
Summary: Robin craved Wally who in returned craved more than Megan.

Warnings: Alcohol, cheating, and course some smut.

Author's Summary: I really wanted to write a little bit of smut because I have been itching to do so, not to mention I am waiting for my amazing BETA to finish betaing a chapter for my other story right now, so I'm doing this to take up time. Sure I could be writing another chapter to the other one, but that would be way too responsible! Oh, and no Artemis in here!

Also, I sort of have an issue with the thought of cute lil' thirteen-year-old Dick having sex, not sure why but I can imagine you all could guess. So, while sixteen isn't much better (depending on your views) I am going to boost his age up three years as well as everyone else's. In other words, Dick is sixteen, Wally is eighteen, and Megan is nineteen.

If you do not like it, then too bad. I am not doing this for my health.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice it belongs to DC Comics. This is just a fan fiction, made by a fan and I am not getting any money from it.


It was Wally who had brought to booze he had found in his Uncle's supply cabinet so that they all could try it, and for those who had already, go crazy. Kaldur was the only one amongst them that was legally allowed to have it, but only by a few months and Aquaman had already made it very, very clear that he did not approve.

It was Wally's room they decided they would all do it. Here they were safe from the prowling eyes of Red Tornado or Black Canary; neither of which would most likely go snooping. As well as Batman, who could have easily placed cameras throughout the kitchen and living room for simple prying. They had all concluded that it would be Wally's room that was the safest.

Vodka was the first thing poured into five glasses half way before filled the rest of the way with Pepsi. It didn't taste terrible, but most definitely was not the best. In other words, it was bearable if you had the sort of taste for it.

"Ugh," Wally made a face after having drunken a gulp straight from the bottle itself. "Tastes like something would find in a medicine cabinet! Why do people even sell this stuff?"

"Evidentially," Robin informed him, taking a drink of his own liquor Pepsi mix, grimacing slightly. "It's not for the taste, more for the buzz. Then again, people in Russia drink his crap like its water."

Megan looked at her own glass before stealing a glance at her boyfriend, Wally, who smiled to her encouragingly. She took a drink of if, swallowing a large gulp and letting it settle in her stomach. Her eyes widened in delight, "This is amazing!"

The others looked at her oddly. Wally's mouth grew slightly ajar before laughing and patting her on the back, "Really? You like it?"

Megan nodded taking another drink and leaning against Wally. "Yes, it is very good. Hello Megan, it reminds me if this one beverage we drink back on Mars when we have a celebration, much like how you all celebrate birthdays."

They all laughed, expect for Kaldur who smiled a bit before taking a drink of his liquor; feeling slightly guilty for going against his king's orders. Yet, it was not he had not done that before, right?


An hour passed and it became apparent that they were all buzzed at the least. It was Megan, however, who had finished up the rest resulting in getting herself rock-hard drunk. She smiled lazily, placing a kiss on Wally's cheek that she would most likely not remember the next day.

"Come on," She giggled. "Let's get some more to drink?"

"Maybe another time, Babe," Wally laughed gingerly, standing up and helping her as well, "How about I help you to your room? Rob, can you help me?"

Robin nodded, getting up himself taking a few seconds to straighten out without wobbling due to his buzzed, almost tipsy state. He took Megan's other arm and wrapped it around his neck using himself as another supporting crutch. Wally copied him with Megan's free arm. Slowly, they made their way out of the room, trying to find their footing in the trio.

Somewhere along the way, Megan had got from their grips and was now working at the door to her room, unable to focus her eyes long enough to get the door open. Wally stepped beside her, ushering her away a bit before grabbing the knob and pushing the door inward.

"Thank you!" Megan nearly yelled happily before placing a sloppy kiss on her boyfriend's mouth and smiling. She laughed as he stumbled in, grabbing Wally's arm for support. It was clear to Robin that Megan, like expected, was a very happy, giggly drunk. He wouldn't help but wonder if she ever got aggressive in any mood or state. "Wally!... Uh where's the uh… bed?"

"Right there in front of you."

