A/N: So this is a new story that my good friend and new Beta Tiana Misoro came up with. I had the urge to do an action story at the time I believe and then somehow it turned into a racing fic? I can't really remember but~! Either way props goes to her for the idea lol I know I have other stories out at the moment and I will be coming out with another one that's a Renji/Ichigo fic actually….I have had this horrible want to write Renji as a main character for so long because I love him so much. But as it goes they'll be stories I'm going to be writing when I have time….Which is a lot at the moment lol but I hope you like it, oh and for any of you who are wondering Ichi's ring tone is by Hot Action Cop, Feva for the flava. If you're interested in what cars there driving well you can easily search it up in google or I can put a link somewhere….. ^^
Love goes to Tiana Misoro for being an awesome beta who even edits when she's sick! Hope you get better soon love~!
Well hope you guys like, please review if you like XD
The deep purr of my engine passed through my ears as I tried to focus myself on nothing but that soft sound that I found kept my mind at ease in times like this. I was annoyed, and it seemed to be absolutely inevitable at this point. My exceptionally good mood, that I had come to this race with, had been tossed out the window the moment the damn kid opened his mouth. Actually that's a lie, it had been tossed out the window the moment he announced that he didn't remember me. Out of all the utter bullshit I have heard in my life, that has to be the biggest load I have ever been served with.
Does he honestly expect me to believe that he doesn't remember me? You had to have been struck violently as a child time and time again not to be able to remember who I was. I was Grimmjow fucking Jagerjaques for fuck sakes! Even if you're miniature brain couldn't recollect my name, you sure as hell would remember my face. I have blue hair for God sakes, how the fuck can you forget someone with sky blue hair?
I dunno what's more shocking, the fact that the kid can't remember me, or the fact that last time I saw him, he was some snivelling little cry baby begging for his mommy to come and save him. Now, well fuck. The orange head was definitely anything but little anymore that's for sure, and he certainly grew a mouth on him. He has a nice ass too, but that's beside the point. The little fucker who I had tormented and made sure for a fact he would remember me, now claims he has no recollection of who the fuck I am. That sure as fuckin' hell irked the shit outta me; no one forgot me unless I wanted them to.
"Well if that's the case, I'll just have to make him remember."
One hour previous
In the short five years that I've spent away from the shitty little town called Karakura, I never once thought that I'd be back. In a way, I was sort of happy to be back to my old home town. I mean, it's not like I was staying for good, just for the weekend to check out the race, and then it was back to Tokyo. I had made quite the name for myself around Japan. My small group of Espada's were some of the most well-known street racers in this city. Anybody who was breathing in this city knew of the Espada's, knew of me.
I had just arrived at the area where the races were going to be held. Tonight it was gonna be some drag races. It was pretty much expected, seeing as in Karakura you couldn't really hold any touge races. With a lack of mountain passes and shit, the area was pretty shitty for drifting unless you were to do it on open road which would kind of defeat the purpose of a touge race. You needed some good mountain roads to be able to really get into something like that.
Pulling up to the side area, I noticed that the races had already long started along with the drinking and whatever else the event called for. The mass group of men and women quickly became aware of my presence, seeing as how my car was hard to miss. Standing out in the crowd of cars and people, the deep crimson coat sat across my car perfectly. Sharp, black claw marks tore themselves across my car doors, making my precious ride that much more unique. I had customized my Agera down to the stick shift that sat in the damn car. Besides the actual design of the car itself, every damn detail on or in it was one hundred percent my idea.
"Mah, mah Grimm, how nice of ya ta finally show." Stuffing my hands into my jean pockets after closing my door with a sharp click, I made my way over to the silver haired fox who stood leaning against a slick black Audi, a curvaceous strawberry blonde at his side who looked to be more than keen on getting the man's attention.
"Had shit ta do." That was a load of crap, and Gin new it. Whether he cared or not was another thing. He knew I was a lazy ass fuck when it came to stupid shit like this. The only reason I came at all was because I was expected to at least show; not my fault it just so happens to be almost over when I do though.
"Aw, but the shows almost over! Only got one more race then we're done fer the night."
"Good, anything worthwhile that I missed?" I asked in a bored tone, bringing my pack of cigarettes out of my leather jacket before leaning over to Gin and asking for a light.
"Here." The curvy blonde announced before reaching into her small black purse and retrieving a small pink Zippo. I listened to Gin snicker a bit at the blonde's pink lighter, and I had to keep back an eye-roll while I waited for his answer.
