This is the edited version of this chapter. FF didn't post it right. Only change is the last line. Hope it makes sense now. Thanks.

Characters are not mine.

Once again this is for all my virtual friends in the land of Castle. Thanks again for keeping me sane.

Here's a little giggle while we all wait for the last two eps and then go into our summer psychosis.

She was sitting in front of the fish tank sipping a glass of wine, she had reluctantly sent him home almost an hour ago. "So, Nora, what do you think? Is he my Prince Charming, my knight in shining armor?" She giggled as the fish swam around enthusiastically. "Should I just jump right in and see where it goes. There's no doubt he's a great guy and he is very good to me. But you know there are those days when I just want to shoot him." She took another sip of wine and looked around for the other fish. "How about you Nick, from a guys perspective, what do you think I should do? Of course, you're a guy, we all know what you want. If you really are a guy, or are you Nora?" She looked at her wine and rolled her eyes. "Great now he's got me confiding in the fish."

She rinsed out her glass and the ice cream dishes and dragged her hand across the glass tank as she said, "Night babies," then headed off to bed. At some point in the night, an unfamiliar beeping noise woke her up. She sat up and looked around raking a hand through her hair, a flash of light and loud crash of thunder startled her. It was then that she noticed the complete darkness in her room. There was no light on her clock radio, no streetlight shining in her window. She grabbed her phone, opened it, and used it as a light to go investigate the obnoxious sound.

As soon as she got out to the kitchen, she realized it was coming from the fish tank. She panicked and called Castle immediately.

He croaked out a very hoarse, "Beckett, did you miss me?"

"Castle, I don't have any electricity."

He heard the panic in her voice. "Um, I'm sorry about that Kate, would you like me to come over with a flashlight?"

"Castle, don't be an ass…"

"Beckett, what is that noise?"

"Castle, it's the tank, the fish tank, what's going to happen to our babies?" She rolled her eyes at her own comment, did she really just call them 'our babies'? "You need to do something, how long can they survive without that thingy running, you need to get over here now."

He climbed out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweats and headed out to the kitchen, grabbing his keys and slipping his feet into shoes, he left his building. "Beckett, calm down."

"Castle don't you dare tell me to calm down, you buy me this stupid contraption and make me name them and talk to them and now that I'm getting attached you're going to make me sit here and watch them suffocate….."


"Castle this is not fair, you need to get over here and do something..."


"Are you even listening to me? Are you on your way here, you should be here by now."

"Are you done?"

"No!" She blew her nose and peeked in at the tank again. "I can't see any air bubbles, Castle, and how do I shut that beep off, why is it beeping, how can it beep if there's no electricity? It's giving me a headache. It's probably driving Nora crazy…..I bet Nick doesn't' even care, he's probably sleeping through it…he's such a guy. Or maybe…Oh my god Castle what if he's not sleeping." She blew her nose again.

"Kate, are you crying?"

"No." Just then, she hiccupped.

"How much wine have you had?" He heard her groan and then the phone disconnected. He figured it was in his best interest to get over there and not bother to explain over the phone, she was obviously quite distraught.

When he knocked on her door she had started to doze at the counter, the beeping hadn't stopped. She answered the door with red-rimmed eyes. Her hair was tousled and more than not was in her face. She was wearing a trim fitting t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. She glared at him and started poking him in the chest "If they die Castle I'm never speaking to you again, you're done, no I'm your partner forever and always, no happily-ever-after nothing."

He flinched from all the poking and screaming and gently reached for her hands. He leaned in and kissed her. "They are not going to die, Kate." He took her hand and brought her around the tank and opened the cupboard, he shone the flashlight at the small box that was beeping. "This is the battery back-up. It's good for 36 hours, just flip this button like this." The beeping stopped instantly. The beep is just to let you know it has gone into back-up mode, it never stopped running. The babies are fine."

Her eyes got wide as she watched the fish swim around the tank. She smiled and swiped at the tears on her face. She sighed and looked back at him. "Why didn't you just tell me that on the phone, Castle?"

"Beckett, I …"

"I could have done that, if you had just told me."

"I tri…."

"Do you have any idea how obnoxious that beep is? I think I've got a migraine."

It was his turn to roll his eyes. He leaned over, picked her up, and carried her into her room, kicking and flailing. Her eyes were wide and she started to say something again and he covered her mouth with his lips, he dropped her on the bed and as he started to turn away, she grabbed at his shirt and pulled him onto the bed.


"Kate." He arched his eyebrows and took a deep breath. She took the flashlight from his hand, placed it on the nightstand, and tugged him down beside her. He kicked off his shoes; she snuggled in beside him and rested her head on his chest.

She laced her fingers through his, brought his hand up to her lips, and kissed it softly. "Thank you."


She leaned up and said, "Shhhhh, go to sleep Castle." She kissed him and then pulled the quilt up over them and snuggled back onto his chest.

The storm carried on outside, making Kate jump with every crash of thunder.

He held her tighter and ran his hand up and down her back. "Are you afraid of the thunder?"


"That's the real reason you made me come over."

"Is not."

"Is so." He kissed her on the top of her head. "You're even shivering."

"I was afraid the babies would die."


"Yes, I think I've fallen in love with them."

"So the fish get the fairy tale and I don't?"

"You're in my bed."

"I should get some points for rescuing my damsel in distress."

"I wasn't...okay...maybe a little...Castle we probably shouldn't have kids. I think it might just push me over the edge."

He smiled at her admission that maybe there was a future with him in it after all. "I'll make sure you know where their battery backup is."

She slapped his chest and giggled. "I'm cold."

"Well, good thing your Prince Charming is here to rescue you."He rolled over on top of her and kissed her long and sweet.


"You want me to kiss you again?"

She smiled into the kiss. "My Prince Charming has rescued me again."

"Glad to be of service Madame."

"I think we've reached the point of no return."

"You think, maybe?" He kissed her eyelids and forehead and then her nose and started nibbling on her ear and neck. "I reached the point of no return three years ago, Kate."

She giggled at his ministrations to her ear and neck. "Sometimes I'm a little slow, and I'm not sure what you want with such damaged goods."

"I'm going to ignore that last remark. I meant it when I said you are extraordinary, God knows you probably deserve someone better than me but I sure hope you'll give me a chance to do the title of Prince Charming some justice."


"Really?" He stopped nibbling on her neck and looked at her.


He leaned back down and kissed her desperately.

When he finally stopped, she ran her finger along his collarbone and smiled. "There is one rule you can't break though."

"Why do you always have to have rules?"

"It's the cop in me."

"Okay, what's the rule?"

"You can't leave this bed until I say so." She smiled, winked, and worked her hands under the waistband of his sweats.

He chuckled, kissed her again and said, "…..and they lived happily ever after….in Beckett's bed."

She giggled into his kiss. "Best,Story,Ever."

So, this is the last chapter of this ridiculously out of character story :o) Thanks to all of you who reviewed, added author alerts and favorites. I have another story in mind and may post before the finale….we'll see what happens with the muse. For those of you waiting for an update to 'Sleeping Beauty?' Hopefully it won't be too much longer. Busy doesn't even begin to describe my life right now.