A/N: Well, how bout this? How many of you thought you'd see another chapter to this story?

Well, after almost four years, here is the next chapter to 'Angel of Music'!

There's no excuse to the delay with this chapter, but I think I'm ready to return to this story. This story was like my baby, I've always been extremely proud of it and the direction that it took.

I know that it has been four years (almost to the day) since I last updated, but I'm hoping that there is still some of you out there that is excited to read this story as it continues!


Angel of Music

Chapter 10: Mother/Son Talk: Part 2

Kendall left the school grounds in a foul mood. He travelled the twelve minutes back to his home in a foul mood (mixed with a little unprovoked road rage). Stormed through the front door in a foul mood, before escaping into his bedroom-but, not before slamming the door shut behind him.

Kendall carelessly let his backpack fall to the ground as he through himself onto his bed. Instinctively, he pulled his phone from his pocket and checked it. He had six text messages. Two were from Carlos, three from James, and one from his mom. He didn't care to look at them. Instead, settling for just tossing his phone aside, into the chaos of his unmade sheets.

All Kendall wanted at the moment was to be left alone.

The day had been so promising, initially, and now it had turned into the world's greatest crap-fest. All because of one single person: Eric.

Of all people, why did Eric have to target Logan? Sure, Kendall didn't have any claim to Logan; after all, they were just friends. But, still, that didn't give Eric any right to go all "Erik-like" on him.

Logan didn't know Eric like Kendall did. Eric had a certain charm and charisma about him. It was very easy to be sucked into his world. But, as soon as he got what he wanted from you-a couple rendezvous in the sheets-he would cast them aside and onto his next victim. It was an act that Kendall had seen him use many times before. It was why Kendall struggled so hard to keep their relationship platonic, despite Eric's many protests.

Eric could be a good friend. But, Grade-A boyfriend material, he was not.

Logan would surely be walking into the lion's den.

A low growl slipped from the blonde's lips as it started to gain greater momentum and volume. He just couldn't wrap his brain around it: Eric and Logan.

Kendall clenched his eyes shut, running his fingers through his blonde hair -messing up the coiffed arrangement he had spent so long this morning perfecting.

Images of Logan and Eric together flooded his imagination. Logan and Eric holding hands. Eric and Logan on a date. Eric and Logan kissing passionately. Eric and Logan fucking. It just kept on getting worse.

Kendall's eyelids slowly parted, offering escape from his own imagination, as stray tears broke free from the corners of his eyes. He felt so helpless.

Logan would fall for Eric's act. It was as simple as that. Eric was so pushy and had a way with words. Kendall, at times, became romanticized by the way Eric would speak. It wouldn't be long before Logan was eating out of the palm of his hand. It was probably happening at this very moment.

The thought forced the images that Kendall had struggled to keep away to return. Another growl erupted from deep within the blonde's stomach.

And still, even if there was some kind of glimmer of hope and there was a possibility that Logan wouldn't fall for Eric, it wasn't like the brunette would come running into Kendall's arms.

The thought made Kendall's heart skip a beat, but the feeling was quickly tossed aside. Logan would never see Kendall as anything more then the clichéd "just a friend". Kendall was nothing out of the ordinary.

A hopeless sigh took place of Kendall's train of growls as the blonde through his covers over his head in hopes of being able to fall asleep; escape from his own mind for a little while.

'Kendall!' The voice cried out-filled with pleasure and yearning-as the blonde smirked in response.

Kendall paused, taking in the sight that lay before him: Logan, completely naked on top of his bed, dick erect, and legs spread apart allowing full access to Kendall's playful finger.

The blonde inserted his finger deeper into Logan, resulting in another moan to escape the brunette's lips, promptly triggering the hardening of Kendall's own cock.

'You like that?' Kendall whispered, his voice low and seductive, as he inserted a second finger generating a much-desired response.

'I want you. Inside me.' Logan pleaded.

Kendall's smirk deepened as he removed his fingers-a whimper breaking from Logan's lips-as the blonde positioned himself at the teen's entrance, teasing the brunette's hole with the tip of his member.

'More!' Logan demanded, arching his back, "Give it to me, Eric. I want you!'

Kendall froze.

'What…?' His voice came out in a stutter, staring down at the brunette in disbelief.

'I want Eric. That's who I want.'

Kendall moved off the bed, backing away from Logan as he shook his head, 'No. No-no-no-no…" Kendall's voice trailed off, a pitted feeling resonating deep in his gut.


Kendall's eyes shot open as he was dragged from the contents of his dream. His eyes scanned around the room, taking in his surroundings. Slowly, Kendall rose, repositioning himself into sitting against his headboard, pulling his legs into his chest.

He sat motionless, his eyes staring off into space.

It was a dream. Over and over he told himself this fact. None of that had been real; and yet, it still felt real. Logan's desire for Eric over him; it hurt. It made his heart ache.

A soft knock at his bedroom door pulled Kendall from his thoughts, turning his attention to the caller at the door: "Kendall, honey?"

It was his mom. She was beginning to have impeccable timing for catching Kendall post-sex dream.

"Yeah?" Kendall responded, his voice barely above a whisper, unintentionally granting permission for Mrs. Knight to open his door.

"I was just going to let you know that dinner would be ready in about five minutes," Mrs. Knight informed, never moving past the door way.

Kendall nodded, never once bothering to look in his mom's direction, "Ok."

Mrs. Knight remained in the doorway, looking the blonde over. It wouldn't take a Sherlock to realize there was something bothering the teen; and not your typical teenage angst, "Is everything alright, sweetie?"


"You know, you can talk to me, Kendall. I am your mother after all. It's kind of my job. " Mrs. Knight attempted to coax.

