A/N: I am so so so sorry for the incredibly long wait. School has been totally insane, plus I was stuck on where I wanted to go with this chapter. I think I did it justice though.

Disclaimer: HP and all of that good stuff belong to JKR, and I'm a sad koala because of it.


Hermione had fallen into an odd routine over the past 2 weeks during her time captive inside Malfoy Manor, or more specifically, Bellatrix Lestrange's bedroom. Her days were filled with all of the various tortures that the Death Eater could concoct inside of her rotten brain. The brunette had been electrocuted, cut, stabbed, magically stretched on a rack, every bone broken at one time or another, and almost drowned; all the while Bellatrix would recant tales of how the war was coming along and the various Mudbloods and Muggles alike that she and her fellow Death Eaters had slaughtered that day.

Crucios had become few and far between in Bellatrix's agenda. She had quickly learnt the joys of torture at her own hands as opposed to with a wand. Thank Merlin for small favors.

But the one thing Hermione dreaded above all else, physical torture included, were Bellatrix's nighttime rituals.

After Bellatrix and the Malfoy's finished their supper and she had been fed her nightly ration of table scraps on the floor of the dining area, she was forced to hand wash every dish, a chore usually reserved for their House Elves; but no task was too menial for the young Mudblood in her opinion.

Once that had been completed, Hermione would degradedly climb up the large staircase, her ankles shackled by magical bonds making it difficult enough to walk let alone climb up two dozen stairs, and then proceed to enter Bellatrix's bathroom.

Oh how she despised bathing the Death Eater; not because Bellatrix was unpleasant to look at naked, quite the opposite. In fact, Hermione found herself admiring certain assets on the older woman as she scrubbed her pale skin with the bubbly loofah; thus creating a swirl of complicated emotions and reactions within her body.

"It's such a shame that all of that raw and natural beauty has to be wasted on someone with such a retched soul."

Hermione would reason that that was why she ogled Bellatrix's naked and soapy form night after night; confused envy. The older witch would simply smirk throughout the whole process and make coy remarks that made Hermione's skin flush redder than it already was throughout the whole ordeal.

"Alright, alright! Enough washing my chest Muddy, I know they're quite marvelous, but stop trying to cop a feel!" That shrill cackle would echo throughout the large bathroom and Hermione would just grit her teeth, avert her gaze and continue on.

After Bellatrix grew bored with this light little torture (knowing full well how much the whole thing embarrassed the girl.) she would allow Hermione to bathe in her used, cooling bathwater; as she watched of course. Her dark eyes would drag over every single inch of Hermione's naked flesh as she stood wrapped in towel only feet away. Hermione had willed herself after the third night not to cry at this, but instead, just keep her eyes focused on the water and the patterns that the dissolving bubbles created. (She had been quite shocked the Death Eater took bubble baths of all things as a way to get clean.) She was thankful that she was even granted this small luxury, even though Bellatrix had made it quite clear that she only let her bathe in the first place because she didn't want her room reeking of Mud.


It never took Bellatrix long to fall asleep once she collapsed lazily beneath the over-sized comforter, after making sure that Hermione's magical ankle shackles were secured to the wall of course.

It always took Hermione much longer to fall asleep. Lying on a tiny cot a few feet away from a deranged serial killer was not exactly the thing lullabies were made of…

Tonight was different though. The Malfoy's had hosted a dinner party in the Dark Lord's honor so she was burdened with much more work afterwards. Voldemort had told Bellatrix that she would be allowed to keep her new pet to do as she wished as long as the Mudblood never made herself present while he was around. She was not worthy of his gaze, and after all, it was not she who Voldemort was after; It was Harry Potter. She was good bait but it appeared no one had taken it yet and come in search of their friend.

She was grateful for that one demand and had been able to stay in the kitchen all night until the guests had left, before beginning her chores.

By the time Hermione trudged upstairs, two hours later than normal, Bellatrix had already bathed herself; tired of waiting for her pet. Hermione was relieved and disappointed at the same time.

She opened the door to Bellatrix's bedroom timidly, terrified of waking her captor and facing the wrath that incurred. The room was pitch black and the brunette witch could just make out the form of the older woman sprawled out on the bed, but it was obvious she wasn't sleeping…

Hermione froze as the sound of a soft whimper drifted into her ears.

