Love and Jealousy: A Short Eragon Story

Chapter Four

Tasmin sat with Eragon around the campfire. She could not believe how much Eragon had changed since the last time that she saw him. In the past few days, she saw him kill the last living Ra'zac in Alagaesia, rescue Sloan by carrying him on his back, and have all three of them scale down the tower with magic. She also learned that everyone had a true name, and watched as Eragon discovered Sloan's and use his true name to do his bidding. Sloan was now wandering towards Ellesmera, unable to see his daughter ever again. She was not afraid of him, but she did note just how powerful he had become.

After she shivered, Eragon took out a blanket from his pack and wrapped it around Tasmin. He then huddled close to her, placing his arm around her back. She rested her head on his shoulder and stared at the dancing flames. "How long until we reach the Varden?" she asked, anxious to see her family again. Eragon had told her that they were among the villagers of Carvahall and were both all right.

"We have a good four days yet." If Eragon was traveling by himself, he would have almost been at the Varden by now, but with Tasmin, their pace was a lot slower. He did not mind as it allowed him to catch up with his beloved. His only fear was getting caught wandering around in the wilderness. He always kept his mind vigilant, ready to protect Tasmin at any given moment.

"That is still a long time." She sighed.

Eragon looked down at her and said, "The time will go by faster than you think." He smiled. Tasmin loved it when he smiled. It always warmed her heart and sent her stomach doing flip flops.

"You're right." She smiled back and then kissed him. "I love you." She whispered into his ear.

"I love you, too, Tasmin." He replied. He stroked her cheek and kissed her back.

The four days really did pass by quickly, just as Eragon had said would happen. Tasmin was reunited with her family and was able to relax and clean herself up. Eragon introduced her to Lady Nasuada, King Orrin, and Orik, and Angela. Tasmin had already met Arya in Eastcroft, a small town in the Empire. Arya had gone off to find Eragon and met up with him in the town. Arya had taken an interest in Tasmin, curious to why Eragon had risked so much to save her. It amazed her that Eragon and Roran would do anything for the one they loved.

Annette was at the Varden as well; her father was killed in battle, and her mother was tired of serving a ruthless king. They had a majority of their possessions, being forced to live like paupers. When Annette saw Tasmin with the Rider Eragon, she felt her jealously rage. She thought it was unfair that a girl like her ended up with one of the most powerful men in Alagaesia, while she ended up with nothing. Originally, she was supposed to be married off to a duke, but all of that changed once her father died.

One evening, after Eragon and Tasmin had a romantic dinner by candlelight, Eragon took Tasmin by the hand and knelt to the ground. "Tasmin, from the moment that we got together, there has never been a day that I did not think about you. I never wanted to leave you, but I thought that if I left with Saphira, you and the village would be safe. I always intended to come back for you. When I heard that you had been taken captive, I immediately made plans to rescue you. Now that we are together once again, I want to take our relationship to the next level." Eragon paused and pulled out a ring, "Tasmin, will you marry me?"

Tasmin was almost in tears as she nodded up and down. "Yes, I will marry you." Eragon placed the diamond ring on her finger and stood up to kiss her.

The next day, the entire Varden was buzzing about Eragon's engagement to Tasmin. Nadia hugged her daughter tightly. "I am so happy for you." She hugged Eragon as well, already welcoming him to their family. Elizabeth crinkled her nose.

"Don't you have to move out once you are married?" She looked up at her older sister.

Eragon spoke for Tasmin, "Yes, but she will come and visit you a lot, so you really won't miss her. I promise."

As they were exiting the house, they saw Annette across the street. She gave them a piercing look before heading on her way. Tasmin suddenly had the urge to talk to Annette. "Eragon wait here," she said kissing his cheek. After, she began to walk over to the young woman. "Annette, I would like to talk to you."

Annette glared at her. "What do you want? Are you here to gloat at my misfortune? Did you come here to seek out your revenge, huh?"

Tasmin shook her head, "No, I came here to say that I'm sorry about your father, and that you are going to be all right."

Annette was taken aback. "Why are you being nice to me? I am the one who told the Ra'zac about you."

"I know, but that is all in the past."

Annette, scoffed. "Honestly Tasmin, what are you really trying to tell me."

Tasmin sighed, "I really am sorry about your family, but I also want to know why you reported me to the Ra'zac. What did you gain from that?"

Annette stiffened, "I thought that if I got rid of you, I would feel better. I was jealous of you. You had nothing and everything at the same time, while I had everything and nothing."

Tasmin gave Annette a confused look. "Love, you had love. I had a ton of possessions, but there was no love in my life, and when I saw you, a girl with hardly anything, but still had a life full of love. When Eragon was gone and you still had hope for his return, I went crazy. And now, Eragon is a Rider, and he still want to be with you! I just don't get it. You are not that pretty, but you still ended up getting engaged before me. Will I always be alone?"

For the first time, Tasmin felt bad for Annette. "Look, you are a very beautiful young woman, but it is your attitude that people do not like. If you tried to be nice to people instead of treating them like dirt, then you have a better chance of meeting a man who will want to marry you."

"Do you really believe that?" She asked.

Tasmin nodded. "Eragon loves me because who I am, not because I am the prettiest girl in town. I know my looks are lacking, but it is my personality that shines through."

Annette looked down at the ground. "You must really hate me."

Tasmin thought for a moment before answering. "No, I don't hate you. I actually forgive you. And now I ask, can you forgive me for what I said about your father?"

Shock spread across Annette's face, "What did you say?"

"I forgive you. Can you forgive me?"

Annette shrugged, "If I said yes, would you believe me?"

Tasmin smiled, "Only if your actions prove your words to be true." Annette cocked her head, unsure how to respond. "Yes, I believe you."

For the first time, Annette smiled at Tasmin. "Eragon really does deserve you." She admitted.

"Thank you. He is a wonderful man, and I know that one day, you will have a wonderful husband as well."

Annette and Tasmin departed that afternoon in peace. They never went on to become good friends, but at least they had learned to respect one another and that love was better than jealousy.

The End