HEY EVERYONE! This is my first fanfic ever and I hope you enjoy one of my favorite pairings just as much as i do...AMU AND IKUTO. Aren't they the cutest X3. Enjoy and comment for a person who wishes for feedback on all aspects of her writing. ARIGATOU!

Hinamori Amu is an upcoming freshman in college. She is excited to begin her life full of the freedoms of being an adult. Though freedom is not the only part of being independent in this world. In her journey through college she makes many friends and even begins to experience her first real love. Tsukiyomi Ikuto takes her on an exciting journey she soon will not forget. (is rated teen but in the FAR FAR FUTURE may contain M rated content ^w^)

Chapter 1: New Lifestyle

"YES FREEDDOM!" I exclaimed as I sniffed the air on the campus of New York University. My mind overflowed with ideas of what I should do first while being in New York City.

"There's so much to do… but maybe I should make friends first". My parents helped me rent a condo that I would be sharing with a girl named Nadeshiko Fujisaki. I hadn't quite met her yet but I was eager to see so I took a taxi to MY new condo.

IT WAS PERFECT. My New York City condo was exactly what I had dreamed of it. It was fairly close to my classes and it was within walking distance of my favorite stores andrestaurants. College is going to be amazing I thought to myself. The room first walking into the condo was the kitchen. It was a modern style kitchen with lots of silvers and reds that gave it a mature air. There was a silver island table in the shape of a crescent with long pale white chairs seated behind the curve. There was a big living room not separated from the kitchen, containing a view of the city through a glass window. Before I was able to examine my room the door unlocked and I assumed it was my new roommate.

My roommate walked up to me and introduced herself "Hello my name is Nadeshiko Fujisaki, I look forward to living with you" WOW I thought SHES SO BEAUTIFUL AND FRIENDLY TOO X3,

"I hope we can be good friends" she said with a friendly grin on her face. She had light brown eyes with gorgeous long silky black hair, that almost seemed as if it had a purple tint, and it was tied up into one long pony tail.

"Hi I'm Hinamori Amu and I'm also looking forward to a GREAT freshman year in college with you" And thus our friendship began.

After Nade and I, which she insisted Id call her, finished introducing ourselves, we both continued onto our rooms. I stood there in awe as my room also fit the meaning of perfection. Three walls were painted a dark rich red while one wall was remained one of the various shades of white (use your imagination T_T). Ahhh the color of romance I thought, thinking of the various naughty things that could and WOULD be done in this room (hehe). My bed was quite ordinary, a dirty white color with a black design of a flower branching over the entire bed spread. I jumped on top of my bed not believing where I was and how I got there. It was probably around 7:00 when I slowly drifted off into a sleep.

When I woke up I was frantic being that it was 9: 30 and classes started at 10:00. I ran into the kitchen and saw Nade sitting at the island table with a cup of tea. She realized how frantic I was and asked "What are you in a rush for Amu?" as I speedily got breakfast ready.

"GONNA BE LATE FOR CLASS" I replied, then she giggled and said with a smirk on her face

" You do realize it's a Saturday" Then I stopped in my tracks with a dumb expression on my face.

I then whispered " Ill be going back to sleep =_=" and I went back into my room only to hear Nade giggle once again. As I laid in bed my annoyed expression slowly changed to a silly grin.

When I finished catching up on the remainder of my sleep I walked into the kitchen/living room and realized that Nade was not in the house. I sat down at the kitchen table only to realize there was a piece of paper stating Nade's number on the front, which I entered into my phone. My stomach was telling me that it was time to eat so I thought it would be a good idea to go to a local coffee spot. When I arrived at the coffee shop I sat down and a waiter came to take my order. I looked up and noticed that this waiter was hot! His messy dark hair complemented his sapphire misty eyes. He wore a plain black t-shirt and black skinny jeans that revealed his cut and tone physique while being thin. I could tell he was around my age and he looked oddly familiar.

