Disclaimer: If I owned it this story would already be part of the DBZ timeline.

AN: This one is dedicated to all you regular reviewers and readers. Thanks for the support. Last time on Vegeta and the Great Pet Adventure: Bulma, Trunks, and Bra visualized what Vegeta's night with the bird was like. Meanwhile, Vegeta frantically search the house for Lucifer and in the process destroyed some very important papers of Bulma's. Let's see what happens next.

* * *

Vegeta shut the office door behind him, his head hung in defeat. As he walked down the stairs heading towards the living room he reexamined the facts. The bird was gone. Pro. The girl would cry. Con. He had straightened Bulma's office as best he could. Pro. Bulma's project was still in shreds. Con.

As he entered the living room he dropped on the couch. He put his head in his hands and began to gently massaging his temples. How had his life come to this? He was once the most feared being in the universe. The greatest men in the galaxy trembled at the sound of his name. He was the heir to the throne of the greatest race of warriors that ever existed.

And look where he is now. Sitting in his little house (NOT his palace, mind you!) fearing the moment that a blue haired human and her two little half- human children walked through the door.

He shook his head. 'This is ridiculous!' he thought as he sat up straight. The woman couldn't be angry with him. This was all her fault to begin with. If she hadn't left him with the bird in the first place it wouldn't be missing. She knew he wouldn't be able to keep from torturing the animal. It just wasn't his nature not to. And if she didn't want him destroying her so called big project she shouldn't have left it just laying around. As he continued to give himself this little pep talk his usually cockiness began to return.

'And' he thought when he felt a draft, 'I'm tired of that damned woman keeping it so cold in my damned house!' he thought with a nod of his head. That's when it hit him. He looked over at the window and sure enough it was wide open.

Vegeta's eyes widened. "The little bastard won't dare..." he mumbled under his breath, as he slowly stood up. But he knew Lucifer would dare to do just that. He was about to walk over to the window when he saw highlights through it.

Vegeta crossed his arms and began watching the front door closely.

* * *

"We're home!" Bra yelled excitedly as she jumped out of her seat and headed for the door of the craft. "See you later Pan!" she yelled as jumped out of the craft.

"Don't run Bra! You might fall," Bulma called after her. "Trunks go catch up with her will you?"

"Yes Mom," Trunks said as he climbed out the craft. "See ya, Gohan. Bye Pan."

Bulma nervously chewed on her bottom lip as she gathered her stuff. How was she going to explain this to Bra? She was never going to forgive Vegeta for this. Never. As she was about to climb out a hand lightly touched her arm. Bulma's head snapped up as she looked at Gohan. There was a questioning look in her eyes.

"If some thing did happen to the bird," he began, "go easy on Vegeta, huh? You know as well as I do that he would never do anything that would intentionally hurt Bra. No matter how much he hates that bird." He said the last part with a smile.

Bulma looked at Gohan and then a small smile began to play on her lips. "I guess your right. But I just don't know how I'm going to explain this to Bra."

"Bulma," Gohan said gently, "you don't even know if anything happened yet."

"Oh something happened all right. I just have this feeling. And where my family is concerned my feelings are never wrong."

With a kiss on the cheek, Bulma bid Gohan farewell. She climbed out the craft and headed towards her front door. Just as she reached the front porch she noticed that Bra was standing under the big tree in the yard. She changed course and walked over to Bra.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing?"

Bra continued to gaze up at the tree as she said, "Watching Trunks."

"Watching Trunks?! What is he doing up there?" Bulma asked as she began searching the branches for her son.

Just then Trunks floated down from the tree with something on his arm. Once he was on the ground he handed the bird over to Bra.

"Vegeta, how did you get out here?!" Bra exclaimed. "Grandpa must not have been watching you closely enough. Don't worry he'll be in big trouble when we go inside. Right mommy?"