Robin slipped into the room and to the side, knowing that he would only he in the way if he stood to close. Wally helped Megan to the bed, who flopped onto the surface, murmured something about how comfortable it was and how they should drink more often before going quiet.

"Did she fall asleep?" Robin asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Wally examined his girlfriend, "More like passed out." He placed the blanket over her and took of her shoes throwing them to the ground, "Come on, I need to get back to my room and had the bottles. Come with?"

Robin shrugged. "Don't have anything better to do. Might as well."

Wally smiled. It would be a good time to watch back up with the bird. After he had begun dating Megan, he and Robin grew further and further apart which was not Wally's intentions. He couldn't just ditch Megan though, at the same time, could he ditch Robin?

They left her room, closing the door behind him. "So, you and Bats gone out and fight any sissy butt lately? I noticed you were here the other day."

"Yeah," Robin confessed as if he was just brushing it off his shoulders. "Joker being the Joker, robbing banks causing mayhem. Nothing we can't handle, though. How about you? Have you seen Flash in a while?"

Wally shrugged, "Yeah, somewhat. Aunt Iris is preggo so his attention is pretty much directed towards her. Which is okay, I mean, I like that he's finally getting kids. He'll stop treating me like a child now."

"Tell him I said congratulations," Robin smiled. "Oh, uh, sorry you girlfriend's a drunk, dude."

Robin didn't think over the words to much before he had said them. Though, he couldn't imagine that Wally would actually get mad at him if he was being honest. Somewhere along the lines of his night, Megan confessed that on her planet he was a heavy drinker and she was Wally's girlfriend. He didn't see any real harm done.

Wally ran his hand through his hair, disregarding Robin's statement almost entirely. He had not expected this from Megan and in all honesty, it did not bother him all that much. Soon enough, they had reached his room where he pushed the door aside and stepped in with Robin following close behind. It seemed that in their absence, Kaldur and Super Boy had left.

The two of them began collecting the bottles which were scattered about the room. Wally held an empty sports bag open and Robin tossed them into there, zipping it up, and throwing it under the bed before they both sat on the furniture that covered it.

"Wally," Robin drew the attention of his friend. "Talk to me?"

It was a bold move, bolder than what Robin would normally do. He decided to blame it on the alcohol, but there was something he had to get off his chest. Something that is he didn't, there would be self provided consequences.

Wally sighed and looked at his best friend. It was obvious what was itching at the boy. What he wanted to tell him. He diverted his eyes from Robin whose face fell at his action. He felt a hand go dangerously close to his inner thigh for balance as two green orbs darted back to Robin.

He was close to his face, only inches apart, waiting for Wally to press his lips back to his own. When he did, Robin pushed his lips harder against Wally, doing so, tasting the liquor that had been consumed earlier.

When the two of them deepened their kiss, it was not just the alcohol they would taste but shame, guilt, and want. It was what Wally longed for, more than what Megan could give him for he did not love Megan. Not like he loved Robin, at least.

It was Robin who had broken the kiss, but not generally pulled away. He pressed his forehead against Wally's, pulling off his sunglasses so that in the dim of the room, Wally would see the blues. Their mouths hovered above one another's, threatening to make contact once more. Wally's green eyes scanned the newly revealed blue ones.

"I trust you not to tell anyone..." Robin whispered gently through an alcoholic slur.

It was Wally's hands that moved next, gliding their way up Robin's legs snaking around to his back side, groping the younger man and pulling him close. Wally's breath deepened as a soft moan from the other escaped into his ear.

"You can," Wally murmured. The hand Robin placed between his legs earlier hastily unbuttoned his pants. As his zipper went down, Wally bucked his hips slightly when Robin lightly skimmed his finger tips over the Red Head's undergarments.

Dick couldn't help but wonder how often Megan had done the same exact thing to Wally, if at all. Had she been sitting in the same position with Wally's hands on her as well? Was this just a cheap replay in the other boy's mind or more?

"I'll remember that…" Robin murmured as the other slid his hands up his sides and under his shirt to stroke and touch the bare, pale skin. Wally wrapped his arms around Robin's waist, still under the others shirt, and picked him up. It had been a few years and yet he was still small, still lanky, and still light.

