Movie Night

Riku POV

Disclaimer: I own the movie... hehehe... not the audience of course

Why is there never anything on TV?

I sighed as I flipped through the channels, landing on a random one.

It was a cooking show... Sora takes interest in them, not me... Wonder why he likes them so much?

I smiled as I remembered how he sit and diligently takes notes, staring onto the TV as if it gave him life. Then he'd insist we go to the store so he could try the recipe. Shopping around... He always looked so cute... especially that time he picked up the cayenne instead of the cinnamon. A slight pink tinting his cheeks.

And this is how I ended up watching food net, smiling like a dumbass the whole time. I didn't even notice the door opened until Sora stood in front of the TV, grinning like some kind of madman.

"So this is what you do when I go out... Riku learns how to cook."

I hid my smile, which was near impossible, switching off the TV.

"There was nothing on." My voice going stoic.

"Mmmhmm... Of course there wasn't." He walked away, returning with a bag.

"Okay. So I went to the store, then the post office- Never mind that." My lips ached to smile... Among other things...

"Guess what I bought!" I

looked down at the bag then back up at him.

"More junk?"

His pout was what I wanted to see. "It's not junk... It's decoration!"

Sora set the bag on the floor, crouching in front of it, starting to dig through.

"Ta-da!" His hand snapped up pulling a tiki mask to his face.

I could almost picture him in a skimpy grass skirt, a wooden spear and the tribal markings smeared all across his chest. He had the crouch down... Now all he had to do was get rid of those clothes... Bad Riku...

"-u think?" The brunette was looking as me expectantly.

I shrugged, thinking this the best answer.

Sora sighed, setting the mask on the floor and delving in the bag again. This time he pulled out a vase...

"What about this?"

"Looks like you stole it from some old hobo."

"Meanie." He put the items back in the bag and pulled out a package from his coat.

"This was at the post office for you," He tossed it towards me while heading to the hallway, "It's from Axel."

I raised an eyebrow.

Since when did Ax start using the post office...? No... Roxas probably put him up to it.

I laughed at the thought... mentally.

I ripped open the yellow envelope and a DVD case fell out, words on the sticky note.

Okay Ax... random shit.

Had nothin' better to do so I read it.

Hey you Fuckers.

I was was surfin' the net and saw this vid. It reminded me of you two roomies so... Watch it.

The Obnoxious Flaming Pyro,

Axel Lea.

"What's that?" I looked up stunned by what I saw. Sora was standing at the hall opening . My attention as drawn to what he was wearing.

He was bear foot, pajama legs draping over his toes while hanging low around the waist. Dangerously low... Sora had a thing with boxers and pajamas... Couldn't wear one with the other. But that wasn't what was concerning me. That shirt of his was. It was the blue pajama top, only held together by the second button. Exposing more of his slightly tanned skin. I never understood ow a top can be smaller than the matching bottoms... Smaller but just as baggy.

Like Jesus! Doesn't the man know I'm gay!

...I think he knew... I mean it's obvious, my best friend just called his self flaming... Not even counting his latest obsession for fire... And blondes...

I mean what did Sora think when his brother wanted to move in with Ax? That they just wanted to be roomies... Like us?

Sora had always been the naive child... I sighed, spirits put down.

Wait... Didn't he ask me a question?

"Umm... Some DVD from Ax."

He nodded, "Wanna watch it? I'll make the popcorn?" The brunette leaned down on the arm of the couch, giving me an excellent view of his nipples.


"Yeah." I smiled, despite my dilemma.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I tried my best not to bolt from the living, away from Sora.

I did good so far and wasn't about to fuck it up now. I paused in front of the bathroom, deciding if I should go to my room and get my towel.

You know what... Fuck the towel.

I stepped in the bathroom, shedding my clothes with care.

My skin gets really sensitive when I'm hard. I turned on the shower, waiting until it got hot, then jumped in.

First off, I didn't come in here to get clean.

I'm jacking off now so I don't cause any problems later.