"Not really, same ol' crap." Before I could even get a word in, the now annoying blonde was putting in her two cents.
"Oh, but you haven't seen any of the Vizards drive yet. They're the best in Karakura." Cocking a brow at her, I let the words run through my mind a bit before answering.
"Vizard's, never heard of them."
"They're new." She announced and this time, I let out an exasperated sigh. This bitch might have been hot, but she was fuckin' annoying. Gin really did know how to pick them.
"If they're knew, then they can't possibly be the best in town….Then again, this is a little shit hole of a town, so I wouldn't be surprised."
"They're going up against one of your Espada." She declared with a snarky grin. Apparently she didn't appreciate my dig, though this did just get a little more interesting.
"Who's driving?" Gin knew this question was directed to him and not the bitch standing next to him.
"Nnoitra." Nodding my head in confirmation, I found a small grin slipping onto my face. This should be good.
"And for the Vizard's?"
"Does it really matter, not like 'es gonna win either way. Nnoitra will win hands down." Scrunching my brows in thought, I watched Nnoitra's obnoxiously loud, lime green Viper pull up to the starting line. The loud bass of his music could be heard pounding throughout the car, even heard over the loud rumble of the engine. Though what caught my attention the most was what pulled up next, making Nnoitra's pristine ride look like a pile of ass.
"Whoa." I mumbled out, my eyes going wide at the smooth black finish that lay upon the car that just rolled up. My eyes practically sparkled at the sight of the Lamborghini Garllardo that sat before me. The smooth frame that held the car together practically had me drooling, and I listened to the deep rumble of the turbo engines that sat under the hood. My eyes glanced up to catch a glimpse of the person who was driving but to my dismay, the windows wore too heavy of a tint for me to see.
"Sex, that car is sex." Gin shot me an amused look at my words before leaning back to enjoy the show.
"Jus' wait, things look like they're abou' ta get interestin'."
"Oh you have no idea." The blonde declared before scampering up to get a better view of the race, hearts in her eyes as she made her way over.
Within seconds the race was on, a firm drop of the arms from a busty orange head and the two cars peeled into gear. My eyes lit up at the smooth start the Lambo had, easily leaving Nnoi to have to catch up to the car. A drag race is short, leaves you on the edge of your seat and usually for most cases, the races are held neck and neck. That's what makes them so exciting, and lots of bets are made to amp up the race. The difference in this last race was there was no competition because the Vizard easily left my Espada in the dust within seconds.
"Well that was unexpected." Gin announced in shock, matching exactly what I felt at the moment.
Both of us were quickly snapped out of our shocked daze when we found Nnoitra pulling back to us, tires squealing to a stop and soon, the long haired man was launching himself from his car in a fit of anger.
"What the fuck was tha' shit?" Nnoitra bellowed at the top of his lungs.
"Oi Nnoitra ya lost man, take it down a notch." I commanded while making my way up to him. Nnoitra always did have a short fuse when it came to races but then again, he's never lost so it's a bit of a shock.
"Shut da fuck up Smurf, this is bullshit!" Watching the winner's car pull up, I did my best to ignore the bastard's obvious dig at my hair color.
Fuckin' spoon boy just doesn't give up.
"Oi, get out 'ere ya damn bastard!"
"Fuck man, don't start shit!" I hollered out to him, quickly making my way over to the enraged psycho. Obviously he thought somewhere in his dumbass brain the kid cheated or something, and until he got either proof or beat the shit outta the kid, he wasn't going to let up.
By the time I got up to the raging idiot, the door to the Lambo was already being flung open, and my eyes must have gone to the size of saucers at the sight before me, my mouth dropping in utter shock. Shaggy orange hair attacked my line of vision, and I felt my heart skip a beat at the man before me. Annoyed sepia eyes stared straight at me, his tall frame tense with agitation, and I found my eyes raking themselves over his lithe frame to take in every detail before me. A tight, red t-shirt that held a deep V-cut seemed to sculpt to his muscled chest while long legs sat in a second skin of dark washed jeans. Leather wristbands adorned his arms, and gray chucks finished off the look. Ichigo Kurosaki, he did not look this good last time I saw him. In fact, last time I saw him he probably was lucky if he made it to my mid-chest. Apparently he was a late bloomer to the extreme.
