. "We're going to be in huge trouble soon."
"Amy?" Sonic choked out in a weak voice.
She twirled around and ran over to him. "Eggman said not to get up."
"He doesn't have to worry about that," Sonic told her. "I don't think I can bring myself into a sitting position the way I feel."
"How do you feel?"
"Too exhausted to dream," Sonic smiled, closing his eyes.
"That's good then," Amy told him, touching his arm. "You should be able to get plenty of rest now."
"I hope so."
That's it! That's the end! I hope you all enjoyed it!
Thanks for reading and DFTBA