Hey everyone :) So, this is my debut story and even though I've written my own work before, I've never published it to a fiction site and so I'm pretty darn nervous about feedback.

Firstly, I know that the teacher/student scenario between Bella and Edward has been done before, but as a teacher myself, I couldn't help but write it.

Please give the story a chance, it's not a duplication of the other stories, it's my own. It has its own plot and trust me, if you read, you won't be disappointed.

Secondly, right now as I write this chapter I'm listening to some music, drinking a cup of coffee and trying to ignore the pile of marking that's calling my name. It's Ashley by the way, and nice to meet you. I hope that I'll gain some amazing readers to take on this journey with me.

Third, I want to stress that even though I'm a teacher, I live in the UK and so things run a little differently than they do in America, and so I apologise in advance for any minor errors I cause, even though I've done my research.

This story is Vampire/Human and its Rated M for those lemons that we all love!

So without further ado, I hope you enjoy the story and before you start getting the lawyers on my ass, I don't own Twilight or any of the characters.

Chapter One: Familiar Face

I set my coffee down gently on the table, stooping slightly so I didn't drop the pile of papers I had in my arms, or the bag I was managing to balance over my shoulder.

I sat down in my chair, glancing around the room quickly as I set the students graded work down on my desk. Everything seemed to be in order, the room was clean, the desks and chairs were in their right place... And the day was about to begin.

I glanced at my watch and noticed how there was only five minutes before the first bell rang. I stood up, smoothing down my black pencil skirt and fixing my plain white blouse before I grabbed my diary and opened up today's page. I tapped my finger at the first class, skimming over what would be covered during the hour before I took the 9th grade textbook from the desk and began to write up the two exercises they'd be working on today.

I almost jumped when the first bell rang and the students began to file into the room. They'd quieted down quickly and I started the class, explaining how there would be a not-so-surprising pop quiz on Friday and they'd have all week to prepare for it.

As the students worked I passed out their graded papers from the previous fortnight. After I was finished I sat down again, frowning at the repetitiveness of the exams the students were facing.

Right now, we had to issue a test paper to every class every fortnight. Math class wasn't the most appropriate subject to handle that kind of pressure, we were only starting or finishing a topic when an exam would pop up. There was nothing to test the students on!

I tapped my black high heeled shoes against the floor silently, or so I'd thought. I caught a glimpse of Michael Donaghy staring at me from his desk in the middle of the room. When I caught his gaze he lowered his head and I watched as a faint blush formed on his cheeks.

I smiled to myself, wondering if it was my tapping that had distracted him, or my looks. I was a young teacher, fresh out of University and at the age of 22, apparently I was the apple of many male students' eyes.

I hated to think of myself in that way. I didn't see myself as attractive and even so, school children thinking I was "hot" was not what I wanted. I wanted a nice man who I could settle down and have a life with.

It sounded silly, so young and already wishing my life away. But still, I hadn't had much of a life in High School or College. One or two boyfriends, but no-one serious.

I shook my head a little, washing away the thoughts with another sip of my coffee. All that aside, it did make me smile to see a boy staring at me. It gave me a little spring in my step throughout the day.

The bell rang to end the class and I watched as the students filed out, standing up to see them go and reminding them that their homework was to finish the two exercises I'd handed out today.

I pushed my chair behind my desk neatly, checking everything was in order before I left my room, closing the door behind me as I headed to the Principal's office before she went out for her coffee during break.

Seattle High School was a nice place to work. The people were friendly and welcoming and the students worked hard.

I tapped gently on the Principal's door and heard her speak a "Come in".

I walked inside slowly, "Um... Excuse me Principal Newman. I was wondering if I could have a quick word with you."

She looked up at me from behind her glasses and smiled, "Yes Bella certainly! Take a seat." I sat down across from her massive oak desk and she took off her glasses, "What can I do for you?"

"Well I came to discuss the examination methods within the school system..." I started.

"Yes... Go on."

"Well, right now we test the students every two weeks... I was thinking this morning that for my subject of teaching, and I'm sure a lot of the others within the school, it's a little too fast. I mean, in Mathematics we're only starting another topic and handing out the previous test when the students are faced with a new one... It's not only stressful for them but for the teachers too..."

She nodded, her face solemn as she considered my words, "Alright... I'll have a word with the rest of the teachers and see what they think, but I think you may be right... Do you have any suggestions to solve this?"

"Perhaps a test every month? And the monthly marks can be forwarded to you for inspection."

She smiled, nodding her agreement before she stood up, "I like that idea. Alright Bella, I'll think up some rough drafts. Now come on, we'd better get going before the rest of the staff take all the coffee."

