This is just a preview for the second generation story that I'm writing with Auden and Fred's kids and all of the other Weasley and Potter children. I decided to put a preview on here just in case anyone's interested in reading it and didn't know it was up yet. :)
Once we had chosen a compartment, James stopped us from leaving. "I have an idea," he said. His eyes were twinkling mischievously. I knew what that meant. I had seen that look too many times on the faces of my brothers. It most likely even appeared on her my own face from time to time. Maybe even more than that.
"What?" Finn and Cameron asked excitedly.
"Your parents told you 'the story,' didn't they?"
We nodded. "Yeah, years ago," I said. "Why?"
"Well, I've been thinking. Why don't we try to do what our parents did? You know, recreate their adventures."
"So you want us to get Professor Lupin out under a full moon, find a time turner to go back in time, and get some Azkaban dementors to try and steal Sirius' soul again?" I asked. "That would be too much work and trouble. Not to mention dangerous."
"Well we don't have to do it exactly," James shrugged, waving his hand impatiently. "I was thinking more along the lines of simply visiting the tunnel under the Whomping Willow. We can go in order. We start with the trapdoor in the third floor corridor. Then, we go into the Chamber of Secrets, the Whomping Willow, the-,"
I interrupted. "We can't fight a dragon or go through the maze. The maze is gone now anyway."
"I was going to say the lake. We can get our hands on some gillyweed and go for a little swim with the mermaids," James smirked. He plowed on before I could interrupt again. "Then, we go into the Room of Requirement, asking it for a place to practice defending ourselves so we can see the exact meeting place of the DA. Then we can visit Dumbledore's tomb since we can't exactly travel to the cave ourselves. We can even go into the Forbidden Forest and look for Grandpa Weasley's car. And maybe we'll find some unicorns or giant spiders."
"Aragog died," Finn said.
"But his family didn't," James smirked.
"And then what?" I asked. "We can't travel the countryside or break into the Ministry, or get captured by Snatchers. We can't start reenacting an entire battle."
James seemed to be stumped now, but then he snapped his fingers. "Our parents always bring us to Grandma and Grandpa Weasley's house for Christmas Eve, right? Well, we visit the cave where Uncle Fred and Aunt Auden first started doing Potterwatch with Uncle George, Aunt Katie, Lee and Angelina."
"And the tree house," I added. I had always loved going into the tree house every time I visited my grandparents' house. Well, houses actually since both sets of her grandparents lived right next door to each other. It was a huge convenience.
"If you want," James answered, shrugging as if he couldn't care less about the tree house. All he liked to do up there was pretend it was a ship, or a castle, or a cabin in the woods, which was fine most of the time, but sometimes I just liked to sit up there and look at the stars.
"So are you in?" James asked, holding out his hand, palm down.
"We're in," we answered at once, putting our hands on top of James'.