'Oh no, no, no…' The girl pleaded in her mind. She did not just hear Bellatrix Lestrange moan.

Of course she had to be proven wrong as the shadowed figure of Bellatrix writhed on the bed and moaned a little louder this time.

'Maybe I can just slowly back up and go keep the House Elves company until she's…er…finished.' Hermione reasoned with herself as she attempted to shut the door as quietly as possible.

Bellatrix's voice, suddenly thicker than normal, cut through the silent darkness like a knife, making Hermione nearly jump out of her skin. "Get in here Muddy One."

The younger girl felt her bottom lip tremble as she obeyed and stepped further into the room, her heartbeat rushing in her ears. She knew Bellatrix was touching herself, and there was only one reason she'd want Hermione in the room with her while she did it.

With each step closer towards the bed candles magically ignited themselves all over the room, bathing everything in a sinister glow. Bellatrix had planned this, her stomach lurched.

Her nails dug so painfully into her palms that she was sure she would draw blood as her knees made contact with the edge of the bed.

Bellatrix's breathing was audibly ragged and Hermione forced herself to look up, her gaze slipping over the totally naked figure of the raven-haired witch, her elegantly long fingers buried between her legs, and her free hand massaging her full breasts as her black eyes bore into Hermione.

"Strip," Bellatrix ordered then bit her bottom lip and arched her back as a breathy sigh escaped her pale lips, washed free of the ruby paint that usually adorned them.

Hermione started to shake her head 'no', hot tears blurring her vision of the woman beneath her momentarily. "Please…N-no I-I"

Bellatrix launched herself towards the edge of the bed, even sitting on her knees in front of Hermione; she was still taller than the girl. Her breath was hot in her face and her heavy breasts heaved themselves against Hermione's still clothed chest. "I said strip off your robes now Mudblood! Or I can promise you that your precious virgin blood will spill tonight."

Hermione swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and nodded, her eyes closed tightly and tears streamed down her pale cheeks. Bellatrix fell back on her elbows to enjoy the show, the candlelight casting harsh shadows across her already sharp features.

Trying to draw out the inevitable, Hermione peeled off her oversized shirt and the pants she was assigned to wear for her chores. She opened her eyes and watched in disgust as Bellatrix's right hand traveled down between the valley of her pale breasts and past her toned and taut stomach to back between her closed legs, and stroked herself as she watched Hermione.

With a shaking hand Hermione reached behind her and unclasped her bra and slid it off. Next came the simple white panties, and as they slid down her toned legs Bellatrix's breathing increased considerably.

The young witch hugged her naked form awkwardly under the lustful gaze of her female captor. Bellatrix looked at her like this every time she had to be naked in front her, but tonight it was more intense. The wanton way the older witch was staring at her created a not-too-unpleasant heat between her legs. This wasn't right; she wasn't attracted to women, especially not Bellatrix Lestrange! But deep inside Hermione knew that obliging to her captor's sick perverted desires were the only way to keep herself relatively safe…and alive.

Bellatrix licked her lips predatorily and beckoned Hermione forward with a single curling motion of her finger. The brunette timidly climbed up onto the bed and as she drew nearer she watched the older woman's long legs fall open elegantly, exposing her smooth shaven center to her. She met Hermione half way and placed a bony hand behind the girl's thin neck and crushed their lips together in a heated kiss.

This wasn't the first time Bellatrix's tongue had invaded Hermione's mouth, but it was the first time she kissed back. For her own safety of course, she reasoned as the raven-haired women's velvety tongue caressed her own and scraped along her canines.

Hermione felt her eyes close of their own accord; she fought the demons inside of herself as she sucked on Bellatrix's bottom lip roughly, eliciting a tiny groan from the other woman. All she had to do was get through this…and pretend that she wasn't enjoying it.

Bellatrix pulled back slightly and muttered against Hermione's kiss bruised lips as she caressed the back of her neck with her long nails, giving the girl goose bumps. "You're going to be a very good little Muddy Puppy and go down on your mistress until I'm good and spent, yeah? And maybe if I'm feeling generous you'll get something in return." She dragged her tongue over the hollow of the other girl's throat enticingly.