"Holy shit." I murmured softly, and I watched Ichigo's furrowed brow cock in question before turning his glance towards the shouting pirate.
"What the fuck is your problem?" The orange head asked, and my eyes just about dropped outta my head.
Okay, so if you're wondering why I'm delving into such utter shock here, I'll explain a few things to you. When I first met Ichigo, he was a complete momma's boy, wimp, total loser, and it was my favourite past time to pick on him. Course I never did anything too traumatizing of course; not like the kid pissed me off or anything. Okay fine, so the freakin' whiner pissed me off but still. I think at the time, I mostly did it because I was going through a rough change with my sexuality, not really understanding myself, and the kid peaked my interest. Well this pissed me off, so I took it out on him. Not once did I ever imagine that my school boy crush would be turning into this, this sexy strawberry.
"Who the fuck do ya think yer talkin' to bitch?" Nnoitra shouted out, tearing me from my musings, and I watched Ichigo sneer at him before taking a step closer.
"Hmm, let me think." Tapping his chin with his index finger, I watched the berry scrunch his brows in what I'm assuming was mock thought.
"An over grown pirate? Am I getting warmer?" I'm pretty sure I saw red pass over Nnoitra's vision at that point, but before he could make a move, he was being hauled back by Gin whose smile never left his face as he did so.
"Mah, mah Nnoi no need ta take out the poor guy. Now let's go get cha' a drink ta calm your nerves." Gin announced as he dragged the man away, multiple curse words hanging in the air.
Giving my head a shake at my two friends, I let out a stream of air I didn't know I had been holding in. Glancing back over at Ichigo, I found my eyes going wide in shock once again when Ichigo's double walked up and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"Eh king, wha' was that all about?" Golden hued eyes gleamed back at the strawberry. Pale white skin stood out brightly against the albino's dark clothing, and I found him wearing a feral grin that seemed stitched to his face, unable to erase.
"Have no damn clue, guessing buddy didn't like the fact that I won." The silvery cackle that the albino let out seemed to carry over the loud commotion of the crowd heading out, making me shake my head in amazement.
And I thought I was loud, holy shit this guy puts me to shame.
"Chea forget 'em Ichi, ya practically left the fucker in da dust! Let the baby mope." Watching the two for a bit longer, I didn't realize that I was receiving a hard glare from the albino seeing as how I was mostly focused on Ichigo until he spoke up.
"Oi blue! Ya got a reason ta be starin' at my king like tha', or ya jus' slow in the head?" Quirking a blue brow at his question, I couldn't help but snort.
"I'm gonna go with slow, so how bout I phrase it like this fer ya then. Why the fuck are ya starin' at my lil' brother blueberry?"
Did this fucker just call me blueberry, and did he say little brother?"
"You wanna say that again bitch?" I suddenly hissed out and took a step closer, but I was quickly cut off by Ichigo who now stood between me and his older ass of a brother.
"Oi king let me at 'im, I could use a good fight!"
"No ya really don't, so knock it off, and I'm sorry but can I help you?" Suddenly his words were now directed to me, and it actually took me a full minute to realize what he had said before answering. While not really answering, more like burst out laughing.
"You're funny Kurosaki, can't honestly expect me to believe you don't remember me." Watching him cock a well groomed brow at me, I felt my grin falter a bit. Was he being serious?
"Should I remember you?" Feeling the sudden tick of annoyance form in my head, I lashed out. I never was one who held great patience.
"I'm Grimmjow fuckin' Jagerjaques that's who I am, the fuck you mean, should you remember me?" I growled out, and I listened to the albino let out an amused chuckle.
"That's some middle name ya got there blueberry."
"Okay, okay enough Shiro. Look I'm sorry, but I don't remember you so-" Ichigo's words were suddenly cut off by the loud blasting of his cell phone, and I couldn't help but cock a brow at the choice of song.
Can I get a little yum yum (kitty kitty)
Just a little sumthin sumthin (itty bitty)
Do you wanna get triple X groovy
Gimme gimme some of that kinda movie
And let me spin ya like a record (wicky wicky)
Let me get ya butt naked (licky licky)
Here we go, yo here's the scenario
Gonna strip you down like a car in the barrio
"Hey babe." The silver haired bastard let out a deep cackle at the ring tone I was assuming, and I let out a sigh of air before I caught sight of a green haired woman sneaking up behind Ichigo.
