Baaaackkk! Hope you liked the last one! Thanks for the reviews and shtuff, they make me feels all specials :) anyways,,,,, sorry for the late reviews, but here ya go! And... oh yeah! Terra is in this one, but male version, and his name is Taren. Yeah... anyways... hope you like it!


Two days passed by, and Revan and Beast Girl still hadn't talked about what had happened. Cyborg would grin and tease them every so often when they were alone, but he knew better than to bring it up in front of Robin or Starfire. It was the afternoon, when they were out on the town, when they met Taren. They were out battling another 'bad guy', a gooey monster they'd encountered before, when suddenly it was enclosed by yellow glowing rocks. Everyone looked around in confusion.

Just then a boy stepped out of the shadows and grinned at them. He had short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and had a cocky grin Revan automatically disliked.

"Hey there!" the boy greeted, jogging to meet them. Revan landed and glanced at the others for their reactions. Robin looked suspicious, Cyborg looked confused, and Starfire seemed surprised. Finally his eyes landed on Beast Girl and he had to do a double take. Beast Girl's eyes shone with something he didn't recognize, and she didn't take her eyes off the blonde boy for a moment. Revan frowned and looked back at the guy. Suddenly he felt an extreme dislike for him, and just wanted him to go away and never come back.

"Um… did you do that?" Robin asked the boy, motioning to the imprisoned monster, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Taren, it's nice to meet you," he said with a grin, "Yeah, I did that. I kind of have powers like you guys. I was nearby and I figured I'd… help out." Taren rubbed the back of his head with a grin, and Revan glared at him. He highly doubted this story. What were the chances of another person with powers just happening to be in the same place that the Teen Titans were fighting a monster? Revan glanced over at the others again. Robin seemed to be thinking the same thing he was, Cyborg still looked confused, and Starfire looked amazed. Beast Girl, however, still had that mystified look on her face. Revan growled and looked away.

Stupid boy. He wished he'd just go away so Beast Girl would get that stupid look off her face. Usually Revan would think it was kind of a cute look on her, though he'd never admit it, but not when she was making it at some stupid guy they'd just met.

Somehow the others ended up inviting Taren to come to the Tower with them, and then they were in the main room, talking about his powers.

"Well, I can just move rocks and things," he told them, "I can't move everything that Revan can." Revan glared at him, and how easily he said his name, as if they were friends. Idiot. The others seemed fine with him, though Robin still looked a little uneasy. And Beast Girl, Revan frustratingly noticed, still had the glazed over expression as she smiled at whatever came out of Taren's mouth.

"That's really cool," she told him, grinning. Taren grinned back at her.

"Thanks! Your power is really cool, too. So can you change into any animal you want?" Beast Girl nodded, her smile spreading.

"Yeah, I can…" They went on with their conversation, and Revan felt his patience getting shorter and shorter, and he clenched his fists as he felt an inexplicable anger rise in his chest.

Cyborg noticed his friend's reaction to the way Beast Girl was acting towards the new kid and shook his head. Should have sealed the deal when you had a chance, buddy. But now he was starting to get worried that Revan might actually explode on the two; his hood was drawn low over his eyes, and though he tried to hide it, Cyborg could see his hands curled up into tight fists by his sides, so much so that the knuckles were turning white. Finally he decided to intervene before someone got planted into the ground or thrown into outer space.

"So!" he shouted with a grin, gaining everyone's attention, "Who wants pasta?"

Revan knew Cyborg could see what he was feeling, though he wasn't sure himself what he was feeling, and made a note to try and thank him later for interrupting Beast Girl and Taren's conversation. Cyborg started to make the food and everyone started talking, and finally Revan decided to leave instead of hanging around another minute. He left the room and headed for his, not taking a glance behind him.

Beast Girl glanced around the room and frowned when she couldn't spot Revan anywhere. Taren had gone to talk to Cyborg while he cooked, and Beast Girl was going to talk to Revan when she suddenly noticed he wasn't there. Where was he? He'd seemed fine earlier when they were fighting the monster, and when they met Taren he'd seemed… well, normal, considering how he was around new people, though he looked a little angrier than usual.

