*Authors Note*

Hey guys, this is my first ever fan fiction story so please go easy on my, I'm not exactly a writer but I got an idea and wanted to make something of it, Hopefully you'll like it & I promise it'll get better : )

This takes place during Silly Love Songs, Rachel saw Finn & Quinn kiss in the auditorium and things change from there on! And there's even a nice Santana, everyone always makes her mean so I thought I'd make her nice!

Enjoy : )

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Glee related!

*Rachel's POV*

I can't believe my eyes. I just walked in on the man I love kissing the former head cheerleader. As soon as I see them my heart breaks and I run out of the auditorium as fast as I can to the ladies bathroom and in the closest stall where I burst into tears. I thought I was alone until I heard a voice.

"Man hands I can hear you." Of course Santana of all people would have to be here. Why me? Why now?

"Please go away Santana." I replied but of course I hear no door shut or any sign of her leaving. The last thing I want is for the one person I despise to hear me cry because all she'll do is insult me, tell me how stupid I am and leave laughing at me.

"Like I want to hear you cry about your dear Finn but I saw you run out of the auditorium and in here. I got curious so I went to see what you got worked up about. He's not worth it you know." She replied again. Why was she even taking an interest?

I opened the stall door to find Santana leaning again the sinks looking at me. It was still odd to see her and the others without their cheerio outfits. Seeing them look like normal people just wasn't…normal.

I wiped my eyes and looked at her embarrassed by her seeing me like this, with my face red and blotched from crying. "What do you care?" I asked, expecting a snide remark but being surprised by what she said next.

"You're better than this Berry, stop being so damn vulnerable. None of us in Glee want to see you all depressed so snap the hell out of it"

"Santana I don't care what you all want or don't want to see. You all hate me so why should I care?" I asked.

"As much as I hare what I'm about to say and how cliché it is…we're a family in Glee and we need to stick together. I don't mean us being friends but it doesn't mean everyone there hates you."

"Then why do you all act like you hate me? Especially you." I asked, she was right about it being so cliché, much like a lot of the things Mr Shuester says.

"Oh I hate you alright. But I can see you're hurting and you don't deserve it." Santana looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. What the hell is wrong with her? She must've been put up to this by someone. It's probably a prank which I will most definitely not fall for.

"Of course I deserve it. I cheated on Finn! I broke his heart so it's only fair he breaks mine." It still pains me to think of what happened since before Sectionals and all because of the girl standing in front of me. I wonder does she realise she's caused all this.

"He's a total hypocrite Rachel, he cheated on Quinn with you." How did she know that? I gave her a confused look so she sighed and responded. "Finn told Puck, or one of the guys, I don't know but everyone knows. Even Quinn."

"Yeah well it doesn't matter anymore. He's done with me, and I know I should move on but I can't." A tear fell down my face, thinking about that fact pains me.

Santana shifted uncomfortably and looked at me. "Look Rachel, I followed you in hear because I felt a slight pang of worry. You should be angry not upset. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to help you."

I stared at her in shock. I know it's possibly stupid to question it but when the biggest bitch in school is nice something has to be up. "Were you dared to do this Santana? Or is it just a prank to humiliate me more?" I saw what looked like anger pass through her eyes after I spoke but it went almost immediately.

"Berry can't I be nice without being questioned ?"


She held up her hands and looked me in the eye. "I swear I'm not pranking you or anything of the sort. I feel like it's my duty to help you since I basically caused this and I want to change. By change I mean be a better person and nicer. The bitching kind of came with the cheerio's uniform."

"Are you going to stop sleeping around with any guy that passes in front of you too?" I asked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes but hesitated before speaking. "No probably not, just the being nice thing."

I almost laughed which made her smile.

"Now come one, the first thing on my nice agenda is take you shopping. Lord knows those animal sweaters will never be in fashion" She said glancing down at the pale pink sweater I wore adorned with a unicorn on it along with my black skirt which stopped just above me knee and my pink knee high socks and brown shoes.

"I have a big job to do, come on." She said as she lightly pulled at my armed and we walked out of the bathroom.

It felt weird to be like this with Santana of all people but hey, people can change right?

Thanks for reading, hopefully I should have Chapter 2 up soon!

Please review and tell me if you like it or have any tips etc : )