I didn't imagine fucking Sora, I didn't have to. He was sexy to me as is...

His creamy skin, lush brown locks. His sexy pout that tinged his cheeks slightly pink. And thoes pert nipples under that little night shirt. How I would like to just-

I groaned, currently sitting on shower floor, fisting slow and hard not just to last but to stay quiet.

I'm not stupid enough to call out Sora's name when he could walk by any second. And Sora's known to frequently forget things. So I just settled for low groans, and soft hisses. '


I felt a jolt pass though me, and I paused... Listening to my surroundings.


I swear my imagination wasn't that good.

Why else would Sora be calling my name... and in pleasure?

It didn't seem possiable... Well, in this universe anyways.

I sighed, resuming my pace.

My mind was ringing with Sora's voice calling my name. Over and over.

Somehow my eyes closed, lids bringing me a image. Perverted of course.

And though I don't usually picture him like this; flushed, sweaty, and legs spread. Sprawled all over the sheets, impatiently waiting for me to take him. Begging me, "Riku... Riku..."

I exploded at that image. I relaxed, the pelting of the water on my skin slowly bringing me down from my high.

My hand fished around for the shower bar pulling my self up.

Well I might as well wash, don't wanna smell like sweat after jumping out of an shower.

Shower gel... Axe. Chocolate Sensations.

Sora is absolutely in love with the smell.

After pouring out a generous amount, I lathered and scrubbed my self clean.

I jumped out of the shower, remembering how I didn't bother getting a towel. I doubt that it was cold out there anyways. Sora usually keeps the house fairly warm.

And I was right, it wasn't really cold.

My legs lead me to my room, and I picked the towel up off my bed.

Did I leave this here before?

Whatever, it's not important.

After I dried off, I grabbed some boxers and night pants.

If Sora wanted to run around half naked, two could play that game.

I slid into them not seeing how the brunette could run around with just pajama pants. But that's his choice... And my problem.

I slung the towel around my neck, just letting my silver locks drip dry. I made my way over to the living room but didn't stay for long because there was some mumbling in the kitchen.

Sora was just standing there gripping the counter, looking flustered.


He turned, looking like he just stole something.

"Are... You okay?" I started towards him, but stopped when I saw how he backed into the counter.

"I'm... I'm fine." His voice sounded a bit breathless... eyes glazed.

"... Are you high?"

Sora blushed. "No. You know I don't do that..."

I laughed, "Just checking."

We stood awkwardly. And when I looked him over, everything seeming to be out of place.

His hair was deflated, clothes just the slightest bit out of place, the heaving of his chest that could go unnoticed... His eyes still had that glazed over look. A small blissful smile graced his lips.

Seeing him like that made you think he just got fucked into the mattress. Nicely fucked.

My fantasy flashed before my eyes. I literally shuddered.

"Did you make the popcorn?"

Sora snapped out of his thoughts. "Umm... Yeah. It's already in the living room."

I nodded, heading back out, sitting on the couch. Popcorn sat on the coffee table, and it actually smelled pretty good. Considering all the other fail attempts from before.

I shook my head.

Sora really is clumsy.

"Where's the CD?" Sora stood a the a little ways off from me.

"Here." I flung it to him.

He caught it with ease, bending over to slide the disk into the DVD player.

I just sat there contented to watch the crease of his ass through those pj's.

"Alright!" He skipped over and plopped down insanely close to me. Though not quite touching me.

He pulled the bowl into his lap, happily munching my hand grabbed some popcorn, I imagined groping another part of him...

Bad Riku.

I turned my attention back to the screen. I guess nothing much was happening yet, considering it was only the beginning.

The brunette was laying on the bed, talking on the phone to a guy. Probably her boyfriend...

The fuck Ax send us this for?

Not even a second after I asked my self that question was it answered.

The girl, still holding a conversation, slid her hand down her chest right into her pants.

Ehhh... Ax... I fail to see how this reminded you of us... Two guys... Not some bitch in heat.

I had no problem with straight porn, it's not like it could get me hot anyways.

looked over at Sora, eyes just wide in surprise.