He looked at me and smiled saying "Hello beautiful may I take your order".

I sat there and didn't realize how much and long I was staring until he said, "Miss your order", and I quickly replied while blushing, "Ill have a chai latte and a blueberry muffin". I watched him until he walked behind the counter and met my eyes. I looked away blushing intensely when I noticed him smirk. I quickly walked out of the coffee shop after finishing my brunch.

The hot waiter then stopped me and said "Hey you're cute here's my number", and handed me a slip of paper.

I replied quickly, "That's very kind but you are a stranger"

"The names Ikuto, Tsukiyomi Ikuto give me a call when you are feeling bored"

Who was this guy anyway! The nerve he had to make such an offering upon first meet! "THANK YOU VERY MUCH BUT NO!" and I walked away as fast as I could.

After being thoroughly humiliated by that Ikuto guy I realized that I was in lack of money to pay for the condo. IT WAS TIME TO GET A JOB! I bought a newspaper and looked for a job. A job working at a specific coffee shop caught my eye…it was the one that guy Ikuto was working at! It was the only job on the list that I would want so I decided I would head to the coffee shop the next morning. When I was in front of my doorstep I heard an unusual racket coming from my room being that Nade seemed like a quiet and calm person (though I've heard dorm life can get crazy XD).

I unlocked the door and was attacked by a stranger screaming "ITS AMU WE FINALLY MEET!" then I saw Nade who sounded annoyed when she said "Yaya get off of Amu your scaring her and she hasn't even met you yet"

Then this so called Yaya let go and said with a friendly smile on her face "Hi, sorry about that….I'm Yuiki Yaya, Nade's friend, Nice to meet you!"

"Haha that's alright. My name is Hinamori Amu nice to meet you." Then Yaya excitedly replied, "Yaya is super excited that she has made a new friend XD!" SHE IS SO CUTE! I thought to myself. She had reddish orange hair that was fairly short and tied into pigtails, which gave her a look younger than she was (though her behavior didn't help…). Though Yaya was a very animated person I knew I would come to adore her! I finally made another friend and classes haven't even started yet!

"Yaya…" I said, "Just wondering….how old are you anyway?" there was a silence and I heard a snicker coming from Nade before Yaya replied "Yaya is 20 years old…." HAHAHAHA REALY? YAYA BEING 20 YEARS OLD!

Then Yaya said "I bet you are mentally laughing at me Xb" "Haha yeah kinda…because you act and look so much younger..." "YAYA IS UPSET!" she exclaimed then walked out of the room.

Nade started to laugh then said "Im sorry Amu…Yaya rarely gets upset but she hates when people cant tell her age though she chooses to act younger".

"Oh I see but I actually think its adorable and makes her interesting" I giggled "

Yaya burst out of the room excitedly "REALY? YOU THINK YAYA IS ADORABLE?" "Of course who cares if people cant guess your age?"

"Yay! Amu is definitely going to be one of Yaya's good friends!"

This made me blush and I decided to change the topic "So Yaya… where do you live right now" "Well…Yaya is looking for a another place to move because the rent was to high at my old place. Nade is letting Yaya stay here until she is able to find a new place!"

"Oh yeah…" Nade interrupted "I meant to tell you that Yaya is going to be staying here for a little while, you don't mind do you…?"

"Of course not, im glad to have one more person I'm rooming with." Yaya ran up to me and hugged me "Thank you Amu ssooo mucchh! We are going to have so much fun together!"

"So Amu…" Nade asked "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Well I actually am going to find a job being that I cant rely on my parents to continue paying for my rent…I think I'm going to try working at that coffee shop down the street" then

Yaya interrupted and said as she was sitting on the couch "You mean the one with the hot waiter….he has messy hair and he's kinda mysterious right?"

"OMG you know him…he sort of made a move on me…"

"Really! What did he say?" both Yaya and Nade exclaimed in unison.

