Chapter 4: This is Krypton, Our Childhood, Our Home…

Jor-El breathed deeply and exhaled with his eyes closed in thought. He opened his eyes staring out into the distance seeing the beautiful landscape untouched for millions and millions of years. It saddened him to think this will be coming to an end but there was hope in him, his younger brother Zor-El who lived on the West Coast of this continent had prepared a ship to send his only child Kara to Earth.


The brilliant scientist turned seeing his wife with their infant son in her arms who was fast asleep.

"Hurry, time is of the essence." He said. Lara placed young Kal-El into the oval shaped spacecraft that would guide him to the distant planet of Earth where he would be safe. The spacecraft built by her husband would take two years to arrive on Earth with the precious cargo. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at her baby only eight months old, she will never see him grow up, or hear his first word or watch him walk.

"Do not worry my love, on Earth he will be safe." assured Jor-El.

"But their primitives, humans are thousands of years behind us technologically and scientifically, they are a violent race fighting wars for greed and power." she argued.

"As we use to be earlier in our history, as we use to be even in this modern age but he will look like one of them."

"But he won't be one of them, he will be alone" she whispered sadly.

"No!" he said sharply. "He will never be alone; their yellow sun will give him abilities far beyond those of humans, you remember in the history of books of Kryptonians visiting worlds with yellow suns?"

His wife nodded.

"He will be strong able to lift objects many times his own weight, he will run at incredible velocities near the speed of light, he will be impervious to harm able to withstand extreme cold and heat, emit heat beams as hot as the surface of their sun, be able to fly like a bird, hear things over vast distances."

The ground started to shake causing them to look to their son, Jor-El immediately typed on the holographic keyboard which closed the spacecraft and opening the ceiling doors.

Jor-El sighed sadly putting an arm around his wife. "Farewell, my son." He whispered.

He pressed a button and immediately the ship rocketed away into the sky disappearing in a second. Jor-El and Lara embraced lovingly as they awaited their deaths with no fear or regret. The ground split apart with glowing green lava spilling out irradiating the fields of beautiful blue grass, the sky darkened as thunderstorms formed with lighting rumbling in the clouds.

Mushrooms clouds formed from the earth as the planet itself began to come apart at its seams. In a few moments, a bright flash of light eclipsed the entire solar system.

Smallville, Kansas

The yellow sun rose over the sky as a new day began in the American Midwest. Jonathan and Martha Kent drove down the road towards town in their red pickup truck when they saw some bright coming towards them. Martha was a blond woman in her mid-thirties around the same age as her husband.

"Jonathan, what is that?" she asked fearfully.

"I don't know, Martha."

The bright spot got even brighter when it passed just right at the truck causing the farmer to swerve and the truck rolled over, Martha screamed in terror as the red vehicle finally stopped upside down.

"Martha, are you alright?" asked Jonathan.

The blond woman managed to nod.

"What in god's name was that?" he muttered. Martha an oval shaped spacecraft in the field it was open.

"Jonathan, look!" she pointed to the spacecraft. His eyes widened in surprise.

"What do you think it is?" he said.

"Soviet? Maybe one of ours…"

Many theories ran through their brains as too what this machine was but they were even more surprise to see a small toddler walk from behind the spacecraft. The Kents were very astounded to see this raven-haired small boy here in the middle of nowhere, he looked to be no more than 2 or 3 years old.

The toddler smiled up at them which made Martha's heart swell up with affection.

"Where the hell are his parents?" mumbled Jonathan.

Martha picked up the smiling small child into her arms. "It doesn't look like he has any parents."

He looked at his wife like she grew a second head. "Martha, everyone has parents."

"We should give him a name."

"Martha," he scolded, he didn't want her to get too attached to the child.

"How about Christopher?"

"He must have parents looking for him." argued Jonathan.

"Or how about Clark? Clark Kent."

The farmer sighed defeated. Martha put the child on the ground. "Now how the hell are we going to get home with the truck upside down?" she muttered.

The childhood patted the window and with no warning he pushed the one-ton truck as if it weighed nothing onto its upright position, the Kent's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wherever the kid is from, he's definitely not from Kansas.

Clark giggled.