{At School, Matthew's POV}

I let out a loud shrill and quickly ran down the halls of my school. "AHHHH!" I yelled. My screams of joy echoed through the halls. I finally reached Zuni's locker, but didn't stop screaming. I was full of excitement and eager for tonight. Zuni looked at me and laughed, "Why are yelling?" she asked still laughing. I took a deep breath. "Bieber! Tonight! 5th row!" I explained in between fragments of breathes as I took out the two tickets for tonight's Justin Bieber concert. Zuni's jaw dropped in shock. "How did you get your hands on these?" she asked, staring at them. I smiled at her, "I was the 94th caller on Bam107.3", I explained, "And guess who I'm taking." Zuni let out a shrill. "No way! I love you" she yelled and hugged me. Above us, the final bell rung. "We got to get ready, your house?" I asked. She nodded as we headed for the door.

{Before the concert, Justin's POV}

I flipped my hair and gave myself one last look in the mirror. I could hear the cheers of the crowd from backstage. I was a little nervous, Madison Square Garden is a huge thing for singers and I sold it out in 22 minutes. I can't let these fans down. "Justin", my manager called from outside my dressing room, "Four minutes to show time." she told me. I sighed and walked out my dressing room. "I'm ready."

{During the concert, Zuni's POV}

Matthew and I yelled at the top of our lungs when Justin kept pointing our way. We were cheering, taking pictures, and most of all having fun. Then a lady wearing an official looking uniform walked from the backstage and towards us. "Can I speak to you for a second?" she asked me and walked away from the rows of seats. I followed, thinking I was in trouble. What had I done? "Do you want to be the one less lonely girl?" she asked me.

{Same Time, Matthew's POV}

Zuni looked back at me. I was a little hurt, but I couldn't do anything about it. I'm a guy; Justin Bieber's a straight guy. I faked a smile and signaled for her to go ahead. She did. I sighed and sat back down in my seat. The beginning music to 'One Less Lonely Girl' began, electric doors on the stage opened and Zuni walked through it. I looked up at Zuni and faked a smile; it slowly faded as Justin began to sing to her.

{After the song, Justin's POV}

After the song, I ran backstage with the girl who was chosen as my One Less Lonely Girl to get some water. There was a boy sitting there, looking sad, but when he saw us he smiled. "You can't be back here", my manager told him sternly. "I'm just here for my friend", he snapped back and pointed to the one less lonely girl. "He's okay", I told my manager. The girl walked back to the boy. "I'm sorry if I stole your girlfriend away, man", I apologized. He shook his head. "She's not my girlfriend, I-I-..." he looked down at the floor."He's gay." the girl said. The boy's eyes widened "Zuni!" he yelled at her, he then turned to me, "I'm bisexual." "And he's totally in love with you", Zuni said. "ZUNI!" he looked at me again, "I- I'm not-I... I should go." he whispered then ran off the guy's bathroom. I looked at the bathroom door then at Zuni, "I'll go check on him."

{In the bathroom, Matthew's POV}

I washed off my face, looking at myself in the mirror. I heard the door open and looked at it through the mirror. It was Justin. "That was the most embarrassing moment of my life." I whined to him, "I'm so sorry." Justin stepped more into the bathroom and shook his head. "Its's okay, don't be." he said. I half smiled. "Thanks for being so nice. Part of what Zuni said is true, you know." I confessed. "Which part?" Justin asked, flipping his hair. "I sort of do have a huge crush on you", I said and blushed. He smiled. "I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise me you'll never tell anyone." he said softly. "I swear." I said, turning around to face him. "I'm..." he stopped then stepped closer to me. Next thing I knew, he kissed me and we were just kissing there. He pulled away. "I'm bisexual too." he put his hand softly on my cheek. "It's our little secret, right?" I nodded slowly, biting my bottom lip.

To be continued...

[I know this felt a little rushed, but it's just because this was the first chapter. If you read the whole thing write 'fck yeah, jatthew supporter' somewhere in your comment.]