Hey! So I updated even though I got 5 reviews… oh well.

A pleasant looking woman came down from the old wooden staircase. She had withered, dark brown hair, and warm brown eyes. Her slightly pale skin was kept in good shape. She smiled widely, and when she reached the bottom, spoke soothingly. "Hello, dears. I am Anya Siren; please call me Anya, though.

"I just want to let you know that there are two rooms upstairs and two downstairs. The boys are downstairs. You all can pick your dorm-mates, I really don't mind. You all have an hour to unpack, until supper, which is at 7:00pm, alright? Dinner will be served, and we'll go over some ground rules then, alright? Off you go, now." Anya waved us off to the respective dorms, and we (meaning the girls) dragged our trunks upstairs.

"The boys have it easy," The brunette with hot pink tips complained. "They don't need to go upstairs."

"C'mon, Ev, put your muscle into it!" The dirty blond said with a laugh.

Alianne looked at me with a hopeful smile. "Room with me?"

I nodded, and reached the top of the stairs. I dashed into the first room open, which was across a narrow area with a door. Mental note to check that out later.

I slid my trunk to the side that I wanted. Even though the room was gray, the window on my side was crystal clear, and had a window seat too. I sat on it, smiling. This was perfection.

"Hey, Carly," Alianne said, "how about we set up a little, and then go downstairs to meet the others?"

"Sounds good," I replied.

I fished out my bedding and got busy. There was a white fitted sheet, with a matching flat sheet and pillow. Also, a comforter with black, gray, purple, lime green, and blue stripes and a pillow with the same designs.

I put a bottle of seltzer water on the table next to me, my painting kit in the desk, and an extra blanket in the closet. Slowly, but surely, my entire wardrobe was in our closet. Then, the dresser was set up, and after a little while, my side of the room felt like home. The last thing in my trunk was my complete collection of books I couldn't live without: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, Twilight, and a few others… well not a few. Let's just say I like to read. These books filled up the bookshelf's top shelf, leaving two shelves for Alianne.

"Ready?" I asked Alianne. She nodded, and we left our room.

We both loved the look of the living room. There was red armchairs and couches scattered around, and soft carpets.

Alianne and I made small talk in the living room until the others slowly trickled in. We sat down on the spacious couch, and chatted until a housemate arrived.

The boy with long blonde hair who was flirting came in, with an all too perfect smile. He sat down beside me, while Alianne's eyes bugged out with a smile of her own.

"Hey, I'm Dakota," he said, his flirty grin still showing. He stuck his hand out.

"Carly, nice to meet you," I smiled, but it was really one of those I'll-punch-your-eyes-out-unless-you-stop smiles. I don't really know if he got the hint.

"And you?" asked Dakota, looking at Alianne.

"Alianne, call me Ali or Annie," she replied, mirroring his flirty expressions. Oh, joy (please note my sarcasm).

I was about to die of boredom (mainly because Dakota and Alianne were openly flirting, which was just a little annoying), when Anya called everyone to the table for supper. Alianne sat on one end of the table, next to the head, which Dakota oh-so-kindly sat down in.

I was about to sit on the other side of Alianne when Blondie and Eric barged in and both of them crashed into me…like, literally crashed into me. Was I embarrassed? Yes. Annoyed? Yes. Planning to kill both of them? Absolutely. Alianne was laughing really hard along with Dakota. The other two girls were trying to hide their smiles when they walked in, and the corners of mystery boy's mouth curled up… a fraction of an inch. I guess he wasn't as much of an ally as I thought.

Okay, I'll admit, it was funny. But still, just because I was the type of person to hold a grudge, I was plotting for revenge. Blondie was laughing and easily stood up and dusted himself off, while Eric and I were still tangled.

"I told you she would get mad," Blondie said. "Pay up."

"Later," Eric said, with a frown on his face. He got himself out and stood up. "I am so sorry Carly."

"It's fine. As for you," I said to Austin, "you planned for me to get knocked over?"

He nodded with a grin and offered me his hand. "Sorry."

I pretended to grab his hand gratefully, before I pulled him down… hard.

"Are you kidding me? What was that for?" He asked, glaring.

"It's called: Don't mess with me, I know capoiera ,"I told him.

"What?" he asked, confused. I shook my head with a sly grin.

Then, I finally sat down next to Alianne, and Austin (calling him Blondie was kind of getting old) sat beside me, smiling. Eric sat at the other head of the table, and mystery boy sitting across from Austin. The dirty blonde girl sat next to me, and the brunette sat with Dakota, batting her eyelashes, just a little bit.