"Well he said I was cute… then asked me to call him if I was bored but I was embarrassed and didn't even know him….so I didn't take his number…." Then Yaya replied "BAKA! Yaya would have taken his number and acted all mature for that guy…Amu is so lucky!"

"Really…I'm not sure I'd like a guy who would easily pick up girls like that…"

"I guess your right…" Yaya said "But I'd still feel accomplished! XD"

Then Nade added "Uhh I agree with Amu he is a complete stranger I wouldn't take his number either…." Then for the rest of the night we stayed up talking about the so-called mysterious Ikuto on the living room floor and couch.

When I woke up all of us were spread out on the floor covered by a blanket that Yaya had most of. Jeez Yaya is such a crazy sleeper I thought to myself. I made sure to check the time finding out it was 10:00 and thought I should let Yaya and Nade sleep. After getting ready for the job interview at the coffee shop I left the house and headed over. Thankfully Ikuto did not show up yet so I was able to get through my interview easily and was actually accepted on the spot. Wait…. why would or should I care if Ikuto was there or not…Anyway I was actually able to start working today, which I made sure to text Nade and Yaya.

The manager of the coffee shop introduced me to a guy named Hotori Tadase who was asked to show me how to work the coffee machines.

The manager said "Tadase! Please show the new girl how things work around here."

Then Tadase replied "No problem sir." Then I followed him to the back of the counter.

"So what is your name?" Tadase asked

"Oh, Im Hinamori Amu, you can call me Amu, Nice to meet you!" I could tell I was blushing.

"Pleasure to meet you too, I'm Hotori Tadase" OMFG he's so hot! He had strawberry blonde hair and mellow colored red eyes that were dreamy. He seemed so prince like that I found myself staring at him as he was showing me the equipment (not like I was actually paying attention) then he said waking me from my trance "Amu? You there", and laughed softly.

I blushed "Im sorry" then he said sweetly "Its fine ill just show it to you again but make sure you are paying attention this time" His sweet smile made me go completely red and my heart beat vigorously.

Well my first day of work went great!. Tadase was really helpful and I was beginning to develop a crush on him.

After work Tadase caught me on my way out "Umm Amu…I was wondering…" a blush started to form on his face "You seem like a cool person….so if you'd like maybe we could hang out sometime"

HE WAS SO CUTE! At this point it was kind of hard to keep my cool façade "S-s-sure…" I mentally kicked myself for stuttering. Then he asked for my number and we exchanged phones.

"Amu…" He began to say "I really enjoy being around you" then he left the shop.

The weather was warm and my mood only intensified the warm atmosphere. I walked to a park that was down the street and heard the sound of a violin. For some reason my listening was focused on this sorrowful song despite the noise of the city. It was mesmerizing. I was captivated by the sound and found myself walking towards the source of the music. When I realized that I had subconsciously followed the sound of the music I was in the bushes of a more secluded area of the park. A man stood there playing the violin as I watched him through the bushes. Soon after he learned of my presence and turned around to catch a glance of his observer.

As he turned around I immediately recognized him and screamed with surprise, " I-I-Its y-you" as I pointed and accusing finger at him. It was the guy from the coffee shop!

"Hello again beautiful" he said with a smirk on his face "Did my music make you fall in love with me?" T_T I almost forgot about his arrogance.

"I-It was great a-a-actually…please continue…" I said with a blush. Then he rested his violin gently upon his chin and once again began to play. The atmosphere changed and he seemed to be a completely different person. I closed my eyes and the gentle yet sad sound of the music intoxicated me. How could he produce such sorrowful music? At this moment I realized I wanted to know him. I wanted to get closer to Ikuto. I wanted to get in touch with the source of this music. Unknowingly I walked up to Ikuto and hugged him tightly from behind with tears streaming down my eyes. Only when the music stopped did I realize what I had done and Ikuto turned around looking astonished. His eyes were wide and I blushed at the thought of my impulsiveness then I stuttered "Im s-so s-s-sorry about that…I don't know what came over me" then I ran away. What just happened?