Beast Girl had to admit that Taren was cute. When she first saw him, she'd immediately liked his bright blue eyes and charming smile. He was really nice, also. Her smile fell a little. He's completely opposite of someone I know… Beast Girl shook her head and went to Robin.

"Hey, do you know where Revan went?" she asked. He shrugged.

"I think he went to his room," he replied, "He looked a little mad, though, so I wouldn't really try to bother him." Beast Girl nodded and walked out of the room. She'd seen Revan mad, and she'd take her chances. Besides, she wanted to know what was bothering him. Beast Girl made it to his room and knocked on the door quietly. There was a moment of silence and she was about to knock again when suddenly the door slid open a few inches, revealing Revan. His eyes hardened at the sight of her.

"What do you want?" he snapped. Beast Girl was taken aback a moment. He really was angry.

"I want to know why you're so mad," she told him, "Why'd you leave? Cyborg's almost done cooking, and Taren said he'd really like to make friends with everybody, including you." Revan glared at her, and a faint sign of disgust, which Beast Girl had never seen on Revan before, appeared on his face.

"I'm not hungry and I don't care about anything Taren has to say. Go away." Revan started to close the door, but Beast Girl put her hand in the way. Luckily, Revan wasn't mean enough to crush her fingers and pulled it back open, but his glare narrowed.

"Why don't you like Taren?" she demanded.

"Why do you like him?" Revan shot back.

"He's nice, and he hasn't done anything bad."

"Yet." Beast Girl glared at him.

"What's that supposed to mean? You know, I thought Robin was supposed to be the paranoid one, not you." Revan's eyes narrowed.

"Think what you want. Just leave me alone." Beast Girl glared back at him.

"Fine!" she turned and stormed down the hallway, and heard the click of Revan's door closing after her. Hot tears came to her eyes, but she forced them away. Why should she care about what Revan said, anyway? He was always a jerk. But why was he so mad at her? Was there even a reason? And why did he hate Taren when he hadn't even talked to him? Beast Girl wiped her eyes and shook these thoughts out of her head as she headed back to the main room, where everyone else was. It didn't matter. Whatever happened, whatever changes were made, happened, and there was nothing she could do to stop them.

A few weeks past and Revan completely ignored Beast Girl. Taren had decided to stay with them at the tower, and anytime Revan walked into a room where he and Beast Girl were together he'd walk right back out again. A few times this almost brought Beast girl to tears. Why was he doing this? Even Taren seemed to notice this strange behavior.

"Hey, is there something going on between you and Revan?" he asked one day. Beast Girl frowned.

"Um, no. I mean, we kind of had a fight, but not really. Why?" Taren shrugged, brushing it off.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought that maybe you two had something and he was jealous or something." Beast Girl shook her head.

"No… Revan couldn't be jealous…" She frowned. He couldn't be, right? Why would he ever be jealous of Taren hanging out with her? Besides having Revan mad at her and not knowing why, hanging out with Taren was fun. Beast girl couldn't deny that she liked him, and she thought maybe he liked her back. One night it was really quiet, with everyone doing his or her different thing, so Taren invited her to a carnival. Of course, she said yes. Who would pass up an opportunity for rides, food, and time with the person you liked?

Later that night Taren and her walked around the carnival, gazing up at the stars and around at the different things. It was getting really late, and the carnival was almost over. Taren looked over at her and grinned.

"So? Did you have fun?" Beast Girl turned to him and grinned.

"Yeah, it was awesome!" Taren smiled back at her.

"Good. Look…" he paused a moment before looking back up at her, "Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Revan?" Beast Girl looked down and sighed.

"I… It's… complicated…" she mumbled, "But we're not together, if that's what you mean." She had to hide the unexplainable disappointment in her voice at the last sentence. Taren nodded before smiling at her.

"Good. Because then I wouldn't be able to do this." He stopped walked and turned towards her, leaning forward to press his lips on hers. Beast Girl's eyes widened a bit before fluttering closed. Taren pulled away after a moment and grinned at her. Beast Girl blushed and gave him a small smile back before he took her hand, and they headed back towards the tower.

