The Other Supernaturals
Dr. Davidoff sipped his coffee as the computer booted up, whizzing and beeping, and making him wish he'd sent in an application for a new one. How could anyone expect a doctor as imperative as him to this operation to work with mediocre equipment? The screen came to life and offered him the pass code page. He typed quickly, a name, a name he wished he could forget, and then waited again.
When the profile loaded, he scanned the files and opened one. He was so tired of looking at it, of staring at the names, that he almost wished he could just leave it alone. But he couldn't, not really. Too many of his subjects were…wrong.
Chloe Saunders.
Her most recent picture popped up. She looked child-like, even at her age. Curious, half dazed, eyes looked back at him, accusing and angry. Her wispy hair fluttered around her face and fell daintily on her shoulders. He followed her hair line onto her shoulders and the soft blue shirt she'd been wearing, standard clothing for Edison Group subjects, and there on the shirt sleeve, the Edison Group logo. The dark blue made her skin look even paler. She was fairly beautiful.
Davidoff turned away from the picture when he remembered the last time he'd seen her. She hadn't been so child-like then, not nearly as innocent as those eyes gave way to believe. She'd been fighting, furious, and she'd hated him for what he'd done. But he couldn't help that; it was his job to create and remake her. She might hate him for it, but this was where she belonged.
Derek Souza
His most recent photo was old, from when he was still a child and Kit still worked along side him. Derek's dark eyes gleamed out from under his dark mussed hair. A very boyish face, completely trusting and brave. Unlike the girl, his blue shirt made the dark skin on his chest even darker. Derek had also changed since that picture, though, his looks hadn't improved much from then. Well, Davidoff would take care of the boy.
Victoria Enright.
She was as feisty as her mother, maybe more so with her unstable gift. Her dark eyes were shrouded by her black hair, but the sinister curve of her puffy lips said exactly what she was thinking. Victoria wasn't going to let anyone push her around, not with the gift she was slowly tempering.
Simon Bea
He'd just received his new picture from the nurses at Lyle House. Davidoff could still remember Simon as a boy, but this young man made was no innocent boy. His brown eyes stared callously up at him through the rustled blond hair, and his mouth was turned down in a permanent frown. At least he seemed to be able to control his powers.
Davidoff exited the picture and considered the last two subjects of his experiment. They'd been missing for years. They'd never even set foot in the Edison Group building, not even after they'd been born. It troubled him immensely that two of his subjects had been missing for years. They needed to be located immediately, before an incident could occur.
Those two had been the bane of his existence since their father had gone into hiding. Davidoff had always been terrified that they'd lose control and make a scene. He'd have to go and collect their bodies from public morgue. Bring them back and here and study their lifeless corpses.
But so far, nothing had happened, which was good. Not great. Just good. He really did need to find them though. They belonged with the Edison Group, they weren't meant to be in the open public with their uncontrollable powers. They belonged to him.
If only their father hadn't run off with them like an idiot! What did he think he was doing? The Edison Group had given Valentine the information he needed to begin work. There had been an agreement, a physical agreement, between him and the Edison Group. Once they'd matured a little, Valentine was supposed to hand them over in exchange for help on his war against what he called "Downworlders". Well, the agreement was void, but the children were still his. It was for the good of society that the children be brought back.
Dr. Davidoff placed the cup down and clicked on the file of first child. There was no picture, there couldn't be one. Just a name with a description of the state of his gifts. Some change in his mobile abilities. His reflexes were enhanced. His strength enriched. He was the perfect warrior, the perfect weapon, and perhaps the most unstable of all the subjects.
"Ah, Jace," Dr. Davidoff sighed, shaking his head. "What did that man do to you?"
There had been not a word of Jace or the man who had claimed to be his father. Nothing. No news was good news, but still, Jace shouldn't be out in the world, wreaking havoc with the power endowed in him. Dr. Davidoff knew it was his job to find him and get him somewhere private, somewhere out of the public eye.
The other file contained information on a girl. There was almost nothing on file for her. A name, Clarissa Morgenstern, a date of birth, but nothing else. Davidoff didn't know what she was capable of, what risk she posed, what she even looked like. Her mother had run off with her before she'd been born.
"That woman has no idea what she's done!" Davidoff snarled at the screen. "Her daughter belongs right here, with the Edison Group. She has no right to that girl." He took a deep breath and scratched his cheek. "Clarissa belongs to the Edison group. Clarissa and Jace both belong to the Edison Group."