Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts...

Riku POV

I gripped his jaw, angling it slightly before forcing his lips open and kissing him deeply - and he seemed to like the extra force. My tongue swam around in his mouth, devouring everything it touched; soon after winding itself tightly around his, pulling him into my mouth so he can explore me. His moan vibrated in my across my gums and down my throat, boosting my ego as well as confidence to pull him in toward me, his own hands busy tugging on the damp towel around my neck to keep our lips synced.

The hands that cradled his face drifted down the smooth column of his neck, taking their sweet time to glide down the soft silken skin of his shoulders and arms. It felt like my hands were possessed - as if they were having some out of body experience - as they continued to glide down Sora's creamy skin, touching wherever they could before delving into the waistband, thumbs massaging the defined shape in his pelvis and finger tips skimming across the top of his ass making him shiver.

I was watching the pleasurable faces he was making as I touched him - not able to get over the fact that his skin was so soft, that his lips were so soft, that his sighs and everything was just so soft.

Every single thing was just so damn vivid and my mind was soaking up this moment - every little fucking detail about it. My cock was hardening at the sound of his mouth noisily tasting mine and I felt the sudden need to grind it against him.

But as I pulled his hips towards mine, that damned popcorn bowl clattered to the floor, which - annoyingly - made Sora's body tense and jerk away from me almost immediately.

We stared at each other for a moment, both of us panting though I was trying to get mine somewhat under control. My brunette started to blush uncontrollably, the light of realization flickering in his eyes.

That's when I started to panic. I knew that he was starting to regret it - our first kiss.

His hand flew to his mouth, and I opened my own to give him some reassurance, to tell him that it wasn't just the moment for me and it wasn't a mistake. But... he ran. He just picked up the bowl and ran.

I was stunned and couldn't do anything at the moment except stare towards the kitchen. Towards Sora.

Was I wrong? Did I read the signals wrong?

When I thought back and remembered that look on his face - the look of total submission - and how it screamed for me just to fuck him. The way his pupils were dilated, the way he looked at me, touched me, said my name-

My cock jumped at the mental images that thought awakened.

No, I'm sure that wasn't the problem... but maybe it was just in the moment for him, and as much as that thought hurts me, I think it might be true. I know that if Sora knew my real feelings for him he wouldn't mess with me like that; he's the honest type of guy who doesn't enjoy fucking with people's feelings.

I sighed rubbing my damp palm down my face.

So the real question is... what the hell do I do?

I was starting to get frustrated, trying to stop myself from jumping to too many conclusions.

Do I try and come on to him again? Do I wait for him to come on to me? Or do I take the bitch way out and tell him it was a mistake - just a fucked up moment - to save the remnants of our friendship?

Whatever it was, I had to choose fast because this is a crucial moment and I didn't want our relationship to go south.

With determination I headed over towards the kitchen, then when thinking better about it I took a short detour to the TV first, turning it off.

No interruptions.

When I arrived at the threshold, I saw Sora setting his phone down and resting his face in his hands. His shoulders were sagging - a sign of distress - his back was arched and ass slightly turned up due to the way he was leaning against the counter. His waist and hips were exposed, the blue material dipping in just the right places that it left no imagination about the curve of his ass, even going as far as to expose some of the top of it.

It was then that I realized that I was still hard, even though I shouldn't be. I decided right then and there that I was gonna make a go for it, because it would be my only chance, and in the morning if he's not cool with it, I could say I was under the influence. Of what exactly, I wasn't too sure yet.

Suddenly I was behind him, hands on his hips and the tops of my thighs so close to touching his arse that the warmth radiating from him made my blood boil and my heart beat faster.

Immediately he bolted up moaning my name, extremely loud, "Riku!"

That right there made me wanna just tug down he rest of those night pants and fuck him hard, rough and raw right into this counter. But I restrained myself, because when it came down to it, I loved him.

That and I wasn't a fucking rapist.

But I was being tempted. I could feel how his body just wanted to sink into mine, sink and just give in and that feeling almost made me groan though I settled for humming my acknowledgement in his ear.

He shuddered ever so slightly into me making my breath quicken, but then - oddly - he froze.

And I knew exactly what was going through his mind.


My arm quickly wound around his waist then tightening around him as he tried.

"You're not gonna run from me Sora." My voice rumbled in an octave that I didn't even know existed.

"Riku... Just-" He started, his lithe form beginning to tremble.

He was scared.


