Her head was pounding, and she couldn't think straight. Elena slowly opened her eyes and looked around at the dark, damp room she was in. Something smelled metallic, and she felt sticky. 'Okay, this is weird' she thought. Attempting to rub her sore neck, she quickly came to the realization that she was chained to the wall in the bottom of a basement, or some under-ground room. She brought her arms up to her face studying the thick, old shackles that held her in place, and tried to pull them off of her wrists—but they wouldn't budge. 'How did I get in here? What's going on?' she wondered, all the while glancing around the tomb looking for some sort of answer to her questions.

After a while, she heard a low groan and jumped from the sound. Frantically looking for the source of the noise, her eyes fell upon two slumped over forms. But with horror, she realized that the unconscious masses weren't just forms—they were Damon and Stefan. She tried to shimmy over to them, but the world began to spin and she ended up falling over, hitting her head on the wall in the process. As blackness began to take her, she silently cursed herself for her weakness.

Damon began to stir, and his eyes peeked open, attempting to adjust to the dim light. As he sat up, pain shot through his wrists and ankles, and he realized that he was tied up with ropes—probably soaked in vervain. He shook his head, trying to get out of the haze he seemed to be in, and glanced around himself to get his bearings. His brother was passed out beside him, and Elena not much further away. Something smelled delicious, but he couldn't tell where the scent was coming from.

'What the hell is going on? Where are we?' he thought to himself, since none of the others in the room were conscious. He was confused, and Damon hated it. Well, confused was a bit of an understatement. Completely pissed off to be out of the loop probably fit his description a little better.

A few boring minutes passed, and Damon saw that Stefan was starting to wake up. He moaned and opened his eyes, taking in the surroundings. "Where the hell are we?" Stefan asked groggily.

"I think we're in a basement", Damon replied, "Do you remember anything?"

"No. Elena killed Elijah, and we put the body in the basement. She made us promise to tell her the truth, and then…nothing."

"Yeah, that's about as far as my memory goes", Damon stated. Stefan sighed, and looked over in Elena's direction, realizing she was there for the first time since they woke up. He let out a concerned breath, and tried to move to Elena's side, but groaned when he felt the burn from the ropes.

"Well, it's somebody experienced, that's for sure. Vervain on the ropes, not many people would think to do that", Stefan grimaced in pain. But his voice seemed to rouse her from unconsciousness, and Elena's eyes fluttered open. She reached a hand up to the side of her neck the boys couldn't see, and gasped when she pulled it away with deep-red blood smeared all over her hand. Frightened, she wrenched herself up against the wall, and turned towards Stefan and Damon.

She could see the concern etched on their faces, and she was about to ask what was going on, when she heard something. Damon, Stefan, and Elena turned their attention towards the door that had just opened.

Damon was the first to realize who it was, and growled through his teeth. Stefan followed suit, and immediately started glaring towards the door. But Elena couldn't see who had entered due to the extremely dim lighting until she was staring her evil doppelganger straight in the face. It was like looking in the mirror, except for the eyes. They were the same color as hers, but Katherine's were empty—soulless.

Katherine grinned evilly as she stared Elena in the face. When she spoke, it was full of coldness and hatred. "Hello, Elena. Fancy meeting you here."

OK. So I wanted to start out the story without my little note, so here it is :) the story starts after Season 2, episode 15. Elijah is dead, Bonnie's powerless, Caroline & Matt are MIA, etc., etc. ...BUT (and this is a big but!) nobody knows that Katherine is out of the tomb. So the shower-scene (which may I say, PRICELESS), yeah, that never happened. And Katherine's intentions aren't as good as she "promised" Damon. So in summary: Elena, Stefan, and Damon are put through the vengeful torture of Katherine Pierce, aka Katerina Petrova, while their buddies in the outside world try to rescue them-without magic powers, intuition, or an evil original and his gang to back them up. Memories will be relived, truths will be revealed, and feelings will be hurt. Characters on the virge of death, but fighting to the end with a violent outburst or two. Who will survive? And who will never get to see the light of day again? But hey, its just another week in Mystic Falls, right?

Oh, and as always, it's technically a Stelena fic :) But this story isn't so much about romance, its more about survival... So, after this long author's note, I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter of "Revenge of the Kat", and as always feedback is love, people :) so read and review!

-kiki :)