By the Water

Author's note: This story actually came about from a message from Amber Lehcar. It was a request for a fan fic based of lyrics from a Taylor Swift song entitled "Mine." She assumed I did not like Ms. Swift, but in actuality, she did one of my favorite country songs of the first decade of the 21st century "You Belong with me." I dedicate this story to her and her significant other. Good night young lovers, I hope your troubles are few-Steve

Maka stood on the balcony of the cabin, the fresh air was doing her some good. However her father shouting from the living room made her feel worse.

"I don't care if you are a death scythe, you animal, you cannot come here and see her!" Spirit shouted on the phone. Maka sighed. Her dad had the wrong impression of Soul; he was a gentle boy, shy, timid. There was a wild streak in him but that didn't matter to her, she missed him deeply. Her dad walked out to the balcony and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay Maka, I handled it. Honestly, that boy is and never will be right for you. I think Havar is single again. Do you want me to set something up?" Spirit said.

"You really are that stupid huh?" Maka said.

"Whatever do you mean?" Spirit said.

"You don't understand anything! You were never around; you spent most of your time chasing women at that bar downtown. You don't know what I like or what even I have been through with him." Maka shouted and stormed off the Balcony.

"Maka, you're the top student at the academy. I can't see why you would go for a nothing like Soul! He has no future; he's not even a good student. I am looking out for you Maka." Her dad said walking into the living room.

"You are looking out for me huh," Maka said and opened the door, "Look out for this!" Maka said and slammed the cabin door and walked down the drive, her father shouting from the balcony.

Maka sat by the lake with a book in her hand. She had read Romeo and Juliet numerous times, her favorite work of classical fiction. Still there was an ache in her chest. She wished Soul was there, his snow-white hair in the sunlight and his shark toothed smile made her sigh. It was then she heard the sound of an engine come down the road.

"It better not be Mr. Goedel and his muck spreader." Maka thought thinking of the farmer who constantly drove his muck spreader down the road and annoyed her nose with its foul odor. She ignored it until it stopped and the sound of music came from behind her. It sounded like Train's "Hey, Soul Sister" Maka turned around, there on the edge of the road was Soul holding a large CD player over his head. His face was sincere, yet there was a longing. Maka sat her book down and raced up to him.

"Soul!" She shouted and wrapped her arms around him, pressing herself close to him. "You came! How did you find me?" Maka said.

"We're partners; I know everything about you, even where you go to read when your dad takes you on these retreats." Soul said. Maka led Soul down to her spot and sat down. It was getting towards sundown. The sun was setting leaving a glowing pool on the water. It was then he felt his arm around her, holding her close.

"You know I love you Maka that I'd never last without you don't you?" Soul said.

"Of course." Maka said.

"Maka will you, uh, how to say this?" Soul said.

"Yes Soul, I will." Maka said and pressed her lips against his. Their first kiss was passionate and sweet. he could have lingered there forever.

"I love you Maka." Soul said.

"Ditto, Soul, Ditto." She said and held him close.