At that moment I felt just like the delinquent that most made me out to be... even though they just base most of that theory off of my hair.

But back to the matter at hand.

"Just what? Let you go?"

He nodded slowly.

"Sorry. Can't do that." My breathing started to become a little heavier, Sora's shivering becoming a bit more defined.

I was scaring him... but I needed him to know... I just can't hold it in anymore, I had to stop lying to him - I had to clear my conscious.

My mind just started to speak for me, not caring how it sounded.

"You know what I was just doing in the bathroom?"

I wasn't expecting the answer, "I have a feeling that you're about to tell me." - or any answer for that matter.

The sentence flashed through my mind right before it came tumbling out my mouth. There was absolutely no way to stop it.

"I was jerking off."

Ugh, fucking hell. Why did I say that? I must sound like a-

But it seemed my subconscious picked up on something I did not.

I paused in my ranting to feel the hammering of Sora's heart beneath my fingertips and the heaving of his chest pressing against my hand.

Knowing this fact send a jolt of desire through me, once a again spurring me on with the single thought that I really couldn't fuck things up worse.

"I was jerking off... to that sexy pout you make... when things don't go your way."

My mind was blank, and suddenly I was aware if everything again. And it didn't slip by me that a breathless Sora was currently in my arms, heart pumping madly and not resisting in the slightest.

And then he moaned my name.


It was sweet, soft and very identical to the one I heard earlier... but I knew that couldn't have been him. It wouldn't make any sense.

My mouth continued on, "I was jerking off to the way your nipples look under that small ass top." As I said this a hand felt its way up to latch on the side of his shirt, pulling at it slightly to release the buttons.

The shirt fell open revealing said nipples to my practically starved gaze, and I honestly tried my best to keep calm. The nubs were hardened and flushed, the skin around the areola slightly goose bumped and there were no marks - anywhere.

The sight made him that much hotter- if that was even possible - and made me wonder things. Like how he would react if I just whipped him around to pinch, lick and torture those beautiful nipples of his.

"Hmm... Were you?" His voice a sensual caress, "All I remember are your sighs and groans."

My heart skipped a beat, tightening feeling on my chest refusing to go

Wait, so- "So you were there..."

Sora's shocked silence affirmed it even more.

He was there.

Suddenly everything made sense. His disheveled, flushed and breathless person when I entered the kitchen; his erratic answers and gestures, the panicked look on his face... the erotic glaze over his eyes.

I felt completely and totally mind-fucked.

What exactly could this all add up to? Where did this put us in our currently unstable and unidentified relationship? I wasn't so sure yet and wasn't ready to jump to conclusions.

Everything just seemed so surreal, like some alternate universe or some overly active, fucked up dream.

Then an idea popped into my head, one that would really royally fuck our relationship if I was wrong. If I was... I'd walk away and try and get over him - but if I was right...

My heart soared, though I didn't wanna get to hopeful.

Take one step at a time.

"Is this a regular occurrence? Standing outside the bathroom while I shower?"

I prepared myself. Good or bad. This was it the moment of almost truth.

"And if it was?"

My whole body came to a complete stop - except a certain few being my heart and my cock.

Forget the fact that I wasn't expecting him to say that, but to think that every time I took a shower Sora was on the other side of the door listening as I secretly got off on him - that to was a complete and utter mind-fuck, not to mention bodily stimulating.

I honestly couldn't think and that wasn't healthy - at least not for Sora - not when I was this turned on.

"If you did-" I started, interrupting my own self to deeply breathe in the scent ingrained into his skin.

Suddenly my mind was clouded by thoughts of permeating my scent all over his body very possessively, much like a dog would do to his own mate. And what better way would you cover something on your scent than to rub your body all over its surface.

Skin to skin contact; sex. That's what I wanted.

I ran my hands over his exposed stomach to again clutch his hips, using them as leverage to spin him around, press my body against his and completely ravage his mouth.

It was then that I remembered that I was in mid-sentence.

I very reluctantly pulled away from his lips to finish with, "-You would have known I got hard for you every time." My voice had returned to that deep tenor, seeming to do wonders on him as I literally saw his eyes glimmer with lust.

"Wait," He said breathlessly, putting a finger to my lips as I prepared to go in for another sample of his.

"So... You don't like Kairi?"

My erection wilted slightly at the thought of me and her and sex - but without all the conjunctions... I was suddenly very sober.

Talk about a fucking mood killer.

"Why would I like her?"

The brunette was silent for a moment.