She started to walk out the door as fast as she could and I followed slowly, calling that I would head back to my classroom to get sorted for the next class instead.

I had to laugh at myself as I walked down the white washed corridors to my room. I was able to sit in front of the Principal and have an actual conversation with her without blushing bright red. Another thing I had to giggle about was the subject I taught. Maths was not my highest point in school, but it surprised me when that was the one test I'd passed with outstanding marks. I'd gotten offered a Scholarship and because Charlie and I had been tight on money, I took it. I never thought I'd find a love for it though.

Charlie, my dad, had moved us up to Seattle when he'd gotten a promotion at the end of my junior year at Forks High. Even though it disrupted my studies, we went. I'd moved away to College the next year and had only recently returned when Charlie passed away after a heart attack.

I inherited the house and got a job at Seattle High. So I thought I'd start my life here.

The bell rang suddenly, disrupting me from my reverie and I noticed the stampede of students now filling the corridors. I dodged in and out of them as best I could in my four inch heels before the halls began to clear a little.

I turned the corner, reaching to place a strand of brown hair back behind my ear again.

That was when I saw him...

I'd only just turned the corner when my hazel eyes locked onto his golden gaze. I'd recognise him anywhere.

He'd been walking down the corridor, dressed in a tight white t-shirt and a pair of black jeans alongside his backpack that had been flung over his shoulder.

He stopped walking and I stared at him, half in shock, and half in awe.

It couldn't be...

"Edward Cullen?" I whispered to myself, my lips barely moving as I felt my mouth drop open in surprise.

It couldn't be him. We'd been in the same year back at school.

On my first day at Forks, after I'd transferred from Phoenix, I'd been put into his Biology class. Even now I could still remember the ice cold gaze he threw at me on that day. After that he wasn't in my class anymore and we simply passed each other in the corridor, or caught each other's eye at lunch.

He was always the most handsome boy in school. But he hadn't changed at all... It couldn't be him...

His hair was the same length, and it jutted out at all edges as the lights of the hallway made prominent the bronze tint to it. His face was pale white, and it looked as smooth as satin. He was tall, very tall. Even in my four inch heels I'd only reach his shoulder.

It shocked me that I remembered so much about him.

But I think that was because I'd always held a little flame for him. I'd watch him in the corridor, glance at him at lunch, even listen in on conversations about him. I guess I was just fascinated with the boy who seemed to hate me.

It was the memory of Prom night that made my heart stutter in my chest right now. I could've sworn it was him who stolen me away from my date, Mike Newton.

I hadn't wanted to go to the Prom to start with, but when Mike kept asking me to dance, offering me drinks, I just got annoyed and thought about blending in with the crowd and escaping. It would've been easy to do, it was a Masquerade Ball and every girl and boy was hidden by a mask on their face.

I was just about to leave, when a boy came and touched my elbow. When I'd looked up at him I was compelled into getting up and walking away with him, even though he never said a word...

We'd gone outside, where music had been playing softly and I'd almost fainted on the spot when he started to get into the position to dance.

I'd tried to tell him I couldn't dance, but he just held a finger up to his lips to quieten me. We had danced that night, and it was surprisingly easy to do with him...

I'd stared at him in wonder, wanting to take the mask from his face and confirm my suspicion that it was Edward Cullen... But I was too nervous.

When the song ended he only said five words, "This was my last chance."

After that he was gone...

I blinked, coming back from my memory and realising that right now I was standing staring at Edward Cullen, or someone who resembled him too well.

He'd be 22 now, and even though I'd barely changed since High School, I doubted that he could've kept his good looks to such perfection.

He'd stopped walking too, and his expression only strengthened my thoughts that it was him. He was staring at me with incredulous eyes, and his brow was furrowed slightly in confusion.

Suddenly someone moved beside him and my eyes flicked to look at them.

It was a small girl with black hair and as she twirled around to start running down the corridor hurriedly, I felt myself speak the name before I had the chance to think about it, "Alice?" I'd noticed that gracefulness anywhere.

By the time I'd looked back up at Edward Cullen... Or the boy who looked like him... His face was composed and he began walking down the corridor again towards me. But he didn't stop, instead he walked straight past me and around the corner, out of my sight.

Alright so that's the first instalment in their journey. So to wrap up any confusion, Bella was only in Forks for a year before her and Charlie moved away after her Prom. And also Edward was able to move classes so he wasn't in Biology with Bella anymore.

Could I please get some feedback? Signed and Anonymous reviews are accepted :) I just want to get a feel for my readers' reactions, and hopefully gain some enthusiasm. I can also take criticism, I'm a big girl :)

Love, Ashley. xx