A Couple Months Earlier

Castiel slid down the alley wall, he felt sick to his stomach. He felt the sweat bead across his brow as his wings tried to flex back and forth. They were currently in an uncomfortable position and causing Castiel extreme discomfort, but Castiel ignored their irritating throbbing as he focused on the other pain that was radiating throughout his body. He was in agony and all he wanted was for it to stop.

The night had crept upon the city and Castiel had barely escaped the hunters that resided at each of the four entrances to the city. Castiel was in pursuit of something, but only after he reached the inner sanctum of the city once again did he only find that what he was looking for was long gone.

Castiel struggled to pull himself to his feet only to have his legs crumble out from under him and have him fall onto the hard asphalt. He cursed as he tried to now pull his body into a sitting position, but his wings hindered that by being pressed against the brick façade of the building. They were a nuisance. But yet in all honesty his wings were beautiful and rare and would turn even the head of angels. They were as black as a moonless night and only in the first rays of morning sunlight did they have a silvery gleam that made them shine and sparkle. Castiel knew of no other angels who wings glistened like that any light.

These types of wings were normally reserved for arch-angels. Angels of a much higher class then Castiel was or could ever hope to be. He was seen more or less as an abomination, but that was a fact Castiel had so often tried to ignore.

He used his hands to push himself up to his knees. He attempted to blink away the pain and began to shift his body once more, but froze quickly when he heard a pair heavy boots shuffle up behind him.

He cursed loudly to himself for being caught so quickly after risking so much to just enter the city in the first place. He had known coming back into this city would be a great risk to him, but finding what he was looking for was more important. This city was known to have the best hunters in the nation and Castiel was an easy target for anyone of them.

"Stay down if you know what's good for you!" A loud gruff voice yelled as Castiel flinched at the sound, but the pain was becoming too much for Castiel to even handle.

"Trust me, I am not going anywhere." Castiel rasped out biting through his pain to shift his body to face the hunter that would take him in and have him sold to the highest paying collector.

"An angel without an anklet or a collar is dangerous, so I have to take you in." The voice said harshly as it moved closer to Castiel cautiously.

"You must be a hunter then." Castiel said through gritted as he fought through another wave of pain.

"I am one of the best in the city." The voice said in a slightly cocky overtone.

"Really now? Well great." Castiel muttered bitterly as he finally pushed through the pain to look up and gaze upon the owner of the voice.

Castiel felt all the air in his lungs vanish as he stared down the barrel of a pistol that had a pearled color handle. If it hadn't been pointed in between Castiel eyes, he would have probably admired it more. He blinked in surprise as his attention shifted from the gun to the man wielding it.

The first thing Castiel noticed about the hunter was how handsome his facials features were distinct and slightly rough. He had stubble growing across his chin giving him a four o'clock shadow. What surprised Castiel was actually what the man was wearing. It was a dark navy blue T shirt and an army green shirt draped over it. The humans Castiel had interacted with had had been in fancy three piece suits at the only auction he had been to before he escaped. But what unnerved Castiel the most about the hunter was actually his piercing green eyes that he probably used to stare down 'monsters' like Castiel with.

"You aren't even going to introduce yourself to the poor defenseless angel your threatening?" Castiel rasped out again with a small chuckle which somehow seemed to take the hunter by surprise.

"I'm Dean Winchester!" The hunter stated proudly as Castiel cocked his head to the side in approval.

"Well I guess if I had to be caught; it might as well be done by you. Names Castiel,…Not that you actually care about what my name is." Castiel said in between a fit of coughs after he finished he looked down at his palm and noticed it was now had crimson hue.

Then suddenly the hunter's rough hand was upon Castiel cheeks. The hunter's gun was holstered in his waist band in a rapid movement that not even Castiel saw. Castiel attempted to backed away from the hunter out of alarm, but his wings and the alley walls prevented him.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Relax." Dean snapped, as his fingers traced across the many cuts and abrasions Castiel had spread along his body. It had been harder to infiltrate the city then Castiel had first anticipated and he had take quiet a heavy beating from the gate hunters."Is there any chance you'll be able to heal yourself soon?" Dean said suddenly but Castiel just remained tense. He wasn't sure what the hunter was planning and it was making him very nervous.

"You sarcastic bastard speak…now!" Dean demanded as Castiel eyes widened.