"Ya it was good….You know I told you I was racing today. It's fine if you had to work but-"
"Ichi-kins~!" Suddenly both men were full on body tackled by the green haired beast of a woman. I say beast because not too many women could tackle two 6 foot tall men in one go. Then again, I think her breasts were what really took them down.
"Dammit woman, do I look like Ichi-kins to ya?" The albino spat from the middle of the dog pile, and I couldn't help but smirk. Serves the damn snowball right for pissing me off.
"No you look like Mr. Vanilla!"
"I'm gonna kill ya one of these days ya damn sea monster!" I watched the loud spat between the two go on before I spotted that the poor berry underneath the two was turning blue, and I took that as a cue to step in.
"Uh hate to break up this lovely….Whatever the fuck ya wanna call this, but I think you're killing him." I announced while pointing down towards said berry.
Suddenly both of them were up in a flash, pulling the mangled berry with them, clear worry etched onto their faces as they tried to revive the body of their precious friend.
"Shit king I'm sorry, but fuckin' Nessy over 'ere tackled me an-"
"It wasn't my fault Ichi, I was just so excited to see you that-" The tic that began to form in Ichigo's head was so visible I was tempted to laugh but of course chose to stay in the safe route, not wanting to piss the berry off any more than he was already.
"I get it, would you both just shut up!" I don't think I've ever seen two mouths shut faster. Both stood silently as they watched Ichigo rub his temples, and I silently wondered if he had to deal with this on a daily basis.
"Ichi-kins, are you okay?" Pushing her breasts into his arm, the green haired girl leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the orange head's cheek and suddenly it was me who was forming the annoyed tick.
"Yes Nel, I'm fine."
Scrunching my brows in annoyance, I watched the three converse, and I began to let my mind wander. So this was Ichigo's girlfriend? Honestly in all my years of knowing the berry, I would have never guessed he would have wound up with someone like this. In all honesty, the chick could be a model. Long legs, nice ass, big breasts, correction massive breasts that actually seemed one hundred percent natural from where I was standing but don't let the gay guy be the judge. She had long sea green hair that came down to the middle of her back and large gray eyes, and she stood just below eye level with Ichigo in heels. If I wasn't totally gay, I'd go for her. In fact, I bet she's any straight man's dream.
"Oh honey, I didn't know you began making friends with the enemy!" Cocking a blue brow at the girl's sudden words, I watched Ichigo furrow his own in question, following his girlfriend's eyes to me.
"Enemy?" Letting out an annoyed sigh, I shook my head.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" I just about growled out, and I watched Ichigo's back tense but was ultimately held back by his surprisingly strong girlfriend.
"Look buddy I dunno-"
"Naw king let me handle this, ya take Nessy back home and chill. After all ya won, so ya deserve it, am I right?" Giving a quick nod in his brother's direction, Ichigo led his girlfriend over to his car, and I moved to intervene but was blocked by the albino.
"Hey Sonic, take a fuckin' hint! He don't know ya, and he doesn't want ta get ta know ya so get lost!" Pausing in mid step, I slowly took my eyes away from Ichigo's polished ride to the albino in front of me.
"Did you just call me Sonic?" The sneer on his face quickly turned into a full on grin.
"As in Sonic the fuckin' hedgehog?"
"Well I see such a huge resemblance, why wouldn't I?"
"That's fuckin' it!"
To say that summers in Karakura were hot would be an understatement, they were freakin' boiling. Somehow we always managed to get the strongest heat wave every damn year that left most people wishing they could stay inside and do absolutely nothing that involved moving because if you moved you'd get hot. Unless of course you were lucky like me and had air conditioning in your house. Though I had to envy those people who worked in air conditioned offices, lucky bastards. No, I had to work outside in the damn smouldering heat for a good six or seven hours a day and that was when I was in school. I took night classes most of the time, so I could spend the morning working at the shop but on weekends if I worked, it was a good twelve hour shift.
I worked at Shunsui's Auto Parts and Repairs and if you didn't already figure, it's an auto part and repair shop. I've been working there for about three years now, and I certainly can't complain. The pay's good, people are nice, and my boss is, well for lack of better words lazy as fuck but that means he's pretty damn laid back and has never hassled me about anything. Though I will admit, it's times like these that I have to wonder why the fuck I work for the lazy bastard.