Anya started laying pots of vegetables, chicken, and rice, along with a basket of bread rolls on the table. She started to arrange the food, and suggest we all introduced ourselves.

"I'm Alianne," she said, beaming. Dakota introduced himself next, and we all went around the table until I was left. I muttered "Carly" and then we all dug in. So, mystery boy was Emmett, the dirty blonde was Nicole, and the brunette was Evelyn.

Anya's food was heavenly. I felt so comfortable with her, and her chicken was to die for. Seriously, it was good food. I could get used to it.

Before she gave out desert, she told us about the rules. The more important ones consisted of go to bed at 10:00pm, stay in the house if you were sick, and not to skip school. She also sorted out the chores; my chore for this week was vacuuming on Saturday.

I glanced at Austin, and he frowned… probably had already planned to skip school, or disliked his chore.

Before we left, we all helped clear the table this night. Then, we went to our respective rooms. I quickly brushed my teeth, hair, and took off my jewelry in the bathroom.

Evelyn wanted all of us to hang out in our room until lights outs, so we all sat in a circle and talked. Evelyn, of course, brought up a forbidden question: "Who do you think is cute?"

She signaled for me to go first. "Eric is insanely handsome. But I don't think I'd date him," I admitted.

Nicole, looked at me with a smile. "He is gorgeous. But I think Austin takes the cake."

I wrinkled my nose. Sure, he was good-looking, but what else did he have? Independence? His incredible sneakiness was not attractive, nor was his annoyingness. I told Nicole this, and she smiled and shrugged.

We all had to admit that Emmett's "strong but silent" attitude was incredibly cool. It kind of lured all of us in, at one point.

"But Dakota… oh my goodness, he is perfect," Evelyn said. Alianne had to agree.

"His eyes are so blue," Alianne gushed.

"His hair is so adorable," Evelyn said.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys shouldn't fall for his charm. It's completely over-used."

"So you admit he has charm?" Alianne said.

"Sure…" I said, smiling, but rolling my eyes.

We kept going on like this, but then a deep man's voice came from the entrance.

"You all have five minutes, and then… I want to hear a pin drop."

The other girls scurried back to their room, and Alianne and I got ready for bed. She went to the bathroom, and I rummaged through my clothing for sleepwear.

I heard the door creak open and saw Austin walked in silently. He gave me a sweet smile, set a cardboard box on my bed, and slipped away silently.

I wasn't sure if the box was a prank, but I opened it and saw a cute little teddy bear sitting inside. Its smooth white fur was flawless, and it's eyes were little gray dots. I set it on my desk, facing the room.

You're going to think this is weird, but I literally went into our closet and changed in there… just in case another person saw me. Austin didn't knock, after all. I came out in a camisole and short shorts, and tossed my uniform into a hamper. Alianne walked in with a smile, and wished me a good night.

I thought about all the new people I met today, and then thought of my parents. I hoped they were doing okay. I remembered the weird piece of paper that I found in my letter. Maybe I'll tell Alianne about it tomorrow.

I tucked myself into bed and started to dream. This was the start of the dreams… or more like nightmares.

***(Third Person POV)***

Meanwhile, a young boy turned on his laptop and smirked. He motioned for his roommate to come over and see the computer.

After pressing a few buttons, a small video of a girly room came up.

"What's this?" his roommate asked.

He merely smiled until his friend realized what he had done. A small camera was video-taping that girls' room. They both saw two figures lying in their beds.

One girl suddenly sat up straight in her bed. She was like a robot, sitting perfectly. Her eyes looked pale, and almost seemed blind. She stared at the wall. She breathed evenly for a few moments, and then let out a shaky breath. The boys looked at each other in wonder, and then the girl spoke in a raspy voice.

"Though this is a simply boarding school, hidden within the walls is a clue. The rulers of this world shall not rule, when the sacrifice will find the shoe," the girl said this, but it sounded like three of her. Green smoke came out of her lips as she said this, and then she let out a perfectly high pitched scream.

She fell back down into her bed and continued sleeping peacefully.

***(Carly's POV)***

Someone was shaking me like crazy. "Wake up, wake up!" she yelled, frantically. I slowly opened my eyes, and wiped them groggily. "What?"

"Are you okay?" Nicole asked, helping me up.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused.

"Someone screamed bloody murder a moment ago," Evelyn explained. Just then, Anya and the four boys dashed into the room, asking all sorts of questions.

"Who?" I asked, looking around.

Then, Alianne walked over to me and stood right in front of my face. "You," she breathed.

Cliffy? Let me know what you think with a review!