"I have used too much energy today so I won't be able to heal for at least another twenty-four hours minimum." Castiel flinched as he stroked one of his sore arms and his hand brushed against the hunter's hand.

"Also can you hide those?" Dean asked as he nodded his head using it to gesture towards Castiel wings.

"Only when I am completely healed and I have enough energy, but I figured you would know that since you're the best hunter." Castiel said with a tiny chuckle as Dean gave him a dark look.

"I don't normally interact with the angels or the other monsters I hunt." Dean muttered as if that was a totally reasonable answer, which just made Castiel regard Dean as a pompous ass.

"Oh that makes me feel a whole hell of a lot better. In fact I feel downright fucking wonderful." Castiel sighed as he arched his back and cringed to fight against yet another wave of pain and coughing fit.

"Oh shut the hell up." Dean muttered again as he stood up and held out his hand for Castiel. Castiel looked at Dean for a long moment until finally he reached up and gripped Dean's out stretched hand.

That night Dean smuggled Castiel on the Winchester Estate were he treated Castiel wounds and kept him confined to a safe house that the Winchester often used when training. During the two days Dean kept Castiel in the safe house, they developed a mutual understanding of each other. They learned very little about each other, but a silent bond that neither of them noticed began to be foraged between them. Though the one looming thing that both of the men remained silent about was the fact that Castiel was and would always be an Angel. A monster Dean would normally hunt and also a completely different species from Dean, altogether. Even in those first beginning days Castiel felt something welling upside him, but he shrugged it off due to the fact that angels were notorious and almost known explicitly for falling in love easily. Yet something still worried Castiel in the back of his mind because never, not once had he ever felt this way about an angel. So what was this feeling and why was he was he feeling it for a human of all things?

Castiel focused and ignored hi strange feelings for Dean. It was better this way. Be unattached would make things easier, to bad nothing in Castiel life had ever been that easy.

The Present

Trust : n, 1 a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b: one in which confidence is placed 2 a: a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship b: something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in an interest of another

Castiel stood in the center of his small room. This small room was once host to Dean's office, now had given it to Castiel. With Dean claiming he didn't need an office away. Sure it was small and but it held Castiel's twin size bed in one corner and a large wooden writing desk in the other comfortably. Next to the bed was a small wooden bed side table that had a small reading lamp on it, and finally standing tall beside the door an extensive size oak wardrobe, that had been brought in specifically for Castiel's use. The walls of the room were decorated much like any office with the lower half the wall being a dark wood paneling, that gave the room a fairly rustic look. Castiel had never really had a space that had his own before and when Dean had shown it to him he couldn't help but thank Dean over and over again.

Castiel still to this day didn't understand Dean's motives. Like why he had never turned him in, why Dean never sold him, or why Dean kept his secret from his family of hunters in the first place? All these questions just made Castiel head spin and make it hard for him to focus. He slumped down on his bed with his head buried deep within his hands, and after a long moment Castiel relaxed while stretching his now visible wings. Keeping them cloaked and hidden was a hassle, but having others know his secret would probably be much worse. Actually he already knew it would be much worse.

It had now become a habit for him every morning before he left his make shift room he cloaked his wings from the naked eye. This process used a huge amount of celestial energy and Castiel was always drained by the end of the day. He knew he had to in order to keep up appearances with Sam and possibly John Winchester in the future, who he had actually never actually met despite now living on the Winchester Estate, which was more like compound.

The Winchester's were known as the city's best hunters. They could and would capture anything a collector wanted for the right price. When monsters first leaked through the wood work people were scared up until they realized how to cage and tame them. And thus the collector was born. These were the people who had a hobby of collecting rare creatures. Most collectors had a specific monster they fancied over all others.

Castiel had met the largest angelic collector briefly at an auction he had been forced in before he escaped. And from that day Castiel always felt a cold shivered race down his spine as he thought of the man with white irises. In fact that collector had been the most interested in him, or had it been his niece who he had referred to as Meg who had held the great interested. It hadn't mattered though because later that night during transportation Castiel had somehow broken free of his anklet and collar and had escaped only to realize that he had to go back to the city he had been taken from. Getting back into the city had nearly killed him and he learned soon upon reentering that what he was searching for was already long gone. That was the night he had met the hunter. Dean.

Dean as a hunter was classified as a specialist in Angel hunting, while his brother Sam specialized in hunting Demons. John of course fit under no classification because he was the best at hunting everything or that was what everyone seemed to assume.

