
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. However, I really wouldn't mind owning Fringe at the moment. They would surely not be talking about cancellign it. :(

Thanks for still being with me, guys. You are great!

Chapter 6: Our Merry Little Band

"Hey, Ducky," Olivia stepped into Autopsy with a warm smile the next morning. She had decided to pay a visit to her father and meet his team at last. But, of course, her first stop had to be her dear old friend.

"Olivia, my dear," Ducky quickly walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "How nice to see you! Jethro told me that you are in DC. I certainly hoped to see you before you leave."

"You are always welcome for dinner."

"Yes, Jethro says so on occasions but I'm yet to take him up on that offer. You know, Olivia, canned bean is not my favorite dish." The old ME gently squeezed Olivia's arm as he went to make some tea.

"In that case, you should come while I'm here. Say tonight..." Olivia suggested with a beaming smile. "I make some wicked lasagna."

"You know I can't say no to that gorgeous smile of yours," the old man looked at her adoringly. "I'll bring the wine."

"It's a date then."

Abby chose that moment to burst into Autopsy with a huge grin.

"Hot date, Duck-man?" she asked with twinkling eyes then without missing a beat, she turned to Olivia. "Hi! I'm Abby."

"Olivia," she introduced herself somewhat taken aback by the other woman's vibrant personality. Of course, she had heard many things about her father's favorite forensic expert but meeting her in person was something else completely.

"Abigail, don't be presumptuous," Ducky admonished gently. "Taking this young lady on a 'hot date', as you said, would be entirely wrong. She's like a granddaughter to me."

"Chill, Ducky, I know she's not your girlfriend. You've gotta be the mysterious young lady friend of Gibbs."

"Lady friend?" Olivia arched an amused eyebrow. It seemed that it wasn't only Ziva who had got the wrong idea. "No."

"Where do you get that from, Abigail?"

"McGee saw them."

"I went to pick up dad from the hospital and I met Agent McGee," Olivia explained, now realizing the source of the rumor. "Dad dragged me out of the door before we could have properly met, though."

"You see, I told you she's… wait a sec. You said 'dad'. Why did you say 'dad'?"

"Because he's my dad," the blond woman offered, this time finding the situation completely amusing.

"Gibbs?" Abby asked back just to be sure she'd understood it right.


"You're sure?"

"Pretty much."

For a few seconds Abby just stared at Olivia then she sighed relieved.

"Thank God! It'd have been too bad if I had to hate you."

"Hate her?" Ducky looked at her confused.

"Well... Yes. It's nothing personal, though," she was quick to reassure Olivia.

"Abigail, why should you hate, Olivia? You've just met her."

Abby chewed on her bottom lip before diverting her eyes to focus on the toes of her boots. It seemed she found herself in a conversation she didn't really want to have. "Abigail?" Ducky tried to nudge her a little.

Finally she looked up at Ducky and gave him a little embarrassed smile.

"You see..." she began uncertainly. "Perhaps… it may be that… IthinkZivaisinterestedinGibbs," she finally blurted out. Although this piece of information hardly surprised Olivia, Ducky looked sufficiently stunned.


"It's sure is an 'oh'." Abby looked at him, getting over her initial embarrassment over sharing Ziva's secret. "But I'll deal with them in due time. Now I'm thrilled to find out that there is a Gibblett after all. I'm so excited," she promptly pulled Olivia into a hug as if they'd been old friends. Olivia looked so stunned by that that Ducky had to smile. "I have to introduce you to the others." With that she grabbed Olivia's hand and pulled her out of Autopsy.

"See you later, dear," Ducky called after her when she gave him a slightly panicked look. It seemed he'd have to drink his tea alone.

"Hey, guys," Abby stormed into the squad room, dragging an awkward-looking Olivia after her. "Look who's here." She stopped between the desks with a huge, excited grin, not letting go of her new friend's hand.

