Hey everyone, one part of cocoatd is here! (Michy!). I started writing Cherry Blossom Flash in grade eight. My writing back then was decent enough to get by with this story, but now as I go back and read it, I wince and cannot believe that I even wrote such… well, shitty chapters. In fact, I am surprised that so many people have even liked this story, because I find it to be terribly-written in my opinion. I constantly switched between points of views and practically re-wrote the same thing, just in a different perspectives. I also didn't balance the story that well and it felt rushed to me, and I was particularly terrible at describing scenes.

I am now in grade twelve, and I have to say my writing has improved greatly. In grade ten, I created my own fanfiction account (which I won't put on here because I wish to keep it separate) and I started writing on my own. I found that my writing was slowly getting better with each passing year, and people really seemed to like what I wrote, which helped with a boost in my confident levels.

Re-reading Cherry Blossom Flash has been a huge eye-opener for me. My cousin and I have a vague understanding of where we want this story to go and how it can end, but I honestly think I need to re-write the whole entire story before we can even think about finishing it up.

I no longer like to write in first perspective. I like writing from a third, omnipresent perspective as I am able to incorporate everyone's thoughts and feelings without solely focusing on one person. And I find it way easier for readers to follow. In fact, I will NEVER write a story from a first-person point of view now, because I just don't like it. And that is what most of Cherry Blossom Flash has been written like. Though I noticed the first-person point of view fizzled out as the chapters continued on, which is totally inconsistent with the others and bothered me to no end when I read the story. (I now totally understand why some people couldn't finish the story, as I found out in the review section).

I will be re-writing this story, though I cannot guarantee when the new chapters will be posted. My cousin and I are both in our final year of high school, and I need good grades to get into what I wish to do (I want to study in the area of Paralegal, English, Genocide, Politics and eventually make my way up to law school).

For those who managed to stick with me through seventeen chapters of brutal writing, I thank you so much! Your support is a blessing and has helped me with wanting to continue writing. When I first posted this story, I was incredibly worried that NO ONE would like my story, but I was received with such wonderful reviews and people. Thank you for all these years of writing.

By the way, I also want to thank all those who, instead of just bashing me, actually gave me constructive criticism about what needed to change with this story. (And I do agree… there are too many OCs and plotlines). And I shamelessly killed Hinata because I didn't like her, and I still don't, but I need to change that. I don't even think I had anyone react to her death or realize she had been kidnapped. Gosh, so terrible.

I hope you will all enjoy the new chapters of Cherry Blossom Flash when they eventually come out!

Sincerely, Michy (only part of cocoatd)