When bombs are being dropped, even kings run for cover. And Bertie, of all people, knows what it means to be mortal.

The Nazis latest raid happens during a speech session and he soon finds himself squeezed into the Logue's back yard shelter. It is so dark and soundless in their underground room. Like a tomb.

Bertie searches for Lionel's hand in the blackness.

It's safe to do so. His wife won't see (and the boys are at school), though Myrtle has made it plain that she doesn't mind their relationship, even going so far as to peek around the door once when she thought they wouldn't notice.

Lionel squeezes his hand and scoots closer to him on the bed they're sitting on.

"Are you alright?" Lionel whispers.

"N-n-not r-really. My sp-each becomes dr-readful w-when these damned r-raid hap-p-pen," he stammers uncontrollably, nearly worse than when he first should up on Lionel's doorstep two years ago.

When a faint whistling noise rips through the air, Bertie presses his face into the side of Lionel's neck. His body leans tensely on his friend. He all rigid lines and hard planes as his body braces for the impact.

Myrtle listens intently to their conversation as she stretches out on the bed on the other side of the small room. She closes her eyes and pictures what they are doing.

A thundering crash sounds nearby. Two miles? Maybe three? It's too difficult to tell.

"We w-w-will live, w-w-won't w-w-we?" Bertie trips over the many w's.

"Of course we will, dear. They'll soon see that they don't stand a chance against the good in his world. The good you do, Bertie."

"That's true," Myrtle thinks. "At least the good he's done for Lionel."

He pats his knee.

Bertie raises his head.

"D-do you m-mean that?" he asks, hopefully.

"Most sincerely," Lionel confesses.

Bertie kisses him then, and suddenly, life doesn't seem so bad. Especially when one has such a good friend. The Nazis can never take that away from them.

Myrtle presses her lips together and wills them to go further. just so she can listen.

"Dearest?" Lionel queries. "How can we make you feel safe when you're all the way over there?"

Her eyes pop open.

Was he...? Did he mean...?

She walks the three feet to the other bed. Lionel takes her left hand, and Bertie takes her right.

They pull her down to the bed and sandwich her between them.

Myrtle quickly learns what it means to be royally fucked.