Bulma was so happy that the bird was alive that she personally didn't care where they had found him. She guessed that this time her feeling was wrong. She had misjudged Vegeta. 'But I'll be sure to make it up to him tonight,' she thought with a secretive smile. She then looked at Bra. "That right honey. You can go in and tell daddy what a bad baby sitter he's been. Now let's go inside okay?"

* * *

Vegeta stood prepared for battle. He was not afraid of them or the power they held over him. He had never backed down from a good fight in his life and he wasn't going start now.

As the door opened and Bulma walked in, Vegeta kept his arms tightly crossed across his chest. When she spotted him a smile crossed her face. "Vegeta…" she said as she began to walk towards him.

Vegeta uncrossed his arms. "Now look woman. I don't want to hear any of your crap about…"

He's rant was cut off when she stopped in front of him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I'm so proud of you," she said.

Vegeta just looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

"I have to say that I really misjudged you," Bulma said. "But…" she said as she pressed herself closer to him, "I'm sure I can make up for my lack of faith tonight. You do remember our arrangement don't you?" she whispered in his ear.

Vegeta could only nod. He was having the damnedest time getting his train of thought together.

"Well then," she said huskily, "I'm going up to my office to put somethings away and then I'll meet you upstairs." She gently nipped his earlobe then walked around him and headed up the stairs.

Vegeta stood there for a moment in stunned silence. Then he began reviewing the conversation to see if he had missed something. She had said she was proud of him, then she had said she was going to her office, then she was going to meet him in their room, and they were gonna…wait minute… she said she was going to her off-.

"Bulma wait," he said as he started after her.


Vegeta stopped and turned before he reached the stairs and saw Trunks striding into the house.

"What!" he barked.

Trunks continued into the room, unfazed by his father's voice. "I'm impressed that you kept your cool all night."

Vegeta's eyebrows knitted in confusion.

Trunks continued towards the stairs and threw back over his shoulder. "Bra, on the other hand, is gonna kill you."

Vegeta just shook his head as he watched his son head up to his room. They were all crazy he decided. None of they were making any sense tonight.

"Daddy," said a stern little voice behind him.

Vegeta turned to see he's daughter standing behind him, with her hands planted firmly on her hips and …and … Lucifer on her shoulder!

"How in the he-," Vegeta murmured under his breath.

"Daddy you weren't a very good baby-sitter tonight," Bra said as she began walking towards her father. "I told you that you had to put him back in his cage after ten minutes. He could have got hurt outside daddy. He's just a baby."

Vegeta only looked at her.

Bra walked over to the birdcage on the coffee table and placed 'little' Vegeta inside. Then she picked up the cage and walked over to her father.

"Now daddy," she said in a very serious tone, "I'm afraid that because you were so irresponsible I'm going to have to place you on punishment."

Vegeta arched an eyebrow.

"For the next two weeks I'm going to keep Vegeta up in my room. You are not allowed to play with him and I'm going to keep him out of your sight so you won't be tempted. I'm I understood?"

Vegeta almost started to laugh at this so-called punishment, but then he saw just how serious his daughter was. Vegeta nodded his head solemnly and said, "If that's the way it has to be."

Bra nodded her little head sadly. "I'm sorry daddy, it is." She walked up to her father and gently patted his hand. "I know it seems a little rough but I think you'll learn a good lesson from it." She then carried the cage up to her room.

Vegeta shook his head in amazement. He had done it! He had been able to torture the little creature and had gotten away with it. Now he didn't even have to see the devil for two weeks because he was on 'punishment'. And to top everything off his mate was upstairs just waiting for him. Vegeta smirked. 'Life is good' he was thinking when he heard it.

"VEGETA!!!!" came the outraged cry from his mate upstairs.

'Shit', Vegeta thought.

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Well there it is kiddies! I hope you liked it! Let me know in your reviews. This story is part of a series of Vegeta's great adventures, so if you'd like me to post the next story just leave a review. Oh and if you have idea's for a great adventure just leave that in your review too. Thanks for reading.