It was a few days after Taren had gotten frozen to stone. No one was able to believe what had happened, not even Revan. Beast Girl was the most affected, though; she spent most of her time in her room or up on the roof, not talking to anybody. Revan was sick of not having her around, of having her sad and not being able to do anything about it. It ate him away that no matter what he did, no matter what anyone did, Beast girl still wouldn't lighten up.

Her smiles weren't as bright and genuine as they should have been, her eyes weren't as bright. She didn't even try anymore at those stupid video games she played with Cyborg. Revan knew Beast Girl was really upset, and knew he was the last person that should try to cheer her up.

"I think you should try to cheer BG up." Revan raised his eyebrow at Cyborg. He looked at him seriously.

"You're the one that matters the most to her," Cyborg went on, "The rest of us have already tried. You're the only one who might be able to help her." Revan shook his head.

"She thinks I hate her," he muttered. Cyborg rolled his eyes.

"Believe me, if you ask her, you'll find out she won't," he told him, "But unlike us, she doesn't know how much you care about her. Just let her know that, and it'll help her, promise. You'll see. You just have to try." Revan sighed.

It was dark when Revan found Beast Girl outside, sitting on a rock near the bottom of the island their tower sat on. Revan took in a deep breath and walked closer to her, silent as a mouse. As he got closer he could hear sniffling, and his heart took a painful wrench. He waited a moment, just standing there in silence.

"You would have liked him eventually, you know." Revan hid his surprise when she spoke to him, in a surprisingly calm voice. Revan knew this wasn't true, but remained silent. Beast Girl turned to look at him, and he noticed her eyes were rimmed with red.

"Wanna come sit down?" she asked, patting the rock beside her. Revan was silent a moment, and Beast Girl turned back towards the water. After a second she felt cloth brush her arm as Revan sat down next to her. It was silent, and Beast Girl dug her fingernails into the side of the rock.

"It was different." Revan's eyes shifted to her, and she couldn't help when her breath caught once again.

"It was different when we kissed," she went on, turning to look fully at Revan. An unexplainable look flashed in his eyes before he turned away. Beast Girl observed his face and spotted anger, but also sadness.

"When me and him kissed…" she continued, and saw Revan dig his nails into the rock, "I didn't feel anything…" Revan looked at her in slight surprise (as much surprise as Revan can put out, Beast Girl mused), but she also could have sworn she saw hope shine in his eyes if only for a moment before he masked his face again.

"But when we kissed…" Beast Girl said, a faint smile on her face, the first smile in days, "I did…" Revan had his face turned away from her, so she couldn't read his expression. She was starting to feel like an idiot before he spoke.

"Do you hate me?" Beast Girl looked at him in surprise. He still didn't turn to her, and she smiled.

"No. And I know you don't hate me, either." Finally Revan turned to look at her, and Beast Girl stared into those dark eyes of his.

"Do you think… I'm a bad person… for wanting to… kiss you right now?" she asked, barely above a whisper. Revan's eyes scanned over her face, and saw sadness and guilt in her eyes. Finally he shook his head. Beast Girl held his gaze, though she felt a twinge of fear in her stomach.

"Would you kiss me back?" Revan saw the fear and worry in her eyes, waiting for his answer. He slipped a hand under her chin and raised her face so she was looking directly into his eyes. Beast Girl's own eyes widened, but as Revan leaned forward she felt her eyes start to close. Finally his kissed her, and she immediately kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he put his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

Cyborg glanced out of the tower window and spotted Revan and Beast Girl, lock in an embrace, and grinned.

"I knew he'd cheer her up," he told himself proudly. Some changes are good. Now just to work on Robin and Starfire…

Haha, there we are! :) Hope you liked it! Now, this could be the end... but if you think I should continue, just let me know, and I may just do that :) Oh btw, does anyone else hate the new set-up tool bar thingy for when you log in? I dislike it very much :O anyways,,,,, Review and things! See ya!