"Wow," Tony looked up and promptly assumed his charming smile while standing up to greet the visitor. That was his lucky day, he thought… at least until he could feel Gibbs' hand connect with the back of his head.

"Don't even think about thinking about it, DiNozzo," Gibbs warned him, hiding a smirk as he walked by and kissed both Olivia and Abby on the cheek before he sat down by his desk. Abby was beaming.

"I didn't even think about anything," Tony whined.

"You did," came the reply as both Abby and McGee looked at him accusingly.

"Maybe I did but, hey, you didn't even give a chance to the lady to accept my advances."

"Tony, I would just shut up here," McGee warned the other man, believing that he was just hitting on the boss' girlfriend.

"You remember, DiNozzo, when I told you that you'd not get to a second date with my daughter?" Tony nodded, not really understanding his boss. "I lied. She is too smart to go out with you at the first place."


"All right, before anybody gets even more confused… I'm Olivia Dunham and I'm not his girlfriend." Here she looked at McGee. "He's my father." She walked up to the young man and offered a hand to him.

"Tim McGee," he actually managed to introduce himself without stumbling over the words. God, he was so embarrassed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Don't worry about it. And anyway, you can blame it on my dad." Here she looked at Gibbs pointedly before turning back to McGee. "It's nice to meet you, Agent McGee."

"Tim, please."

"Yeah, yeah, we know." Tony walked up to them. "Quit flirting with the lady." He practically pushed McGee out of the way. "Hi." His charming smile was in place once again as he looked at Olivia. McGee couldn't help but roll his eyes exasperatedly. "I'm Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo."

"I know." Olivia shook his hand and raised an eyebrow when he didn't let hers go but leant a little closer.

"Just call me Tony." Olivia couldn't help the amused smile that played on her lips, remembering how an accurate picture Ziva had drawn about the man the previous day. "So no chance of… you know… you and me…"

"No." She shook her head as she withdrew her hand.

"All right." Tony straightened. "Can't blame a guy for trying."

"Where is Ziva?" Abby inquired curiously.

"Right here." Ziva appeared balancing four cups of coffee. "Oh, Olivia. I did not know you would be here," Ziva looked at her apologetically as the boys ambushed her for the coffee.

"I'm good, thanks," she gave the other woman a friendly smile. She wondered how she was handling the situation with her father.

"Wait," Tony quickly assessed the situation while he looked between the two of them. "You know each other?"

"Yes, Tony, we do," Ziva answered as she handed Gibbs his coffee. Gibbs offered her a little half-smile but Ziva went to great length to avoid looking at him directly.

"Hmm." Tony sipped his coffee looking slightly hurt by the fact that he hadn't been told about this part of Gibbs' life. But of course, one could never know what would pop up from Gibbs' past at any moment. After working with him for almost ten years and considering him one of the most influential figures in his life, the man was still a mystery. "So, Boss, how many little Gibbses should we expect popping up in the future?" Tony asked cheekily, getting over his hurt. "Just to be prepared, you know…"

"Don't anyone have any work around here?" Gibbs asked but nobody looked as if they'd been about to do what they were paid for.

"Speaking about work," Tony looked at Olivia. "What are you doing when you are not looking stunning?" Gibbs rolled his eyes while the others, together with Olivia, looked amused.

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Agent Dunham," Director Vance stepped up to the group and looked at the young agent with a grave expression. Olivia turned towards him, her grin forming into a warm smile, but when she saw the expression the NCIS director was wearing her smile became a confused frown.

"Well, that is not your 'it's-good-to-see-you-Olivia' face," she noted.

"I'm sorry, Olivia, but we have to talk. Gibbs, would you mind joining us?"

Father and daughter exchanged a questioning look then started towards the Director's office.

"Well, Tony," McGee started in a teasing tone, "You just know whom you should hit on. If it weren't bad enough that she is Gibbs' daughter, she owns a gun, too." He grinned while Tony frowned.

"God, I hope she's not FBI. That would be so wrong. She looks so much more sensible than Forrnell… or Slacks." He shuddered.

