When Jacob is trying to hint to Bella that he's a werewolf, without actually telling her.

Rock…hit the window…rock…hit the window…rock…hit the window

"WHAT DO YOU WANT? Oh hey Jacob! Come climb the tree next to my window, if you know what I'm saying."

"Sounds like a howling good time, oh damn I lost my shirt" … again

"Howling, are you delusional? It almost reminds me of my v- oh never mind" … "well this is awkward."

"Why were you annoyingly throwing rocks at my window?"

"What, do I have to roll over and beg to talk to you?"

"Nooooo, but we do have a door. You know the thing downstairs that's on hinges that opens and closes on a person request, that type of thing."

"Come on Bella, throw me a bone here I'm trying to make this work."

"Are you trying to tell me something Jake? Ooh, Ooh I know, did you get a puppy?"

"The idea of a puppy is quiet FETCHING, get it?"

"Get what?"

"GRRRRRRRR, you're hopeless."

"No I'm not, I'm Bella."

"Have you ever drank toilet bowl water? It's surprisingly good."

"No Jake! That's what dogs do silly, what was your grandpa a dog or something?"

"Exactly! Yes, yes exactly that, but what type of dog?"

"Ummmm, a cocker spaniel they're my favorite!"

"Um, no think about the woods. They live in the woods, like in the mountains!"

"A Burmese Mountian dog? They're soo pretty"

"Nooo, ummm let me throw you a bone, they save people!"

"Saint Bernard's? Cause they're like saints and everything."

"Ugh, think night time, think…HARRY POTTER!"


"No you dumb woman, think night time!"

"Is there like an owl dog or something? I didn't know Hedwig could turn herself into a dog…hey not only can she deliver messages she can also play fetch and get the news paper!"

"You're hopeless"

"Oh I got it! A werewolf!"

"No Bella not at all" insert rolling eyes here

"Aww man, I thought that guess was it!"

