Disclaimer: I own nothing!


Jonas and I finally found a plan we agree on. We have decided to take Grant's plan to the next level. Plan Jealousy is a go. Almost. We still have a few kinks to work out. Like, how are we supposed to get Cammie to confess and not run away? Macey says if we make it believable and hold her to her spot, Cammie will be part of the schools newest couple. I hope so.

Next thing to fix is Zach. Jonas decided not to tell him the plan. We told Tina only so he won't have time to back out. On my way to breakfast, I can't help but pray that this will work.

Zach POV

On my way to breakfast, Tina grabs me. She hugs me and whispers in my ear, "Just play along."

"What?" I whisper back.

Tina pulls back and starts giggling, "I have a plan" she says.

If playing along is what I have to do for information I decide to try. I hug her again smiling and ask her, "What plan?"

"She whispers back, I'm helping you get Cammie. Duh."

"What's in it for you?

"I get to see you happy" she giggles. I bet she also gets some serious dirt on our first date. I don't mind if this works. I will be to happy to even notice anything else. While Tina and I walk into the dinning hall I see Gallagher girl out of the corner of my eye, she looks sad not to mention furious. When I turn to look again I see her sprinting away.

When I see her running, the only thing I can think is how much of a jerk I am. I need to find her.

When I finally find her I shout, "Gallagher girl, why do you keep leaving?"

"I keep thinking I can stand it, but I can't"

"What do you mean?" I am seriously confused and concerned now.

"You and Tina!" Cam shouts her voice so full of vengeance I am scared.

"We aren't together! I want you!" I didn't mean to sound so angry, but how can she not know this? I grab her and hold her close.

"If you like me-"

"I really like you." I interrupt.

"Then what were you doing with Tina?" She continues.

"Grant. He said if I made you jealous I would be able to find out your true feelings. Your friends thought it was a good idea." She stops trying to get out of my grip and looks up. I take a chance and kiss her. To my surprise she kisses me back, but too soon she pulls away.

"Don't ever do that to me because," Then says the last thing I hear before she kisses me…

"I have a taser."

AN: Big thanks to every one who read reviewed favorited or anything. This was my first Fic so all of your support helped so much! I love all of you. (as friends).

I think my next fic won't be for GG. I am going to try to write one thing for each of my fav. books. But I will defiantly be back to GG soon.