I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender

There was something very peaceful about it, falling that is. All you can hear is the wind rushing by. All you see is the sky and clouds. You feel almost weightless. I normally would yell and burn everything in reach about such total loss of control. Instead I find myself giving in to the resigned nature of it.

I wonder if it is the certainty that calms me. I know I am falling and know it is over. Turning my head slightly I see my sister, she is falling too. Poetic isn't it? It is a tragedy to have done the bard proud. Two warring siblings, opposite sides of the war, dead at each other hand. Besides, it is Azula. She won't be able to hurt anyone anymore…and neither will I. I bid an unheard farewell to my sister.

Then I see it. A mass of white in the corner of my vision, the bison! I see them, my friends, if I can call them that. I see her. I swear the very heart of time must have slowed; no other way could so much have occurred in so little time. A dark-skinned hand reaches out for me. Blue eyes turn to me. I see such emotion flicker in those depths, some anger or sorrow. She looks away, and her hand withdraws.

As I disappear into the fog, I admire the resigned nature of it. Is it penance?

I don't know…

But I don't blame her.

I think I am falling faster n