At the beginning Dean had offered to take Castiel on hunting trips, but Castiel thought it would be too risky if he somehow forgot to conceal his wings, his powers, or his emotions. Castiel also harbored an enormous amount of guilt for the creatures that hadn't been as lucky as he had. But he wasn't sure that what he had was really luck? Maybe it was just another motive of Dean's that Castiel didn't know about?

His wings flapped absentmindedly back and forth. Sometimes Castiel believed they had a mind of their own especially after he kept them hidden all day. He really needed to stretch them by flying, but that was as risky as going hunting with Dean. He sighed, he was at loss of what to do and he was positive that Dean would be of little to no help anyways.

Dean? Castiel tipped his head back and stared up at the ceiling, why did all of Castiel thoughts seem to end with him thinking of Dean? He just felt confused and overwhelmed by all of what Dean was and what did. Castiel couldn't help but want to know all of Dean's motives for everything. But of course he was too much of a coward to ask Dean strait out.

He heard a loud knock on his door, which made him struggle to use up the last bit of remaining energy he had to cloak his wings once more. He stood up carefully as to maintain his balance before he trudged over to the door. He yanked it open and was relieved to see Dean standing on the other side. He stood back from the door to allow Dean to enter. Dean entered quickly and shut the door after him. Castiel attempted to relax once more, but he was too weak and he nearly collapsed as he stumbled slightly upon his feet, while Dean reached out his hand attentively to help. Castiel ignored Dean's attempt to help him. Ever since that night so they met Dean had always avoided touching him. Castiel didn't understand it, but he didn't care one way or another. He just thought it was strange that's all.

"You should be more careful!" Dean snapped as Castiel straitened himself up and slumped down on the bed with his head in his hands once more. He was exhausted.

"Yeah thanks! I'll keep that in mind then!" Castiel snapped back. He hated when Dean treated him like he was stupid. But Dean could be convinced of anything pertaining to that since had grown up believing that angels were idiots. Also Castiel could never possibly convince him of anything else because Dean was too stubborn anyways.

"I was just checking on you." Dean's voice then fell a couple of octaves in volume and for a moment Castiel thought he almost could feel Dean caring.

"I know, sorry. I'm just really tired. It takes a lot of energy to cloak something as large as my wings, and making them intangible like I do takes even more energy. Energy I just don't have." Castiel sighed disappointed in himself for not being strong enough. He had always been struggling with this.

"Look, its fine." Dean said sternly before he continued "I am going out hunting with Sam for a couple of days and Dad is on one of his signature hunting binges. We probably won't see him for a couple more weeks at a minimum." Dean finished slowly as he thought about his father. Dean always got a very distant look about himself when he thought about his father John.

After all this time Castiel still knew very little about John Winchester and Castiel was sure that Dean knew just as much as he did. Castiel could clearly see the pain and neglect that John Winchester left on Dean. He had never despised a human more.

"So you're saying that I'll be free to travel around the mansion for a couple of days without hiding my wings?" Castiel asked slowly as to confirm what Dean had just said even though the statement had been perfectly clear.

"Yes. Just promise me you'll stay out of trouble. I don't want to explain why I let an angel run around without his monitoring anklet or a collar." Dean muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Castiel looked away from him out of disgust. If people found out about Castiel it would just put Dean out. Dean didn't worry about Castiel at all in that equation. Even after all this time Dean didn't seem to see Castiel as anymore more than a liability if he got caught. So then why had Dean gone so far out of his way in the first place? Castiel sighed, but nodded reluctantly in response to Dean's statement.

"Yes, of course." Castiel muttered in a very sincere fashion. He didn't want Dean angry with him. He actually cared about Dean, more than he should have really but he couldn't help it. It was in his species nature to be loyal caring to those who have helped you. "How long will your couple of days truly entail?" Castiel asked quietly as he looked up at Dean with a sad expression.

"Two…three tops. I promise." Dean knew Castiel felt uneasy about being alone in the mansion that only covered one fourth of the massive Winchester estate.

"Alright." Castiel voice was even quieter and more uncertain. He never believed Dean when it came to his hunting trips. He couldn't bring himself to since he still had no answers to his many questions.

