Hey guys,

First of all, I want to apologize deeply and profusely for the lack of updates over the last few months. At first, it was my being incredibly busy with school, work, and life in general. I had very little time to write, and I was usually too exhausted to do anything when I did have the time. Then school started, and I don't think I have to tell you guys how time-consuming being a university/college student is.

But I would be lying if I said I hadn't had any time whatsoever to write. The truth is, I initially had a plan for Overboard when I started writing it, but along the way, that plan got skewed, and I quite liked that. The issue is, with my other plan, I had a clear vision of how I wanted to end Overboard and start its sequel. I still know exactly how I want to start the sequel, but the truth is, at this point, I'm trucking along with Overboard, just trying to get to the end, and that is just not helping my muse whatsoever.

BUT, that is not to say I want to abandon the story forever. I have a few ideas of how I want to go from here, and I will posit them to you, the readers, now.

Option A: I can keep Overboard up, and try to finish it whenever my muse returns.

Option B: I can take down Overboard, and start its sequel, with every intention of bringing back Overboard as a prequel whenever that story gets finished.

Option C: I can leave Overboard up, but put an 'Abandoned' or something like that, tag on it, and still put up the sequel. Note, though, that things between the two may not always match.

I would love you guys forever if you could go to my profile and respond to a poll with these very same options.

I would just like to say that while I do appreciate all of your opinions and thoughts on the matter, I cannot guarantee that I will go along with the results of the poll.

I love you all so much for loving Overboard as much as I do, and sticking around even though I've been terribly absent.

