AN: Okay yea, yea it's not smart to have something else on here. Too many ideas? Overwhelmed? Me too. Oh well, what the muse wants, the muse gets. At least this will be a simple on (I hope). My first drabble! This is a perfect drabble meaning each chapter will have exactly 200 words (not counting the author's note). 200 because there are two people. Well here we go, keep in mind, I have no idea where this is going. I will try to update this faster because each chapter is shorter though.
Experiment: Perfect drabble, double perspective.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Maybe if I was someone else I would let her go. But her sweet scent and beautiful smile wraps around me, anchoring me to her. It's all her fault and at the same time it's entirely my fault. She's too beautiful and I'm too selfish. I don't want her to leave.
I don't want to leave. I say that I hate him. I say that I won't care if he'll be killed. But deep down I know that I don't want to leave. More correctly, I don't want to leave him.
I don't know if this is called love. [Hn, love. How bizarre.] The closest thing to this is probably lust. We want to stay close to each other, because-
He's the only person that I can be free around.
She's the thing that's keeping me on this earth.
We're the only ones who can accept each other now.
We're the only ones who can learn to love the other one now.
Everyone else is scared. Everyone else isn't her.
They won't accept me now that I've ran towards him and refused to let go.
After selfishness and selflessness, we are together, trying to find new excuses to stay close.
AN: There you have it! I hope that when you read this, you can tell who is saying which part. If you have any questions ask and I shall reply!