Hermione pulled back slightly and searched the shadowy depths of Bellatrix's eyes; trepidation filling her own hazel ones.

"I-I don't know how, I've never done anything like that before." She chewed on the inside of her cheek as her stomach turned to knots in an instant. Could this get any more uncomfortable? Shouldn't she have been experimenting with this sort of thing back at Hogwarts with someone like Luna? Hell, even Pansy bloody Parkinson would be more suitable if this had to be done at the moment.

Bellatrix flashed a crooked smirk full of twisted amusement. "Don't worry, you Mudbloods are so used to doing degrading things, you'll catch on quick." She winked before forcing Hermione's head down between her open legs by her thick hair. The young witch squeaked in surprise as her mouth was forced down onto Bellatrix's center. A musky aroma filled her nostrils and she didn't entirely hate it. She did the first thing her innocent mind told her to do in this situation; she slowly and timidly slid her tongue out from between her lips and took a quick swipe at Bellatrix's folds.

The Death Eater's hips bucked against her mouth at this movement and Hermione took this as a good sign so she repeated the action a few more times; starting from the little bundle of nerves at the top down to Bellatrix's opening, gathering her wetness on her tongue.

Hermione had to begrudgingly admit, Bellatrix tasted quite delicious. Like fresh honey. Bellatrix let out a louder string of moans as the young witch developed a rhythm with her tongue.

She laid out flat on her stomach and placed her arms beneath Bellatrix's thighs to draw her closer to her mouth and began flicking her tongue at various speeds and patterns to see what got the best reaction from the older woman. Each ministration seemed to be working on a level of its own because Bellatrix's hips were rocking against Hermione's mouth at a steady pace as one hand grasped and pulled on the bed sheets while her free hand tangled itself in the girl's brunette locks, urging her on.

Bellatrix let out a guttural moan. "Mmm, oh yes, good Muddy One…Yesss."

Hermione nipped at her clit with her teeth then sucked it between her lips, Bellatrix screamed in pain and pleasure then growled, grinding her hips more forcefully now, moaning a string of obscenities every so often.

Hermione smirked inwardly as she watched Bellatrix from beneath her eyelashes. The older witch had her eyes closed tightly, her head thrown back in pleasure, thick unruly curls fanning beneath her as she writhed in pleasure at her ministrations. She couldn't believe that Bellatrix was submitting herself like this, to a Mudblood no less. It was unbelievable and flattering all at the same time, but, like Bellatrix had told her before; she was just forbidden fruit to her. Hermione was Bellatrix's fetish; her sick little indulgence, and that is what made Hermione feel degraded.

She sucked and nibbled more adamantly on Bellatrix's clit, determined to make the other woman succumb to her.

Bellatrix was effectively riding Hermione's mouth now; her erratic breathing and the sound of Hermione's tongue caressing her drenched core were the only sounds in the room. She was beginning to feel a familiar tightening in her stomach, like a coil deep inside her was threatening to snap. "Oh Merlin! Fuck! Yes, s-so clo…FUCK!"

Hermione gasped against Bellatrix's core in surprise at the sudden show of emotion and her mouth was suddenly flooded with the older woman's release. Despite herself she swallowed the nectar-like juices and felt the rest coating her chin as Bellatrix rode out her earth-shattering orgasm.

Bellatrix's body went slack and Hermione sat up, wiping her chin and mouth clean with the back of her arm and she simply stared down and the other woman uncertainly. Her eyes were closed, the rise and fall of her naked chest slowly steadying herself.

Hermione didn't know what to do with herself so she pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them and watched.

After what felt like an eternity, Bellatrix finally opened her heavy eyelids and tilted her head to the side to stare back at Hermione; a lazy smile gracing her lips as she eyed the uncomfortable girl.

"Well bloody hell Granger, I've had my fair share of playthings in the past, but I believe you just earned your keep!"

Hermione felt herself blushing despite her best effort. She was pretty sure that was the closest she would ever get to a compliment from her.

Bellatrix chuckled haughtily at this and started crawling towards the other girl on all fours languidly.

She purred as her lips connected with Hermione's once again, tasting herself on those young innocent lips. "Your turn, pet."


WELL? :-) Any good despite the delay?

Next chapter will be smut as well!

Review please!