"Hey... You wanna turn this off?" Sora shook his head, eyes drawn to the girl.

I silently huffed.

Whatever, back to the vid.

Okay... So she moaned on the phone, and is trying to explain why while touching her self...

I honestly don't understand. If you got caught the first time... Why continue? Is it some heightened pleasure thing? Or are people literally that dumb when horny?

Sora made a sound in the back of his throat and looked over to find Sora gripping his knee blushing away.

Sorta made me jealous. 'Cause really want to make him do that and much more... Much more...


She laid the phone against her shoulder, covering her mouth with her free hand.

I at least give her props for trying to keep quiet. But she still failed because her moans were filling the room. Which in fact was really awkward.

Sora actually looked shell shocked. His eyes were wide, though not as much as before... Pupils dilated... Don't tell me he's-

An particularly obnoxious moan sounded from the TV; And what guy, gay or straight wouldn't turn for that?

Turns out she removed her hand, seemingly forgetting about the phone beside her. Though the free hand went straight to work on the flatest chest I've ever seen on a girl.

But it's understandable. Ax is only gay. So I'm guessing he doesn't like tripple E's.

The brunette was panting... The one on the TV. Though mine might be too...

I looked over to Sora, who looked about ready to do everything that girl was right now.

Dammit All! Why the hell is he straight?

I was getting hard from the slight heaving of sora's chest. Nipples showing proudly through that top that honestly can't be called a top.

I forced my eyes back to the TV.

Fucked up phone sex... That's what I deemed this video. But it wasn't.

The door was suddenly kicked open, silver haired man standing there with phone in hand. The girl looked surprised, obviously trying to pull her self together.

Silverette... Brunette...?

Is this why Axel said it reminded him of us? It made sense.

And I really thought I had it all figured out. But that wasn't even the kicker.

When the man legitimately ripped the pants off the brunette, a dick sprang out.

I was just beyond surprised.

Like you would think that you'd see a bulge or something before hand.

Even beyond all the TV's moans, I heard the soft one beside me.

Sora was slumped in the couch, not paying me any type of mind as he ran his fingers across his exposed stomach.

And I seriously thought he'd be fuckin' freaked that it was a man. Hmm...

I paid attention to the TV just in time to see the silver haired seme hoist his uke's hips up into doggystyle and then just ram in violently.

It made me shiver.

The uke didn't even get time to adjust before he began the brutal pace. There were just screams flowing from speakers.

"Oh my god..." Was the breathless response of my roommate.

Sora looked beautiful, not like some bitch in heat... Lips parted, breathing deeply, slumped in the couch, popcorn forgotten between his thighs.

I reached for it... The popcorn of course.

I turned my head, watching him out the corner of my eye.

The sapphire orbs widened once again, turning to look at me.

"Riku..." It was a plead, for something completely different. But it had the same effect on me.

Of course I was harder, and I literally hand to force my self not jump him. But that didn't keep me away from the popcorn.

I was actually proud of my self, my self control I mean.

If he had did this fifteen minutes ago, I'd be charged for rape.


I paused.

But even after all that, I don't think I could take much more of this. So I ignored him, continuing to eat the popcorn.

There was a hot hand on my arm, "Riku..."

My eyes flashed to his, my warning hopefully clear.

His shiver tingled across my skin.

I'm really not sure what happened the rest of the movie, probably the usual cumshots and afterglow. I was too busy staring at Sora.

A then for some unknow reason, he moaned.

That broke my so called "self control".

I yanked him towards me and gave him a kiss he'd never forget.

A/N: So this is the first installment of 3 or 4... Next chappie is gonna be a repeat of this chapter but in Sora's POV, which I'm figuring out now... the words have to flow to me some how. The third chapter is gonna be the lemon, either in first person Riku or Sora or Third person (which isn't likely). If I do a fourth chappie, it would probably be the morning after or some akuroku something such.

Sorry to leave this on a cliffy but I really need to post this... I'll try and get back to this soon.