Hey. So this is my first full/chapter story on and I really hope you guys will like it (: I've already got half the story written on my "special" notebook (it's not really special, I just like to call it special 'cause it has my stories & oneshots written in it :P hahah). Anyway, let's get on with the disclaimer, then the story...
Disclaimer: I do not own Camp Rock.
Here's the prologue. Enjoy! ((:
One and the Same
A woman named Devonne Jonas just gave birth to beautiful twins and she was holding one of them in her arms while her husband, Adam Jonas, was holding the other.
"What do you want to name them, honey?" Adam asked, looking at his wife lovingly.
"Michelle Amy Jonas and Allison May Jonas."
Her husband smiled, "Beautiful names for my beautiful daughters."
The nurse came in and told them that Allison and Michelle were to be taken to the nursery so Devonne can rest.
Devonne sighed, not wanting to be separated from her daughter. She kissed both of their foreheads and reluctantly handed them to the nurse.
"There you are. Take care of my little angels for me."
"I will." the nurse replied, smiling.
"Oh wait!" Devonne called out, the nurse turned around, "Yes?"
"May I put these bracelets on my babies?" Devonne asked, holding up two charm bracelets.
One of the charm bracelets had a music note charm, a lock and a heart with "Michelle" engraved on it. The other one had a music note charm, a key and a heart with "Allison" engraved on it.
"Sure." the nurse replied, walking over to Devonne.
Devonne put the bracelets on her daughters and kissed them one more time, "I love you." she whispered to them.
The nurse gave a smile then left with Michelle and Allison.
Devonne was awakened, hours later, by her husband frantically shaking her. She heard people screaming and saw that the place was chaotic. She saw her husband's panicked face and asked, "What's happening?"
"There's a fire!" Adam replied, "We have to get out of here NOW!"
Devonne started crying, not knowing what to do.
"Devonne!" Adam exclaimed.
"What about my babies? My daughters! I have to go save them!" Devonne stood up as Adam grabbed her hand.
They were about to get out of there when something, I suspect it was a hanging ceiling light, fell and hit Adam.
"Adam!" Devonne cried. She knelt down beside her husband who was now unconscious.
She sobbed, "Help!" she yelled but it was no use. The place was deserted.
Fire slowly surrounded the place and it was getting harder for Devonne to breathe. She coughed and coughed until eventually, Devonne dropped next to her husband, unconscious.
Meanwhile, the nurses were trying to save the infants in the nursery. When they thought they had saved them all, there were actually two more babies left, Michelle and Allison.
Fortunately, a nurse named Connie Munroe came back to check if they left any babies behind. She spotted Allison and picked her up.
Soothing the crying baby, she rocked her, "Shh. You're safe now, little one."
She then ran out of the building, not noticing Michelle.
Minutes after the nurse left, a fireman named Steve Torres came in to save anyone who was left. He heard faint crying from somewhere in the room. He saw Michelle and picked her up, cradling her. The fireman looked around once more and fled the building.
The people watched as the hospital burnt down and became nothing but a debris.
Connie Munroe held Allison as she cried, while Steve Torres cradled Michelle as she wailed. The nurse & the fireman noticed the bracelets on the twins. They took a closer look at it, and whispered,
"Shh, don't worry. You're safe now, and everything is going to be okay."
& that was the Prologue! How do y'all like it so far? I hope y'all enjoyed it! But if you didn't, then…never mind, hahah. I promise I'll update again tomorrow (: xxx.