In the director's office, Vance stood behind his desk as Olivia took one of the chairs in front of it. Gibbs remained standing, too, regarding the Director.

The silence was beginning to draw out while it seemed that Vance was waiting for Gibbs to sit down, too. He didn't.

"Is this the part where I say that the other kid hit first?" Olivia asked, trying to break the men's pissing contest… in vain. "Just because I'm really beginning to feel like back in grade school when I punched Teddy Higgins in the nose an ended up in the principal's office."

Gibbs, finally giving up staring at Vance, smirked at his daughter.

"Well, it wasn't Teddy who hit first," he informed her about the fact of which she was well aware, too.

"He was the one with the big mouth," Olivia defended herself.

"Yeah, and you with the short temper," Gibbs offered and Olivia gave her father an incredulous look. At that point Vance let a small smile creep on his face as he shook his head at the duo's antics. While the pair stared at each other, Vance reached for the folders that were lying on his table and gave them to the agents.

"Well, this time someone else hit first," he stated as he, too, sat down.

The agents looked at him and reached for the folders.

"What the hell," Gibbs remarked as he saw the photographs.

"USNS Athena. Last night Lieutenant Morrison was found over the mutilated corps of two of his shipmates. He was covered in their blood but he claims that he doesn't remember attacking anybody."

"Why is this any concern of the FBI?" Gibbs asked, taking a seat finally.

"Given the strange circumstances I was instructed by SecNav to get into contact with Special Agent Broyles, who, is in command of a division at the FBI which investigates seemingly unexplainable incidents."

"Seemingly unexplainable incidents? I hate to sound like DiNozzo," Gibbs turned to Olivia with an amused smirk. "It's like the X-Files?"

"Not quite," Olivia smiled at that remark. "We don't deal with UFOs," she deadpanned.

"Right. So, what is so unexplainable about this bloodbath?"

"The Lieutenant is currently resting in the infirmary of the Athena where he was taken after he had collapsed. According to the doctor, he'd been complaining about a headache the previous day but apart from a slightly elevated temperature, he couldn't find anything strange."


"You really don't want to read that file, right?" Olivia asked.

"That's why I keep my team." Gibbs shrugged.

"Right," Olivia drawled out, not really impressed.

"It's certainly good to know why your agents get their money," Vance wasn't that impressed, either. "But don't get used to treating Olivia like one of them. The case is the FBI's. They are just letting us help… out of professional courtesy."

"Professional courtesy, huh?"

"It's all because of that seemingly-unexplainable-part, Agent Gibbs," Olivia smiled sweetly at her father and offered him her folder open at the relevant part. Gibbs took it then looked at it.

"So, he was drugged," he stated matter-of-factly. "That's not that unexplainable."

"The seamen were practically torn apart by the Lieutenant's bare hands," Vance supplied gravely. "And that substance in his blood, it's unknown."

"Alright then," Gibbs gave in rather quickly. "When do we leave?"

"That's it?" Vance inquired surprised at the lack of more resistance on the part of his agent.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I've just never thought that I would see the day when you agree to cooperate with another agency without any objections."

"Well, I get to spend some time with my daughter," he shrugged. "Can't be that bad."

"Right," Vance stood up, the others following suit. "Just don't forget that she's in charge."

"Nah," Gibbs shook his head. "So when do we leave again?"

"As soon as Dr. Bishop arrives," Vance informed him and looked at Olivia when her head snapped at him.

"Dr. Bishop?" she asked and Vance nodded. "Alone?"

"As far as I know, yes."


"And Olivia… You have the authority to disclose as much information concerning Fringe Division as you deem necessary. I've already been read in."


"Good wind, people… and keep me in the loop."

"We'll do, Olivia agreed with a final nod then the two agents started towards the door.

"And Olivia…" The Director's voice stopped them. "I'm happy to see you." Olivia gave him a warm smile before exiting the office.