He felt Robin wrap his arms quickly around his neck as his legs wrapped around his waist. Robin looked slightly confused when Wally turned him towards to bed but soon caught on. Robin pulled Wally down with him into a kiss when he left him go to fall onto the bed. He used his feet to begin pushing the Speedsters pants down his legs allowing him to take control and kick them off.

Robin pulled at Wally's shirt, making it clear that he too wanted it to be off. The kiss broke only long enough to take it off and throw it aside. He placed his lips this time against his best friend's shoulder, working to get his own shirt off as well, which soon came free with Wally's help. His pants were next.

Wally's larger hands explored his bare chest and fat stomach. Teasingly, he pulled lightly at a nipple resulting in a sharp gasp escaping Robin's throat. His body was flushed from the alcohol but Robin blamed the moment of the crazy haze of pleasure as he felt one of Wally's knees pressed against his crotch.

He groaned out in response, wrapping his arms around the older boy's neck, pulling himself high enough to nip and suck at the other's neck before retreating back to the mattress. Wally lowed himself this time, running his tongue up Robin's chest, pinching a nipple lightly between his teeth. Robin could feel his knees go weak as he ran his hands down Wally's back, groaning into the boy's shoulder.

"F-fuck," Robin stuttered.

Wally was able to release his erection from much to light boxers, pulling them down his slender legs and allowing them to fall to the floor beside his pants. Wally let go or Robin, leaving Robin to lie on the bed, alone, naked, and confused. He raised an eyebrow as Wally rummaged around the floor before finding the small bottle he was looking for, popping the lid off, and pouring some substance into his hand.

Robin was about to ask why he had it but decided it did not matter. He closed his eyes, gasping when the cold liquid coated his inner thighs and rear end. Robin's arms went back up, pulling Wally close to him once again. He let out a hiss when a finger slid into him; it soon became a welcome feeling but stung all the same when Wally introduced a second one. His face burned a deep red even though he was somewhat cold. Sweat began beading on his brow and Wally pulled his fingers away.

Robin waited patiently as Wally lubed down his manhood, before spreading his legs enough to allow Wally to place it between Robin's "entrance". Wally looked down; making sure his partner was comfortable and ready. Robin smirked and Wally pushed inward.

Wally was quick to stop when he heard Robin whimper against his ear. He faced the other boy and placed a passionate, comforting kiss onto his lips in hopes that it would be enough to encourage the other to fight through the pain. He began pushing in again. Once inside, Wally noted how tight, how warm, and how foreign it was to be in his best friend.

Wally placed his hands on each side of Robin's hips, pushing as far as he could into him. After a few seconds, he began pulling out slowly and quickly thrusting back into the other doing his best to build a rhythm that both he and Robin could follow. Doing so, Robin broke the kiss unintentionally to let out a sharp moan.

"Shh," Wally ushered not wanting to draw attention to the both of them, even more so with Super Boy and his Super Hearing. Robin bit his lip to keep himself quiet as he listened to Wally's soft pants and groans and he rammed into Robin gently.

Wally removed one hand from Robin's hip and moved it onto his erection instead, pumping the organ with his movement. Ever second that passed, every thrust Wally emitted pushed Robin closer and closer to his edge. He released his lip from between his teeth to kiss Wally sloppily. Feeling himself edging to close, he quickly pulls himself from the younger boy, allowing himself only to release when out of his best friend.

Wally pumped his friend faster wanting him to reach pleasure as well. Robin bit down onto Wally's lip, making him wince once he too reached his peak in the form of a strong orgasm. The lower regions of his body felt amazing as it still tingled with pleasure.

Strong arms wrapped around Robin's mid section and Wally rested his head beside Robin's. "We can't… Do that again."

There was no response for a while. Instead, a lump in Robin's throat formed. Of course he had known that, that is why coming here was a mistake. Yet, his heart ached with bitter rejection because Wally, despite all else, would never allow them to have the sort of relationship Robin craved; it was just not science.


AN: I hoped you all liked it! Reviews make Batman give Robin hugs!