I came up with a new story idea! Woo! Now, you probably thinking, Sugoi, this is your first spare time you have and you won't update your stories? What the fudge? Well, I'm going to tell you, I WILL UPDATE! It's NOT my fault my teachers shower me with homework! Anyway, REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO… I'm a teenage girl, not a grown man…

Dare of the Week: Try to squeeze in a conversation with the following words: Snip, Tangelo, Vehicle, Strange, Indeed, and Ruckus.

Katie's POV

Day 10 (This story begins ten days into the mission. I don't think of it as a quest, because they were never issued a prophecy. Think about it like one of those missions in TLO,)

"Travis, for the millionth time, PERCY WOULD NOT BE AT THAT MCDONALD'S AROUND THE CORNER!" I whispered loudly.

I'm Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter, and I'm with Travis Stoll, son of Hermes, and we're on a mission to find something. More like someone. More like Percy Jackson. Percy disappeared a couple weeks ago, and we were sent to search the entire country until we gave up finding Percy. It had been 10 days already, and Travis was starving, because he kept begging me to let him go to the fast food restaurant.

"Why not Kate, he might be there!" Travis whispered back.

"Because, A, you're just hungry therefore, it's your hunger speaking, and B, what if we find a monster there?" I questioned.

"There's a small chance we'll meet up a monster at McDonald's." Travis smiled.

"Well, I'm not in the mood to fight a monster," I sighed.

"It'll be okay Katie, I'll protect you. Besides, we're gonna have to meet up with the Hunters soon enough anyway, it'll be okay." Travis reassured.

I was silent for a couple minutes, and Travis stared at me with pleading eyes. "Fine, we'll get it to-go,"

Travis beamed and I smiled and stared into his blue eyes. I blinked really tightly and I felt him grab my hand and he led me to the McDonald's around the corner.

"A couple minutes, promise?" I asked.

"Katie, this might be the first time we eat something other than snacks and hotdogs in days, get real." He persuaded.

"Fine, I'll keep a look out for monsters, and we're NOT eating here." I confirmed.

"Fine then," Travis said as he got in line. We were the only ones in the restaurant other than this lady eating a burger in the corner, mumbling to herself.

I slung our bags over my shoulder and waited. It didn't take that long for him to get our order, and we were about to leave, when the lady came up to me. She looked a little young to be homeless.

"Can you spare a drachma?" she asked.

"Excuse me ma'am?" Travis butted in.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about lady, we're sorry." I said apologetically and pretended to be confused. Travis grabbed my hand and tried to drag me out the door, but the wackjob grabbed my arm.

"Can you please let go of her, we have to go soon," Travis asked politely, tugging on my arm.

"No can do, you demigod!" she hissed, turning into a dracanae.

"Oh gods," I groaned. Travis took out his sword and quickly sliced her head off.

"Well, you were right," he muttered.

"What?" I asked feeling confused.

"You were right about being a monster in there!" he smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. She just grabbed my arm." I answered.

"Good, now let's try and figure out where we are," Travis said, as we started to walk down the street.

"Uh Travis," I murmured.

"Yeah, Katie?" he murmured back.

"You can let go of my hand now," I muttered, feeling heat rising to my face.

"Oh, of course," he muttered, as he let go of me.

We were walking silently trying to think of what to do.

"Okay Katie, we are currently in... Little Rock, Arkansas." Travis announced.

"Oh, I don't know what to say about that," I confessed.

"Well, we have to search as much as we can until we can't handle it anymore," Travis reminded.

"So we just keep looking?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess…" Travis murmured.

"Okay then, let's go." I told him.

"I really hope we don't have to look in Canada!" he joked. I laughed and he gave me a smile.

"Travis, I honestly don't know what I'm doing," I confessed while it was silent between us.

"Me neither, we should probably rest by now." Travis sighed. We both knew we were going nowhere with this.

"Yeah, let's go. I'm exhausted." I agreed. We went to a nearby hotel and got a room. We sat there and ate our food. We found only one bed, but we didn't want to pay for extra, so we both fell back on the bed. By now, we slept in shifts and kept guard even though we were in a hotel.

"I'll keep guard first." I said instantly.

"NO, I am," Travis said slowly. Oh no, not again… Every night, we've been fighting over who got first shift.

"Travis, I said it first, I'm doing this." I told him.

He stepped up in front of me and we had a stare down.

"Fine, I'll be up in 4 hours." Travis muttered as he climbed in bed.

"Good night Travis," I greeted from my chair. I had a sword in one hand and I had the remote with my other hand.

I was watching re-runs of "Full House", and when I was laughing about "You got it dude," I heard Travis mumbling and he got up.

"Good morning sunshine," I greeted.

"You're turn to sleep," Travis mumbled.

"You're not fully awake yet…" I said, unconvinced.

"Yeah, I am," Travis muttered.

"No you're not Trav," I smiled.

"Yes, Katie, I am fully awake," he murmured.

I grabbed a towel and soaked it with cold water and when I got out of the bathroom, Travis was sitting on the chair… asleep again.

"Trav, you have to get up," I said, as I was shaking him. He refused to get up.

"Trav, it's not fair, I gotta sleep," I whined.

"Mom, I'll go get your potatoes in a minute!" he whined back.

"What? First, I'm not your mom, and Second, POTATOES TRAV, REALLY?" I asked. I obviously wanted to sleep.

"Travis, please, it's not fair, do it for me." I said, as I was wiping his face with the cold towel.

"I'm up, Katie," He mumbled. I got a water bottle and spilled some of it on his face. "I'm up Katie! You go rest now,"

"Thanks Trav," I smiled as I crawled in bed. He sat there watching TV, and the last thing I heard was, "Haha, you got it dude,"

A couple hours later…

"Katie, get up, we have to leave NOW." Travis ordered.

I sat up, stretched, and wiped my eyes. Travis grew clearer and I asked, "Wait, what's going on?"

"Katie, we need to go, I booked a flight out of this place out to San Francisco. It leaves in a couple of hours, but we can't stay here. The manager is a Cyclops, not nice like Tyson." Travis explained, as he got our stuff together.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Well, he wasn't smart. He gave us the room with the view of his hiding spot where he eats unfortunate mortals." Travis answered.

"Okay, I'm up," I said, as I jumped off bed. I grabbed my bag and went in the bathroom. I changed into a white v-neck, a red flannel shirt that was unbuttoned, black skinny jeans, and hiking boots. I walked out; putting on a beanie, when I saw Travis wasn't done changing. He was putting on his shirt, and he quickly pulled it down.

"Ready?" he asked casually, pretending it didn't happen.

"Yeah, let's go, but where are we going?" I asked, as I drank some water.

"We're just going to walk around downtown Little Rock, because this is the capital, and then we're going to catch a cab to the airport." Travis answered, stealing my water bottle and drinking from it.

"Who knew you weren't as annoying on quests," I smiled.

"Well, who knew you weren't that loud and bossy on quests," he smiled back.

"Let's just go, okay?" We opened the door and found the manager staring at us.

"Uh, Travis, the manager is staring at us hungrily…" I whispered.

"I know,"

All I could think was: What did I get myself into?

So, what do you think? I shall know your opinions if you REVIEW! Should I continue this Tratie? Should I not? I shall know the answer to the questions if you review!