Yes, I know this is a bit late (winks), but I couldn't pass up a V-Day oneshot with the amazing couple—Viktor Krum and Harry Potter.

Viktor swallowed hard as he stood before the mirror. He was wearing his best dress robes, the ones with real fur trim*, a bouquet of red roses clutched in his hand. He thought he looked alright, but….well, he was the nervous sort when it came to love.

Before he could decide against it, he Apparated away.

Then spent ten minutes fixing his robes to rights, and making sure the flowers were unharmed. Finally, when he realized he was just delaying the inevitable, he stepped up to the door, and knocked.

As the moments passed, Viktor got more and more nervous. He knew he wouldn't last much longer. If he didn't open the door…

Then the doorknob turned, and Viktor nearly Apparated away when he heard the deadbolt click out of place.

A pair of bespectacled green eyes looked up at him, and he found himself speechless.


"Harry, I brought these for you," Viktor said quickly, in his most formal voice. He held the bouquet out in front of himself.

Harry gasped, and reached out to touch the petals of one soft rose.

"For me? Really?" he said. Viktor rolled his eyes. Even after all the years between his life now and his life with the Dursleys, Viktor could hardly convince Harry to accept gifts.

"Yes, Harry. Today is Valentine's Day," Viktor said, his voice almost trembling as he said it.

"Oh Viktor, how sweet are you…" Harry said, and then he stepped forward, grabbed Viktor's head, and pulled him into a passionate kiss. The flowers fell to the ground, forgotten, as Viktor gripped Harry's hips, and rocked against him. Harry groaned, and pulled Viktor into the house, locking the door soundly behind them.

"Good morning, Viktor," Harry said, kissing his husband of six years awake. Viktor didn't bother opening his eyes, but held onto Harry as they kissed.

"Mm, come on, open your…uhhhh…your eyes…" Harry said, trying to get Viktor to actually see his present before they went too far.

Viktor peeked his eyes open, then shut them again. Harry sat up, pushing at Viktor.

"Come on, get up!" he said. Viktor sat up with a long-suffering sigh. Then he saw the bedside table. There was a small pot of blooming roses beside him.

"Don't they mean beginning love?" he asked, gently touching a petal.

"Mm-hmm." Harry said, coming up behind him and nibbling on Viktor's neck. "Because every day my love begins again. I'll never stop loving you, Vik."

"How sweet are you, Harry?" Viktor said, turning around to kiss Harry on the lips.

Just like they had three years before, the roses were left, forgotten, while the two promised themselves to each other all over again.

PURE FLUFF! That's all this was, shamelessly, utterly. Hope you liked it. I absolutely love these two together! If I have to write dozens of their stories to get more interest in them, so be it! ;) Hopefully these will get more interest soon!

*no animal was harmed in the making of the Bulgarian's robes. Magical means are much more humane. If not embarrassing for the unfortunate animal who has to run around naked until it can grow it all back.