"So… Fringe Division." Gibbs looked at her with raised eyebrows as soon as they'd passed the secretary's desk. "That's why your story was full of holes last night."

"I'm sorry," Olivia started, stopping by the railing. "If it hadn't been bad enough that what I do is classified, my work and my private life got tangled up and became one huge mess." Her greatest regret, regarding the last two years and joining Fringe Division, was that she couldn't talk with her father like she used to do. He'd always been her go-to man, not even her sister knew that much about her like her father did. But joining Fringe Division had changed that all and not because her work was classified but because ultimately, with her forgotten past coming to light, her whole life became classified. She had tried to tell him everything the previous night but it was difficult to touch upon the heart of the matter without telling too much.

"What?" Gibbs scoffed with a humorous chuckle. He was a man who understood the burden of a job that cannot be disclosed so he tried to lighten the mood. "That Peter Bishop is an alien?"

"I told you we don't deal with UFOs," Olivia gave him a small smile, appreciating his effort, but then she turned serious. "He's from another universe."

Gibbs gave her a slight chuckle, believing that her last remark was only a joke, and Olivia didn't correct him.

"Good thing you can talk to me now."

Olivia let out a heavy sigh. She found it almost funny that in the last two years she had spent hours sitting in front of her phone desperately wanting to call her dad and tell him everything and letting him try to make everything right and now that she had actually had the authority to tell him about all the awful and terrifying things that filled up her life, she couldn't find the courage to talk.

"Look," she looked at her father with dark eyes. "I'll tell you and your team everything you need to know regarding this case, but, dad, you have to understand that there are things that I'm not ready to talk about." She so wanted, though. However, she didn't think that he was ready to hear about certain aspects of her life. Not to mention that she dreaded how he would react when he found out what they had done to her as a child.

"I don't like the sound of it," he remarked, noting how her features darkened. "Liz, what are you not telling me?"

Looking into her father's concerned eyes, Olivia was torn between staying silent and telling him everything from the Cortexiphan trials to the universe-crossing. Fortunately, she was saved from answering either way by spotting a figure down in the squad room. "How did he get here so soon?"

When Olivia got down the stairs she found the members of her father's team standing flabbergasted as they watched one Walter Bishop practically running around the squad room in sheer wonderment.

Olivia stopped and threw a questioning look to a nearby agent who looked sufficiently terrified and embarrassed at the same time to be the one who'd been responsible for Walter so far. The young agent gave an apologetic look and a mumbled a 'sorry' before making a quick retreat. Olivia sighed and started towards the old scientist.

"Walter," she tried to get the still wandering man's attention.

"What a wonderful interior design!" Walter exclaimed enthusiastically as he finally stopped in the middle of the squad room with eyes wide with sincere wonder as he turned round and round to take in everything. "I like the orange color. It's so bright. And that flying hippo in that corner… it's so happy. Olivia, dear, doesn't it look so happy?"

Olivia sighed, blocking out Gibbs' somewhat annoyed 'what the hell' and Tony's stunned 'Is he high?'.

"There is no flying hippo in the corner, Walter," she told him as if talking to a child and she pulled out a chair, motioning to him. "Come on, sit down."

"There is no hippo?" His face was suddenly crestfallen and Olivia shook her head 'no' as she crouched down next to him.

"Oh. But it was polka dotted, too."

"What did you take, Walter?" Olivia asked cupping his face to make him look at her. His eyes remained unfocused, though.

"A little bit of this… a little bit of that…," he answered dreamily but suddenly sheer pain settled on his features as he looked Olivia in the eye. "I'm sorry, Olivia. I'm so sorry." And with that, to the others' utmost disbelief, he began sobbing like a little child. Olivia took it in stride.

"What is it, Walter? What happened? And where are the others?"

"Astro went to visit her family…" he started after calming down somewhat, but then his focus shifted somewhere behind Olivia. "Are you sure that hippo doesn't exist?"