"I don't know." He said staring right at me. "You guys are always together..."

Well it's not like I hate her. I think of her in a more platonic role, like the little kid sister I never had... yes, that meant that she got annoying after a while but nothing I couldn't handle. What I really didn't like was how she always hung around Sora.

That pissed me off.

"I don't like her." I said simply, "I thought you liked her. I just hung around so you guys would never be alone." Which was the honest to God truth.

Sora was looking at me so innocently, eyes full of just so much trust. I couldn't take it in stride without looking like a dumbass so I avoided those blue orbs.

"Like her? I hate that bitch!" He said with a smile in his voice. "And she was the cockblocker not you."

I laughed.

This was turning out so much better than I originally thought it would. And we didn't even get to the sex part.

"Well I'm glad she was. Or maybe this would have turned out differently..." My words fading as my lips descended onto his.

As our lips touched Sora took over, his hand moving up to clutch the back of my neck forcefully making me surrender to his skillful lips and tongue. Stunned by this burst of dominance, I stumbled back a couple of steps, stepping on my forgotten towel and almost colliding with the fridge.

Whoa... Where'd he learn to kiss like this? I was almost - well I was jealous of how he learned these skills. Sora hadn't dated too often when we were younger and I haven't heard of any recent relationships. The only two possible people I knew about couldn't be it, because one was Kairi and the other was - ... hmm... I guess I forgot her name... not that she was really important anyways.

I was brought back onto to the present by his skillful tongue brushing lightly against the roof of my mouth (need another word), a major pleasure zone for me but it wasn't just the only thing of his working wonders. The hand that was holding the back of my neck had loosened up and was now weaving its fingers softly my hair and periodically pulling back sharply. Rest assured he had my full attention.

Time seemed to slow little by little until all feeling completely came to a stop. It took me a moment to crash down from my cloud nine to even try and figure out what the fuck happened. Sora had stopped kissing me with those beautiful lips, and was - again very oddly - staring off into the unknown... like he was thinking of something. Someone else.

But it seemed that my subconscious was one step ahead of me - once again - because it handled this situation rather quickly.

Before I knew what came over me I had already shoved him roughly into the counter. The action got its desired result.

Sora looked up at me with slightly confused eyes, trying to figure out what was going on which was precisely what I was doing.


Then it came to me.

Jealously. It was so simple. I was upset that there were things that have gone on in Sora's life that I had completely no idea about. Like his sudden interest in porn... or basically anything sex-wise for that matter. He never really took an interest in girls - now I can see why, but he never really took much interest in guys either.

So with that comforting thought his next action was just a completely shocking - to say the complete and utter least.

My head snapped up so I could see his face, and his self satisfied smirk told me this was exactly what he wanted.

His hand was groping me. Sora's hand was squeezing my penis. My best friend was touching my dick. No matter how my brain tried relay the situation I just couldn't piece it together.

Here I thought that I was this raving pervert probably giving him the worst scare of his life, ruining his purity and his longest and closest relationship - not to mention scaring him - and he fucking gropes me.

And if I was shocked before... well that wasn't even the half of it.

I felt him push me - a bit roughly, but that's kinda due - back against the fridge, his body about three feet away from me, small of his back leaning against the counter and his hands gripping the same.

Then I felt something slowly sliding up on my leg, but before I could actually investigate it had already reached it's destination.

"Sor- The fuck-nnn..."

The heel of his foot was pressed sweetly against my erection. And when he started to move - God - every honest thought, and every intention of letting him go - unwilling or not - was just engulfed and swept away by the wave of lust that washed over my entire being, head to toe.

He started to grind the heel lightly, teasingly, accenting the contrasts of the light and heavy pressure he applied.

"When'd you learn to-" My question interrupted by a groan, "- give out foot-jobs?"

He paused his movements before blushing, choosing to continue by lightly stroking his toes along my clothed length.

He then smiled wistfully and shrugged and said, "A skill acquired by practice... I guess."

His eyes trailed sensually down my exposed chest, resting at my crotch for a moment before traveling back up to my own wide eyes.

I was shocked, and quite fucking frankly I was curious to how and where he had acquired this skill.

His words kept repeating themselves in my head, over and over - then it hit me. Fuck that English teacher that tried to fail me, because I know what context clues are and he said 'guess'.

I smirked, "Hmm... You guess?"

I started toward Sora, his leg bending between us, successfully trapping him against the counter.

"Umm..." He started, looking a bit anxious, "Yeah..."