"Hey Ichigo, I just got a call in for someone that needs a tow, mind heading out and picking them up for me~?" My boss called out to me in a sing song voice, and I brought my head out from underneath the hood of the Chevy I was working on.
"What do ya mean you want me to go? It's not my day to be working the tow truck." I called back to the man who currently lay sprawled out on the roof of the building, wearing his stupid straw hat to help shield his face from the brutal sun.
"Ah I know, but Rukia went home sick, so there's no one else to do it."
"There's you!" I practically hissed out from my spot, and I watched his shoulders shake a little at his quiet laughter.
"But I don't pay me, I pay you." And with those final words, I had left. That's pretty much how I ended up driving into the deserted part of Karakura, cursing out Rukia for getting her yearly summer cold.
Wiping off my brow, I headed up the deserted dirt road, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel of the beat up old truck that left me worrying that one of these days I was going to be the one calling for the tow instead of the other way around.
Pulling up to the road, I instantly spotted the gleam of crimson red that would have been extremely hard to miss in any situation. As I got further up, I took in the pristine detail of the car and began to wonder what the hell had happened to it to have the person call for a tow. Whoever owned the vehicle obviously knew their way around cars. Actually that's a huge load of shit, just because the person drives an expensive car doesn't mean they know jack shit about it, they just want what looks nice.
Giving the truck a good honk, I watched the driver pop his head out of the car door that stood open, and I instantly felt my stomach drop...Grimmjow.
Yesterday had been the first time I had seen Grimmjow in a little over five years. He had moved to Tokyo I think, or did he move to the state's first? Either way, it was probably the happiest moment in my life the day the bastard spawn left. From the moment we met in grade five, the idiot had made my life a living hell. He had transferred in and before he had come around, no one really picked on me. For one reason and one reason only, my older brother. After Shiro got transferred to a private school to keep his fights in check was around the exact same time Grimmjow came. He was instantly liked for his badass demeanour and whatever else kids look up to at that age, well Grimmjow had it. Now back in the day, well let's just say I wasn't the toughest kid, in fact I could bravely say I was a wimp. But fuck could you blame me? The only person I had ever fought with at that age was my older brother, and that was just play stuff, nothing serious. That and I was a hard core momma's boy and in fact still am to this day, the only difference is now I'm not afraid to rearrange your face if you dare call me that.
Now I don't know what it was about me that Grimmjow became so obsessed with, but up until the end of high school, he found no greater pleasure then making my life hell. The worst part was he never took it to the next step. He never beat me to the point where I could call upon teachers, never brutally bashed me to the point where I ran away crying. No it was just awful, annoying, snot nosed, obsessive bullying that had you wanting to scream at the top of your lungs to get them to stop. My best example is this. You know when you're the younger kid and your older sibling thinks it's a great idea to start mocking you, repeating all your sentences or starts nudging you over and over again for no reason what so ever? Well that's what Grimmjow did, every single day for eight years of my life. Two thousand, nine hundred, and twenty one days, excluding holidays, I spent dealing with his eye gouging bull shit. I'm mentally certain that somewhere along the way I formed a twitch from all of it.
Anyways, the point of this all is when I heard from a friend that he was coming back into town and that he would be at the race, I formed a plan. A plan so great that I knew the only thing that could make me out to be a liar was if I lost it and burst out laughing. The plan was to basically seem like I had forgotten all about him, as if he never existed, fuck I wish that were real. Either way, I knew it would piss him off beyond belief for one reason and one reason only. Grimmjow had probably the biggest ego known to man; the thought that someone could actually forget about him would without a doubt make him crack. Not to mention the person who he spent tormenting pretty much his whole life up till five years ago, ya that's gonna piss him off.
This plan was supposed to work for the night. Everyone I knew and who knew Grimmjow was in on it, Nel included even though she didn't know him, and we had a big huge laugh at the end of the night. It did piss me off a bit though when Shiro came home with a black eye but that's Shiro, his mouth gets him into trouble, but I know for a fact he would have gotten some good hits in. Makes me proud to call him my big brother. The problem now though is what stands in front of me. I wasn't planning on seeing him again so now the question is, do I keep up the charade to piss him off even more or do I just tell him the truth? I mean come on, am I really that childish that I'd keep playing such a stupid game like that for my own amusement?
The answer is quite simple. Fuck yes.
A/N: So I hope you guys liked this, again this is something I'm going to be working on when I have the time so no promises when the next chapters going to be out ^^; But if you liked please review~!