"He's gone, Olivia," Walter told her finally and Olivia almost couldn't take the heart-broken look he gave her. Her own heart was breaking, too. That was exactly why she had run. "Peter's gone," Walter clarified. At that moment Olivia's eyes widened.

"Peter?" she breathed in surprise as she looked over his shoulder. There was Peter Bishop walking in their direction escorted by an agent.

"Yes," Walter said closing his eyes as if it would be able to take the pain away.

"Peter?" Ziva asked in surprise when Peter stopped by the group.

"Hey, I thought I'd ask you to join me for lunch," he started with a warm smile but he quickly caught up something strange in the air. "But this is a bad time," he concluded as he took in Ziva's stunned expression as she managed to put the pieces together. Her eyes briefly wandered in the direction of Walter and Olivia, and Peter followed it.

Olivia slowly stood up from in front of Walter, resting a comforting hand on his slumped shoulder and faced Peter with an uncertain expression. Instictly, Gibbs took a couple of steps closer to his daughter but remained silent. As were the others.

"Olivia?" Peter was clearly thrown off-balance by her presence. He almost gave her a smile when he noticed who was sitting in the chair next to her. His features darkened and almost instantly Olivia's uncertainty turned into anger. That was when Walter turned around and seeing Peter, his wrinkled face brightened with joy.


"Walter," the younger man acknowledged him coldly then his gaze returned to Olivia. "What are you doing here? Broyles said you took some personal time off."

"She did," Gibbs spoke up finally, not liking the accusing tone of the strange man who must be Peter Bishop. "She's visiting me."

"And who are you?" Ziva winced at Peter's tone which was clearly hostile.

"The man who's ready to…"

"Dad," Olivia quickly cut him off, paying only fleeting attention to Peter's shocked look. Gibbs, on the other hand, looked pleased. "We don't have time for this," Olivia addressed both of them. "Let's make a quick introduction then we can get going. You're coming with us." The last part was aimed at Peter, who took a quick glance at Walter, but otherwise didn't protest.

"Going where?" McGee asked.

At that Gibbs – giving a final warning look to Peter – snapped out of it and turned to his team. "We've got a case. Joint investigation with the FBI. Agent Dunham's got the lead on this one and I expect full cooperation from all of you. McGee, pack your motion sickness pills, we are goin' asailin'."

The young agent groaned as the team dispersed to get their bags. Abby left nothing to do walked up to the other three and offered her hand to the strangers.

"Hi, I'm Abby. I'm the forensic analyst." When the two men introduced themselves, Abby looked at them with bright eyes. "You are…?" she asked indicating between the two of them, referring to their relationship. Peter's cold 'no' and Walter's hesitant 'yes' confused her and she looked to Olivia for answers but the blond woman just shrugged with a sad expression. "Ah… All right…" she began to stammer not really sure how to react. "I'll be in my lab if you need anything."

"Abs," Gibbs called after the Goth before she'd have disappeared. "Tell Ducky to stay close. We may need him, too." With a nod, Abby left. Gibbs turned to his team. "Stop getting new friends, DiNozzo," he called to his senior agent, who stood next to Peter with an idiotic grin. Gibbs didn't like that grin. "You can get all cozy with the others on the plane." With that he left for the elevators.

"No lunch for us then, I guess," Peter remarked dryly as he and Ziva started after him. It didn't escape his attention that Ziva kept a wider distance between them then necessary. He was grateful for that as he took a careful glance behind his back and watched as Olivia helped Walter. "Mind if we take the stairs?" Ziva sighed troubled.

"That's gonna be fun," Tony remarked as he stepped up to McGee.

"I don't see how. I'm already feeling sick."

"That was fun, too, the last time," Tony turned to him. "But I wasn't referring to that."

"I don't understand."

"Of course, you don't, McOblivious. I was referring to our merry little group there," he indicated to the retreating forms of the others. "I can sense some serious tension going all directions. Come on, my young Padawan," he threw his arms around McGee's shoulder. "I'll teach you to pick up the signs." And with that, he guided the younger agent after the others.