I've been listening to some teen tragedy songs lately, and I also analyze way too much. LOL I'm just saying, Max's behavior in An Extremely Goofy Movie...something must have happened to make him kind of...well...an ass. And it would also explain why Roxanne wasn't in AEGM.
So, this takes place during Max's junior year in high school. I do not own A Goofy Movie, it belongs to Disney.
"Well, tonight was fun."
Max and Roxanne were on their way home from their juinor prom. They were made prom king and queen, which made Max's year.
Roxanne smiled teasingly. "You're only saying that, 'cause you and I were made prom king and queen!"
"Oh, I did not!" Max shot back, teasingly. They laughed. "That is a major contribution, though."
Roxanne giggled and kissed Max on the cheek. "I love you."
Max opened his mouth to reply, when his car started stalling. He pulled over. "Aw, crud."
"What's wrong?"
"My car broke down." Max tried to restart it, but the car sputtered and exploded. Roxanne yelped in surprise as smoke started rising from the hood.
Max swore under his breath, got out of the car and ran to open the hood. Smoke came billowing out. He backed off, coughed and waved away the smoke. "Roxanne, there's a flashlight in the glove compartment. See if you can find it."
Roxanne complied and fished around for the flashlight. She found it, turned it on, and climbed out to give it to Max.
"Thanks." Max shone the flashlight under the hood. After a few minutes, he blinked. "I...have no idea what's wrong."
Roxanne raised an eyebrow. "All that bonding with your dad, and you never fixed a car under the hood?"
"We never had to fix a car." Max shrugged. "We fixed a flat tire, though."
"Well, in that case..." Roxanne gently pushed Max o8t of the way and surveyed the damage. "Hmmmm...you need to change the battery."
Max was surprised. "How do you...?"
"My dad showed me a little bit about cars." Roxanne answered.
Max sighed and closed the hood. "Well, this stinks." He folded his arms and leaned against the hood. "Do you have your phone?"
Roxanne pulled out her mobile phone from her purse, and sighed in disappointment. "Battery's dead."
Max sighed and shook his head. "Well, this is a fine predicament."
They stood for a few minutes. Roxanne surveyed the area. "There must be a pay phone somewhere."
Max locked his car doors and put his keys in his pocket. "Well, let's start walking, then."
Max and Roxanne walked for about twenty minutes until they got to a construction site with no way to pass. Max noticed an alleyway.
"You know what? We're gonna cut through this alley." Max started walking towards it. "It leads to another street that will hopefully have a pay phone."
Roxanne hesitated and hung back. "Max, I don't know. This isn't exactly the safest neighborhood in town."
Max turned around and smiled reassuringly at his girlfriend, and took her hands "Roxanne, I promise I will not let anything happen to you. You're safe with me." He caressed Roxanne's cheek softly.
Roxanne relaxed and smiled up at her boyfriend. "Okay. I trust you."
Max smiled and offered his arm. Roxanne took his arm tight, and held his hand. They walked quickly and quietly through the alleyway. They reached the end and turned a corner. Sounds of people laughing and talking grew louder as the duo turned the corner. Max stopped and swallowed nervously as they saw a few gang members towards the end of the alley.
"Maybe if we're real quiet, we'll be able to sneak by without being noticed." Max whispered. Roxanne nodded in agreement. Unfortunately, Max's plan didn't work. He ran into a garbage can hard enough to knock the lid off, grabbing the gangsters' attention.
"Well, well, well..." Said a burly man in his early twenties. "Sup, homie?"
"What's a nice couple like you doing out so late, huh?" Asked a skinnier man with longish, unruly hair tied back in a ponytail.
"Uhh...we're just, uh, walking home from our school prom." Max answered. He started to sweat nervously. "We-we're just passing through. Don't mind us- we won't cause any trouble." Max started pulling Roxanne towards the exit, but was stopped buy another gangster with a clean-shaven head and a goatee.
"Whoa. Not so fast." He said, holding his arm out to stop them. "What's your name?"
"Uh...M-m-max." Max stammered. 'Come on, let us pass so we can get the heck out of here!' He thought frantically. He was starting to shake. Roxanne was cutting off his circulation in his arm. He could hear her breathing heavily.
"Max..." The man nodded. He nodded and smiled creepily at Roxanne. "Nice girl you have here." He unsheathed a knife. Warning bells went off in Max's head. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Uh...it's Roxanne." Roxanne swallowed nervously. Her voice was shaking, and so was the rest of her body. Her heart started pounding against her chest.
"Damn!" Exclaimed the burly gangster. "I'd definitely tap that ass!"
Max glared at the thug and clenched his fists. He stepped sideways in front of Roxanne, protecting her. "Out of our way...now."
"Oooooohhhhh..." The gang chorused.
"We got ourselves a tough nut here, boys!" One of them exclaimed. He pushed up his sleeves and chuckled.
Roxanne clutched onto Max's jacket and whimpered quietly. Max tensed up and continued thinking of a way out. It was very dark, however, there were a few lights. From what he could see, the thugs were blocking their only way out. He slowly turned around and hugged Roxanne comfortingly, while keeping an eye on the thugs.
"I'll distract them while you make a run for it." Max whispered.
Roxanne nodded and swallowed again. Her heart hammered in her chest so hard, it might burst free.
"Well, ain't that sweet." Chortled the pony tailed gangster. "Prince Charming comforting his princess!"
Max turned to the thug and laughed humorlessly. "Oh, I'm sure you'd do the same if you were in my shoes. However, the only girls you would be able to get would be the ones working on a pole."
"You wanna repeat that, smart ass?" The thug pushed Max. He stumbled backwards.
"You heard me, asshole." He swung his fist back and punched the thug hard in the nose. "Now beat it!"
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe you are in our turf." The heavyset thug said. He grabbed Max's collar and reared his fist back. Max ducked out of the way, causing the heavyset thug to punch the pony tailed thug.
Roxanne gasped, hitched up her dress and started running towards the exit. One of the thugs noticed and ran after her. Roxanne yelped as the thug grabbed her.
"Not so fast, princess."
"Let go of me!" Roxanne protested. She tried to pull away and started hitting the thug. "Aaahhh! Max!"
"Hey, leave her alone!" Max exclaimed. He jumped on the offending thug's back. The thug threw Max off. Roxanne dropped to the ground and swung-kicked the thug to the ground. She hopped up and two more thugs grabbed her. "No! Let me go, dammit!" She tried kicking the thugs, but to no avail.
Max slowly and clumsily stood up. "All right, you asked for it!" He charged at one of the thugs holding Roxanne hostage and pushed him to the ground. He heard Roxanne starting to sob, and extended a comforting hand. "It'll be all right, Roxy-"
All at once, Max heard a shot ringing out, and a silver bullet piercing his stomach. Pain like nothing he felt before ripped through his body. He felt blood spilling out where the pain was. He felt dizzy and sank to his knees, then collapsed sideways.
"NOOOO! MAX!" Roxanne screamed in horror. She sobbed harder and tried harder to pull away from her captor. "NO! NO!"
Through blurred vision, Max saw Roxanne trying desperately to get to him, then the gangsters surrounding Roxanne. The last thing he heard before blacking out were the sounds of Roxanne screaming and crying, cloth ripping, and distant sirens.
o.o I know. That was intense! Don't worry, this is gonna be the most intense chapter in this story!