Brutal Rejection

A/N: So, as my very first fic, I'm not too sure about how this will turn out! I'm hoping for this to be a MisakixUsagi fanfic with a little drama splashed in. R&R are very much welcome - I'll probably need them now more than ever! - Well, not much to say now... On with the story :)

Edit - touches up on grammar, added to some places and the introduction.

Disclaimer - Sadly, I don't own any of Junjou Romantica or the characters.

Chapter 1 – Pent up emotions

The door slammed. Misaki had returned from another tiring day at college and, to put it lightly, he was annoyed. He had never found going to uni particularly easy, what with him being a slight outcast due to his 'special' relationship with the Great Lord Usami Akihiko, but today it was just the icing on the cake. The gentle teen usually tried to ignore the not-too-sublte glances the other students gave him and brushed off Demon Kamijou's shouting to him just being a strict teacher but he simply couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty in his heart. His last lecture with Kamijou had left him feeling vey self-conscious. A very badly timed text from Usagi had caught the attention of the teacher who then (unfortunately because he still had mixed feelings for the writer) decided to humiliate Misaki further by attempting to read it out to the class. Snatching the beeping device away from the boys hand, Kamijou glared at the text on the screen and started to read it out loud, though due to its.. inappropriate.. contents, he ended up shoving the phone back in Misaki's lap while trying to hide the very obvious blush from creeping onto his face. An extremely embarrassed Misaki then had to put up with his classmates teasing and gossip for the rest of the day and, as he found out the hard way, people can be so cruel..

'Why does that damn perverted man have to be perverted in everything he says to me!' The brunette angrily thought to himself as he dumped his bag and coat on the couch. Usagi had recently been very busy with his work and had therefore been 'out of Misaki' and planned to 'ravage' him (amongst other things) as soon as possible which now, thanks to Demon Kamijou's bad temper, most of the campus knew about.

Misaki let out a well earned sigh and looked around the room. It was a Friday evening and the clutter and mess of the week and slowly gathered up leaving the tired brunette with enough chores to do to keep his mind occupied. Thankfully Usagi-san was still swamped with his work and didn't notice his lover come home, leaving Misaki to get on with his cleaning in peace.

Gathering a bundle of clothes out from the washing machine and dropping them in a basket, Misaki headed outside onto the balcony to hang them up to dry. Placing the basket to one side, he reached up to unpeg the bed sheets that he had hung up in the morning (the teen often found himself washing the bedding, what with his sex life being so active). Once he had finished getting all the sheets down he then carried them back into the living room while peeking out from the side of the pile in his arms in an attempt to see where he was going. Misaki had just stepped back inside when suddenly-

"Wooah!"... THUMP. He had tripped over a miniature version of Suzuki that had been left on the floor.

Hearing the sudden noise, Usagi came rushing down the stairs. 'Misaki must have already come back then, I'm sure he'll be annoyed that I didn't welcome him home.. well, I'll make up for that.'

"Misaki, are you ok?" The writer smirked to himself as he approached the source of the noise. 'oh... now this is something..'

Lying covered in a pile of clean white bed sheets with his chocolate hair in a slight mess, was Misaki.

"Urhhh.. that hurt." He said, wincing as sat up, rubbing the back of his head. His face was slightly flushed and his green orbs were shinning with slight tears. The sheet was still half draped over his head and he lifted it up to gaze at his lover in front of him. All in all, it was one of the cutest sights Usagi had seen. It was as if his yaoi novels were being acted out in real life.

"Usagi-san, what are you staring at?" Misaki's doe eyes looked up innocently. It was all too much for the silver haired man; he knelt down facing his lover and cupped his cheek.

"You're so cute.."

