Something I've been meaning to do for a while now. Short, non connected drabbles based on one of these possibilites: Wikipedia's arcticle of the day, 's word of the day, a quote, or a shuffle song. Short, short, short little things. Mainly, just to make me actually sit down and write every day. I'm really bad for sticking with projects. This is to train me to just do it. I may not get them posted every day, but I'll put up all the ones in one batch if I missed a day.

That said, I hope you enjoy. Most of them will probably be Ami-centric, just because she's the most likely to know/use the words.

Day 1: Malinger

"Usagi..." Rei was at the end of her temper. The blonde just refused to act like a proper leader, and it was starting to show in battles.

Makoto and Minako exchanged glances, while Luna arched her back, obviously about to start berating the girl herself.

Usagi, for her part, pouted. She knew she should be training, but was sick of the others being on her case all the time. No, she didn't like fighting. She was a pacifist, for crying out loud!

Hands suddenly slammed down on the table, just as the skies opened up. "I. Am. Sick of this." Ami hissed, her voice as cold as her element. "You two are neither mother nor father to her. Nagging has gotten you nowhere. Quit it."

Then she turned to her best friend, who was looking at her in surprise. "And you," She said, voice still low. "Are going to quit malingering and start training."

She stood up and held her pen out. "Mercury Power!"

Once she was transformed, she put her hands on her hips and glared at the others. "If you're not all out going for a run before I reach five, I promise you will not be able to have a warm drink or shower for a month. Now GO!"

The other four were out the door before she'd even begun counting, rain or no. She smiled. It was good to know she could make them comply when they were fighting like this. She filed that note away for later examining before running after them. "I said run! Get those legs moving!"