"Look Cass. It's going to be a simple hunt, me and Sam we'll be back before you even have a chance to miss us." Dean said positively as if he was actually attempting to cheer Castiel up. Castiel gave him a weak smile in return and nodded his head up and down once more.

After that Dean left Castiel room without even saying goodbye. The next morning both Dean and Sam had left already left before Castiel woke up. Sam and Dean were gone over a week. Castiel didn't even bother to mention this to Dean when he returned.

Castiel stroked his chin as he looked across the chess board at Sam's white pieces then back over at his own. He was actually giving Sam a run for his money, but what seemed to throw Sam off the most was the fact that Castiel had confessed to never having played Chess before. It seemed hard for Sam to believe that Castiel was just that naturally good at reading and making strategies.

"Check" Sam muttered as he moved his bishop across the board. Castiel gazed at the board intently then made his own move.

"Checkmate." Castiel said confidently as he moved his knight. Sam stared down at the board in disbelief. He had never been beaten in so few moves. Not to mention Castiel had deceived him by making him 'check' thus putting Castiel in the perfect position to then make his own checkmate.

Sam grumbled and fell back into his chair. He had been skeptical about the guy Dean had just adopted out of the blue, but now Castiel was really starting to grow on Sam. A loud yell sounded and both guys looked up at each other and then rolled their eyes. Dean.

The door of the study burst open and standing in the center of the door way was Dean, who was surprisingly looking incredibly dapper in his three piece suit. Castiel tip his head to side studying Dean intently, while Sam just raised a skeptical eyebrow unsure what Dean's problem was.

"Dean?" Sam said slowly gazing up at his brother.

Dean stood there a moment as he looked at the scene that was laid out in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again before he could make some juvenile comment about it because Sam interrupted him by speaking once again.

"Dean, do you need something?" Sam now asked expanding his question since he hadn't received any comment from Dean after his previous statement.

"Do I look okay?" Dean then asked in a completely serious tone that made Sam chuckle.

Castiel stared across the room at Dean. He felt confused. Not once since they had met had Dean cared in the slightest what he looked like. He always seemed to be confident so seeing him like this was kind of shocking.

"Are you serious?" Sam sputtered through his laughter.

"Stop laughing! And yes I am. This is the first dinner date I and Lisa have had since our father arranged our engagement." Dean sighed. Castiel knew Dean had an infatuated with Lisa, but Dean always kept his feelings and emotions to himself so Castiel knew nothing about how true Dean's actual feelings for Lisa were.

They seemed to truly like each other and that pleased Sam, but Castiel felt differently especially after he was introduced to Lisa for the first time. Castiel had only been briefly introduced to her soon after he had entered the Winchester house hold. She seemed genuinely nice, but Castiel still felt that there were ulterior motives as to why she hung around and dated Dean. Castiel of course tried to mention this to Dean but every time he it was brought up Dean just became defensive, so Castiel had gave up entirely on trying to persuade him.

Castiel sighed and slouched down in his own chair, now attempting to avoid looking at Dean. He didn't feel like dealing with Dean at the moment. He was still pissed at the fact Dean had broken his promise about being back in two days, though Dean for some reason hadn't even seemed to notice Castiel hostility towards him.

Castiel was not okay with being treated like a second class citizen. Of course though Castiel kept his mouth shut, since he didn't want to cause trouble. He just really wanted to know if Dean truly cared.

"You look fine." Sam sighed suppressing his laugh with his hand.

"Well thanks Sam. I can totally tell you are being completely serious." The older Winchester retorted bitterly his arms folding across his chest.

"Well Cass, how do you think Dean looks?" Sam asked as he gestured to his brother. "My opinion obviously isn't good enough for him anymore.

"He looks handsome." Castiel said with a shrug of indifference. Castiel could swear he saw Dean ears turn a light pinkish hue as their eyes locked for a brief moment. Castiel nodded and looked back over at the chess board.

"Ah, thanks Cass." Dean muttered as his hand began to trace the back of his neck as if he was suddenly nervous about something. "Anyways I have to get going. Bye Cass" Dean muttered again as he turned and headed out the door. Castiel's eyes widened slightly. Never before had Dean ever told him goodbye. Dean had just always turned and left.

Castiel felt confused for an instant as he looked over at Sam who was gesturing back to the Chess board. He obviously wanted a rematch. Castiel smiled slightly and nodded as he help Sam gather up the pieces and place them in their respective places. This time Castiel let Sam win