It was three days after Hogwarts had gotten out, and I was already getting bored. My parents had thought it was a good idea to take a summer long vacation at the beach in the USA, It was very hot and boring. You'd think the beach would be super crowded but there was only a few people lounging on towels, later I found out there was quite a big, popular beach a few miles down from this one. The real horrid thing about the beach is that I knew I wasn't going to run into any hogwarts kids, in England there was a slight chance, not a for sure chance but a chance all the same. I missed Hogwarts so much.
I hate not having an owl, I can't keep in touch with Harry or Ron. With Voldemort strong and deatheaters everywhere, I needed to know what was going on, that's the only reason I agreed to this stupid vacation. This idiotically boring vacation.
I had already gotten into a routine. I woke up around 7:30, took a shower, got dressed and am down for breakfast around 8:30, then I go outside with some of my Hogwarts homework, by about 12:30, I'm called in for lunch, then my parents tell me to put my bathing suit on and have some fun, and they ban me from my books. Around 1:30 I head out about a half mile from the house in my bikini with my towel, sunglasses, sun lotion, and my book rolled into my towel. I already had a small spot that I went to everyday. It was a small shaded spot under a large tree. The shade kept the sun off of me and the trunk gave me something to rest on.
I was sick of the beach, it was just burning sand and gross salt water, what was so special about it? Ugh, it was only the third day and I already wanted to go back to Hogwarts. We were only going to be here for a little while, while father was on "business". Sure, Hogwarts had disgusting filth like that precious Harry Potter and his idiotic sidekick but the people he had to put up with at home was a lot worse. He groaned as he walked out of the house onto the beach for the third time that week, the third day of being at this idiotic beach.
I hated being inside the house with all my dads "business associates" popping up out of no where. I left the house early and got home late, nobody even noticed me. I looked in the mirror and debated whether to change my muggle jeans and t-shirt for a swimsuit. I quickly decided not to, it's not like i was gonna swim and if i sat down with the trunks on I was sure to get sand in wrong places.
I walked down the beach looking at the water, I wanted to go back to Hogwarts. Too bad I can't tell anybody that. To everybody else I'm the horrible Draco Malfoy who hates all mudbloods and blood traitors. My eyes rolled and I groanded, maybe I didn't want to go back to hogwarts, maybe all I want is someone I can talk to. I snorted at the thought, yah right a friend that I can tell things to. Psh, yah right. I laughed a little more, while laughing I wasn't watching where I was going and tripped right over someone sitting on the beach.