"Seriously?" Caleb grinned at her, their foreheads still together.

"Yeah," Hanna's face broke into a smile as she said it. She couldn't believe she was saying it. Without taking his eyes off of her, Caleb took the phone from her hands. He pressed a button and Hanna could hear the phone turn off. Without a word, he stepped back, slid the phone into his pocket and offered her his hand.

"Let's get out of here."


"This is crazy!" Hanna laughed as they ran down the driveway together. They searched the packed street for James' car. Hanna didn't think she'd ever seen Caleb smile so widely.

"Got it!" Caleb called to her as he finally found the car matching the keys in his hand. He raised his eyebrows in her direction as he slid into the driver's seat.

"Where do you wanna go?" he asked as she shut the passenger side door. She smiled at him.


That was all it took. He turned onto the road right in front of him and drove them through town. He had no idea where he was going but he didn't care. She would go anywhere with him. She had just left a Rosewood High party for him. She could have had any guy in the room easily but she had picked him. He would go to Guadalajara if that's what she wanted.

Hanna had never felt so liberated in her entire life. As they passed the Rosewood sign, she actually felt lighter. There was no 'A' out here. No murder to be solved. The warm night air filled her nose and she let her hand drift along slowly outside the open window. She glanced over at Caleb, his hand resting easily on the steering wheel. She couldn't help herself, she reached over and laced her fingers through his free hand. He smiled at her and she felt herself turn a fierce shade of red. She didn't know how he evoked that in her, Sean had never given her that reaction. She had never felt nervous about holding hands, she would just grab Sean's hand confidently. Somehow with Caleb something as simple as holding hands felt like so much more. The intimacy of it was unnerving.

"Well?" he asked, looking for some sort of direction. Hanna leaned forward and switched on the radio.

"Just keep driving."

He sped up a little bit for affect and was pleased to see her laugh. He tried to remain focused on the road as they sped through the night. Hanna had slipped off her shoes and lazily put her feet up on the dashboard. Her bare legs were now clearly visible and he was having a hard time pretending not to notice them. All the while their fingers remaining firmly entwined.

"Is this what it's like to just disappear?" she asked. Caleb nodded.

"It's nice," she sighed.

"Sometimes," Caleb shrugged.

"It can be pretty lonely."

"I'm sorry," Hanna said softly. Sometimes she forgot about Caleb's past.

"It's okay," he replied and gave her hand a slight squeeze.

"It's not so lonely anymore."

Hanna smiled and squeezed back. They let the radio fill the silence as Caleb let the car cruise down the dark road.

"Wait, turn here!" Hanna sat up suddenly.

"What?" Caleb asked, confused.

"Here! Right here!" she bounced excitedly. Stealing his hand back, he turned sharply to the left onto a dark back road.

"Are you sure about this?" Caleb tilted his head as he attempted to see the winding dirt road. They were driving further into a deep-forested area.

"Trust me, this is it," Hanna assured him.

"What exactly is 'it'?"

"This! Turn in here," she pointed to a small clearing just up ahead. Following orders, he pulled into the clearing and put the car in park. Within seconds, Hanna threw off her seatbelt and bolted from the car.

"Hanna!" he shouted, scrambling out of the car after her. But she was off like a shot. That's when he saw it. At the edge of the clearing just through the trees was a lake.

"Come on!" she had stopped and was smiling mischievously at him, illuminated in the bright light coming off the moon. He could have sworn she was glowing. All he wanted to do was reach out and touch her. She reached out her hand for him and he had no choice but to follow her.

She led him down to the small dock the stretched out into the shallower parts at the edge of the lake. Her excitement and assertion reminded him of the Hanna he had first met when he came to Rosewood. Wild and impulsive and fearless.

"How did you know this was here?" he asked crossing his arms as he turned to face her.

"I used to come here sometimes…with my Dad," she managed the last part with some difficulty. Caleb's eyebrows rose in surprise. He'd never heard her so much as mention her father.

"We used to come down here on clear nights in the summer sometimes and look at the stars, " she said as she looked out over the lake. The water was as smooth as glass.

"I know it sounds kind of lame, but he was really into that stuff, my Dad. He would show me all of the constellations and explain what each of them meant. He was kind of a nerd about it," she laughed and shook her head as she remembered her childhood excursions.

"It sounds fun," Caleb said.

"It was," she agreed as a sad smile crossed her face.

"That was when he was still around. When he was my Dad and he still wanted to be with us."

They stood in silence for a few minutes, Hanna's confession hanging thick in the air between them.

"So how does this star thing work exactly," Caleb broke the silence, leaning in her direction and bumping her shoulder with his.

She laid down on the dock and motioned for him to follow. He looked at her skeptically.

"Come on, if you're going to do this you have to do it right," she insisted.

"Alright," he sighed and stretched out beside her on the narrow dock.

"See that, right there," Hanna pointed up to the cluster of stars in the shape of a 'W' right above them.

"That's Cassieopeia, She was a Queen, who was really vain and always saying that she was so beautiful. Which made the sea god Poseidon really angry and he started to lash out on her country. To get Poseidon to stop, Cassieopeia had to sacrifice her daughter Andromeda to a sea monster."

"So she just gave up her daughter to be eaten by three headed whale?" Caleb laughed.

"Something like that," Hanna giggled.

"But Perseus came and saved her. That's his constellation right there," she pointed out.

"Well look at you," Caleb turned his head and smirked at her.

"Someone is a secret nerdy genius."

"Shut up!" she lightly punched his shoulder.

"I told you why I know all this stuff."

"Yeah, I know."

The silence was comfortable as they stared up at the tiny lights dotting the night sky.

"Prison," Caleb said suddenly.

"What?" She turned her head to look at him, confused.

"A while ago you asked where my parents were and I wouldn't tell you. They're in prison. Well at least one of them is," Caleb focused his attention on the sky again. He didn't think he could look her in the eye as he told her this. He was afraid of what he might see there.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"You've been apologizing a lot tonight for stuff that is in no way your fault," he joked, trying to lighten the mood. She rolled her eyes at him and smiled.

"I meant I'm sorry because I know how that feels. It really sucks not having him around," she explained.

"Yeah, it did. But I think we turned out alright. Even without them," Caleb finally met her eyes.

"And I promise not to ruin your reputation by telling everyone you are a huge Astronomy nerd," he said in a low voice, reaching over and ruffling her hair.

"You are so dead!" she laughed and tried to do the same to his hair as he fought her off.

The sound of their laughter echoed out over the lake and into the night. But Hanna wasn't worried. Because for once, she didn't feel like anyone was listening.


Author's Note: There it is! Sorry it took so long! This chapter was a little bit lengthier and I wanted to get the interactions just right. Hope you like it! Please continue to review! All of the feedback has been amazing!