'Cute! How can he just call me cute like that? I'm not some little girl!' Misaki was promptly cut off from his thoughts as his lips met those of the writer. Coming out of his initial shock, he immediately began struggling against the strong arms that were quickly making their way round his body, he turned his head away, breaking the heated kiss. "Baka Usagi! W..what are you doing all of a sudden!" Misaki bit out, his face now getting very red.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help it, you looked so adorable all covered in sheets on the floor" the silver haired man chuckled. Still keeping a firm grip on the boy, Usagi grabbed his chin so they were face to face once more and whispered "and as you know, I'm all out of Misaki."

Misaki froze. That simple phase brought back the memories of his humiliation from earlier that day and his anger returned. He still hadn't had a chance to talk to Usagi and he was already having to put up with this harassment! But before he could say a word, his lips were claimed again. Still struggling against the older man Misaki found himself on his back with his lover looming over him, never once breaking the kiss.

"Mmmmh!" The teens muffled protests went unnoticed by Usagi, but eventually they had to stop to breathe. Rising up, he smirked at the sight of the very embarrassed and flustered boy beneath him. "Oh, but you enjoy it really, don't you? My little Misaki.."

"What! No, wait! Please! Usa-" Once again, Misaki was cut off by another passionate kiss. But this time it was followed by two large hands, one making its way up his shirt and the other heading for lower down. "Hmmmm!" Misaki was really not in the mood for this at the moment, and he was reluctant to admit that his body was reacting to the touches, but nothing he did seemed to have any effect. He desperately tried to stop the hands from roaming round his body and the tongue from entering his mouth.

'Why can't he understand that I don't want this now!' With his anger rising, Misaki managed to choke out "U..usagi-san stop it!" and gathered the strength to somehow push the older man off of him. After stumbling around with the bed sheets, Misaki silently averted his gaze from the author's and proceeded to straighten himself out.

"Aw, now Misaki don't be so un-cute. You know I can't help but want ravage you." Usagi huskily said, a smile spreading across his face. But that smile soon began to fade as he noticed his lovers unusual behavior. Right about now, he would normally be receiving an ear full of bashful remarks along with maybe a few light bashes, but as he gazed longer at the boy before him he saw this was not the case. Misaki stood there rigidly. His gentle hands clenched into tight fists, his normally smiling lips were pursed and his brown bangs covered his eyes. "Misaki?"

"...S-stop it already.." the words were barely audible but Usagi made them out. What could be wrong with his little Misaki? Had he really gone too far this time?

Trying to find out the cause of this strange behavior Usagi went over to the young boy and, placing a hand on the small shoulder, said "Misaki, whats wro-"


Usagi was shocked. His hand had been slapped away and a he had been shouted at by Misaki. Shouted at! Obviously something was seriously upsetting his lover. Misaki would never normally raise his voice, only when he was extremely angry would the docile boy dare to turn up the volume. Keeping his distance this time, Usagi tried once more to get his lover to open up.

"Misaki, what's troubling you so much? You really didn't have to shout like that." At this the teen snapped his head up. His hair flew away from his eyes to reveal un-shed tears and an angry expression that had made its way onto the sweet boys face.

"You really want to know what's troubling me! It''s.." Misaki scrunched up his face, "It's you!" Said person froze. "Your constant harassment it suffocating me! And actually, If I didn't shout, y-you would take no notice of me! I'm always telling you to stop and stop but you never listen and I end up having put up with your perverteness all the time!"

Usagi stared at the distressed teen in disbelief. "'Put up with'? It's not like I'm forcing you into something horrible, Misaki. It's just a way to express my love for you. I thought you had already grown out of this?" he sighed.

Misakis anger rose."You know I'm still uncomfortable about this.. about us! And today! Your stupid text caused me so much humiliation at uni, I..I hardly have any friends as it is! And now just about the whole campus avoids me because of you!"