I could tell he was starting to become worried, and that only made my inference all the more valid.

"You can't guess about your skill," Wanting to be even closer to the brunette, I moved forward and was practically towering over the younger boy.

The image of Sora underneath me; his milky unblemished skin and hardened nipples unable to escape my gaze, and those innocent sapphire orbs looking up at me so defenseless - just seeing this and knowing what was to come of it, made me unbelievably hot.

Desire washed over me as I tilted my head slightly to drink in the scent at his neck.

"You have to know." Finally completing my sentence, puffs of breath ghosting over his the shell of his ear.

I felt his body start to tremble, and as a result his breaths came out little breathy - trembling - spurts.

He started straight into my eyes, "Do you know?"

I swallowed, trying to moisten my suddenly very dry mouth and throat.

That sounded like an invitation.

And the smile that spread across my lips at that thought was deliberately slow, suggestive, and very fitting for the situation.

"And what if I do?"

He smiled mischievously, "If you know... maybe you can teach a young..." He paused for a moment, eyes lighting up with his next choice of words, "... Novice something new..."

I laughed at that.

He really doesn't know what he's getting himself into.

"Teach a novice something new..." A particular fantasy - a fetish in a sense - seemed to reappear in my mind, "Hmm, maybe I can do that..."

I grabbed the underside of the brunettes' knee trapped between us as well as the freed and parted them, comfortably settling my pelvis between them and my grin against his. Wrapping his legs around my waist, ensuring the maximum contact at the moment, and leaning in to further corner my prey.

Sora, somewhat confused as to why I was leaning in so far, inadvertently fattened himself out against the counter top. I again took this moment to notice how sexy his (slightly abused) nipples looked against beautiful pale skin - I admit that I might have a slight fetish with them.

"So." I started casually, "The question now is, what do you know?"

Sora arched his back, pressing his crotch sweetly against mine, damn near getting a rise out of me - but that would defeat the purpose.

I wanted him to give me a taste, to show me his skills so I'll know what I can help him improve on.


I sound like a dirty old man.

Sora raised an eyebrow at the position of my stationary hips, soon getting the picture and not wasting anytime to perform.

And damn did he ever.

The brunette slid his hand up my chest and around my neck, only to jerk me into a intense kiss. It was an electrifying feeling, his lips against mine - or it was until he added tongue. The warm appendage was as light as a feather as he gilded it across the upper and lower portions of my lips. I couldn't resist; I opened my lips allowing him to explore, and as his tongue brushed mine, I completely forgotten the reason for this - until he smirked against my lips, that is.

Just as I got myself back under control the phone rang, Sora's phone to be specific. He unexpectedly ignored it, perfectly normal under the circumstances but odd for the brunette period.

So I reached for the phone next to his head and answered it after, begrudgingly, ending the kiss.


"Riku...?" Kairi's said, voice screeching in my ear, "Oh! Hi, how are you?"

Sora rolled his eyes at that and I inwardly smiled at that.

"Better than fine actually... Just a little frustrated."

Before I knew it, that blue eyed brunette face palmed.

"Oh, well I'm glad you're fine." There was a moment of silence, "Of Sora there? I wanted to talk to him?"

As soon as I looked at the male goiter conformation, he immediately shook his head.

"Well yes and no. He's I'm the shower. You wanna leave a message or something?"

"Umm... Sure. Just tell him that it's really important, and he really needs to get back to me. Okay?"

Sent and delivered.

"Got it." I answered nonchalantly.

"Good, alright talk to you later. Bye."

I hung up without response.

Sora groaned, fully laying back against the counter once again.

The brunette sighed, "Because that didn't totally ruin the mood." He looked as if he was almost pouting.

It was cute.

"Then we'll just have to create a new one." I breathed against the other males' cheek, setting the phone down.

"Alright then. I'm waiting."

A/N: Hey guys... It's been like years since I updated this story and I apologize for that. My creative juices started flowing again since I'm not so focused/stressed about school and I'm senior year of high school is almost done - thank fuck. I've been really busy with my senior year, you know senior exit project, community service and the like. Actually, I've been done this chapter for a couple of months now and I've just been neglecting to post it, I decide today was a good day because I was cleaning out my inbox and saw an review for a couple stories of mine so I decided to stop being a jerk and just post the damn chapter lol. Anyways, I promise that the next three chapters to tie this up will be here a lot sooner.

Reviews please? I'm really curious about how my new writing style sounds.