Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

Author's Note: Changing Bleach around a bit, hence the alternate universe. Grimmjow Jeagerjones took Orihime Inoue to heal Ichigo Kurosaki so that he could fight him. Then Ulquiorra Cifer showed up. He and Grimmjow engaged in combat and during their fight Orihime finished healing Ichigo and they ran away while the enemy was distracted. Aizen left Hueco Mundo in Ulquiorra's in charge; however, because Ichigo left earlier he didn't die. And none of the other Espada did either; although Grimmjow is very much beaten up courtesy of Ulquiorra. Aizen destroyed Soul-Society, Gin didn't betray him and every one of the "good guys" (Except these two women, you'll have to read the story to find out who they are) are now dead. Damn, this story has the potential to be depressing. Orihime was left in the human when Ichigo went off to defeat Aizen, which is why she is still alive.

Okay, that's just confusing. This universe isn't the same as the real Bleach universe. Just read the damn story, its Ulquihime, its pure brilliance. Ulquihime that is, I am not sure about my story.

The Espada stood in the throne room of Las Noches. Coyote Starrk was asleep standing up/leaning on his subordinate/little-sister-figure Lilynette Gingerback. She did not appear to be bothered by this. Baraggan Luisenbarn, Tia Harribel, Zommari Rureaux and Aaroniero Arruruerie were staring at Aizen like the good minions they were. Grimmjow Jeagerjones was glaring at Ulquiorra, furious with the fourth Espada for beating him up. Nnorita Gilga too was glaring at Ulquiorra but that because he hated him. Ulquiorra was being his traditional emotionless self. And Szayel Aporro Granz was examining himself in a mirror.

Kaname Tousen stood to the left of Aizen's throne. Gin Ichimaru was absent. Aizen leaned back on his throne, holding a tiny limp figure in his arms.

"I thank you, my Espada, for your support in the destruction of Soul-Society," said Aizen. "To express my gratitude allow me to award you. I promise to grant you anything that is within my power to grant. My second-in-command Gin Ichimaru has already chosen his prize, Rangiku Matsumoto; as have I, my prize being Momo Hinamori." He stroked the head of the girl who he held in his arms. "I trust you will all make these two females very welcome here."

Perhaps it was one's imagination but his gaze seemed to rest upon Grimmjow and Nnorita. "As my third-in-command, Kaname-san, you will be the first of this group to choose what you would like as a reward."

"Forgive me Aizen-sama however, what my heart desires is not within your power to grant," said Kaname, bowing.

"I am sorry to hear that," said Aizen. "Should a time ever arise where I can express my gratitude in anyway please do not hesitate to ask." His gaze returned to the Espada. "Coyote Starrk is asleep therefore; we shall skip over him for the time being. Ulquiorra Cifer, I must express my gratitude for you even more so for taking care of Hueco Mundo and Las Noches in my absence. Allow me to do so by rewarding you before Baraggan and Tia. Neither of you have a problem with that, do you?"

"No Aizen-sama," said the second and third espada in unison. Then both turned and glared at Ulquiorra; though they could have been merely watching him, awaiting his answer. Ulquiorra opened his green eyes. "The woman," was all he said.

This is the very short prologue. The next chapter will be ten pages, maybe. Of course I have no idea when I will update next. Probably not for a long time.