Usagi had heard enough, "Misaki listen-"

But the teen carried on, determined to finally let his anger out " And I'm not some vulnerable household pet that you can just do w-whatever you want with, I practically an adult now! stop calling me 'cute' and looking down on m-me all the time, it's insulting! And if you really want to express your love then you would respect my wishes.. but you don't! You just c-carry on and do whatever you please!" Misaki cried out accusingly. "I-I just want a normal relationship. One where I'm not constantly smothered! It's just too much... I..I..hate it-"

"Well if you really hate it so much then why don't you just leave!"


A heavy silence hung in the air and neither of the two men dared to break it, though with each passing second the unspoken words struck pain in their hearts and threatened to escape passed their lips.

This time it was Misaki's turn to be shocked. Had he heard right? No way would Usagi ever mention him leaving...right? Rarely was the silver haired man ever angry at him or shouted - it was only ever to warn the brunette or to talk reason into him. But this time was very different. He hesitated, but gradually raised his head to look as his lover's face, hoping desperately to find some hint of regret in his handsome features.

He saw none.

Misaki's eye widened as he stared at the man before him. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had turned his head away from Misaki's gaze, not wanting to face his lover after the argument. But dispite all the young boy's searching, Misaki could find no hint of guilt, no sign that it was just a bluff, no emotion that would relieve him of the dread that was steadily growing.

"Um..U-Usagi-san?" Misaki trailed off quietly, not really knowing what to say. Of course he didn't want to leave, the thought had never once crossed his mind, but since he saw the seriousness in his lover's face, he had reconsidered the horrible idea.

Misaki's attention was caught when he noticed Usagi beginning to move. With he face set and not a word spoken between them, he stiffly walked past the shaken boy and turned to go back to his study. Misaki's glistening orbs watched his every step, running his eyes over Usagi's face again and again, pleading to find some kind of emotion. Just as the older man approached the door to his study, Misaki caught a glimpse of something in the stoic face, but it was not the regret he wished for. Deep in Usagi's lavender eyes, behind the tender love, was defeat.

'What have I done?'

The gentle teen continued to watch Usagi all the way until the door of the study was closed, preventing him from seeing any more of his beloved. It was only then that Misaki's knees gave way and he collapsed on the floor once again, eyes wide, replaying the conversation over in his troubled mind. He had taken all his stress and anger out on Usagi and, what's more, he had openly said that he hated his relationship with him.

'How could I have been so selfish?'

The teen let the newly formed tears flow freely down his small face as he clutched at the white bed sheets beneath him. It had never occurred to him just how much all his rejection towards Usagi's touches could mentally wear out the older man. The image of the tired and defeated expression on the authors face as he turned away burned its way deep into Misaki's mind, leaving a path of guilt in its wake. The more he thought about it, the more it came to dawn on him that he had finally crossed the line and pushed his lover over the edge. Misaki had never once freely accepted it when Usagi touched him and never returned the man's affection. He instead called him an idiot would tell him to stop. Now, finally, having bare the weight of constant, brutal, rejection, Usagi was giving up on him. Not being able to cope anymore with Misaki's negative reactions he had lost the will to fight.

'Why didn't I realise how much I was hurting him?'

Feeling shocked and hopeless, Misaki numbly picked himself up from amongst the sheets and trudged his way to the couch. Not having the energy to clean up the mess on the floor or the mess he had made of himself, he flopped down down onto the cushions and wearily shut his eyes. Exhausted, he fell into a troubled sleep, helplessly trying to bar out the depressing thoughts that plagued his worn out mind, but with no such luck. And so Misaki drifted off, dreading what tomorrow had to offer, and pleading in his heart that somehow it might all disappear along with the dark of the night.

'I'm sorry...Usagi-san..'

A/N: Yay! I finished the first chapter! :3 To be honest, I had planned for this to be a one-shot since it is my first story but turns out it has a mind of its own! Sorry to end it with so little action but I thought it a good place to stop :) So, just to let you know, it will probably only be 3 chapters max.

Well, what do ya think? I'm just about happy with it but getting a good amount of tension going is harder than I thought! Whew, well.. I shan't keep you waiting long ;)

~Below Average