"Its nothing," Kendall lied through his teeth, meeting his mother's gaze for only a moment. She wasn't buying it, "You wouldn't understand, mom."

Mrs. Knight let out an over exaggerated laugh, as she made her way into Kendall's room-once more, taking his words as an unintentional invitation-before situating herself on the edge of the blonde's bed.

"Please, Kendall. I may be what you kids refer to as 'old', but I was a teenager once. A lot of what you are going through, have gone through, or will go through, I have experienced in some form." Mrs. Knight explained, but Kendall still seemed reluctant to talk. Typical teenager. It was time for her to go into 'mom-mode' and do what she does best: prying, "Does it have to do something with school?"

Kendall let out a sarcastic laugh, "No."

"Ok," Mrs. Knight began, pleased to eliminate some of the possibilities, "How bout with your friends? Are you fighting with Carlos or James?"

"No." His response came out short, annoyed.

"Is this a girl problem?" Mrs. Knight continued on, running out of ideas. Kendall remained silent, "A boy problem, maybe?"

Kendall had first come out to his mom a few years back when he was a freshman. Initially, she thought it was a phase, something that he-like most teenagers-was going to experiment with. Nonetheless, she was still supportive of her eldest child. All she wanted was for him to be happy, whatever direction that would lead him in.

Kendall didn't respond, just continuing to stare off into space. Mrs. Knight took this as a silent cue that-despite her role as mother-Kendall wasn't going to open up to her, at least not now, anyways.

"Alright then, " Mrs. Knight began, extending her arm out to give her son's knee a gentle squeeze, as she slowly rose from her spot on the edge of Kendall's bed, "I can see you aren't really up to talking. Just know that I'm here for you, sweetie and that I love you so very much. I want to help you in any way that I can. But, I do understand that sometimes it's hard to talk to your parents. But, know I'm always here to listen. So, yeah, like I said, dinner will be ready soon. Feel free to join us if you are up to it."

Kendall simply nodded in response.

Mrs. Knight made her way to the door's entrance, carefully stepping around the various items that littered the teen boys bedroom. She would scold him about tidying up later, when he was in better spirits.

"It has to do with a boy." Kendall's voice stopped Mrs. Knight in her steps as she turned to face her son. His green-eyes locked with hers and for the first time she could see the pain and sadness he was feeling.

"Oh," Mrs. Knight responded, returning to her spot on the edge of Kendall's bed. She always imagined a day like this would come. Ever since initially telling her he 'like-liked' boys in the same way that he 'like-liked' girls, she inquired about the day Kendall would come to her for advice on boys. The mother-son duo had dabbled in 'girl-problems' in the past, but this would be a first, "A boy problem. Well, ok, honey, what's going on? Who's the boy?"

Kendall's eyes left his mother's as they found a new location across the room. The blonde remained silent for a few moments, as if pulling together the courage to speak, "His name is Logan. Logan Henderson. He's new at school."

"Oh, Logan, that's a lovely name," Mrs. Knight responded, picking each word she spoke carefully, "Well, what's the problem with Logan? Is he not attracted to other guys?"

"No, he is. It's just, well, mom do you remember Eric?" Kendall questioned, looking back to her, as she offered a slow nod paired with a subtle eye role. Back when Eric and Kendall were friends, Eric would call their house night and day requesting to speak with Kendall. Mrs. Knight had met the teen boy only a couple times, but found him to be slightly on the annoying side. She was rather enthused when his and Kendall's friendship came to an abrupt end, "Well, it seems Eric's 'gaydar' has picked up on Logan's scent and now Eric is all over Logan. He's like a leech. He's going to suck him dry."

"Well, is Logan attracted to Eric?" Mrs. Knight questioned.

"No, at least I don't think so. You see, mom, Logan is just a genuinely nice person. He's got a good heart. I think he's just putting up with Eric to be polite, you know, since he's still the 'new kid'. He doesn't want to cause any waves." Kendall explained.

"This Logan sounds like a nice person."

"Oh, he is mom. He really is. He is also a great singer. Like, he has the voice of an angel. Oh, and his smile is just indescribable. He's also really easy for me to talk with; just an extremely chill and laid back kind of guy." The words spilled from Kendall's mouth-there were no stopping him. Like his mom had simply opened the floodgates by just mentioning a small fraction of the brunette's positive qualities.

Mrs. Knight smiled, "So, you really like Logan?"

The words caught the blonde off guard. It was the first time that he had been asked that question. The first time his various thoughts, dreams, desires and wants had been brought into fruition. Where he could finally admit out loud, to himself especially, that his feelings towards the new kid in school went beyond a simple teenage crush.

"I do," His voice came in a whisper, as his cheeks captured a dark shade of red.

"Oh, Kendall!" Mrs. Knight smiled from ear to ear, practically giddy. These were not the words of a boy who was questioning his sexuality or just simply wanting to experiment. These were the words of a boy with genuine feelings towards another human being, "If you like him, then why don't you ask him? You never know, he may share the same feelings towards you. There's no harm in asking. What's the worse that could happen?"

Kendall started dumbfounded at his mother for a brief moment, struggling to find a response that wouldn't be offensive, "Everything, mom! What if he doesn't like me!? Then I'm embarrassed and I can never be around him again. Also, there's nothing indicating that he finds me attractive. What if he really is into Eric, and I ask him? It will be humiliating. I'll look like a pathetic moron!"

A smile broke across the mother's face as she shook her head greatly amused. Her son was such a teenager, "And yet, Kendall, if you don't ask Logan, you'll never have an answer to any of your questions. In may seem scary, but its ok to be bold. Believe it or not, people find boldness to be very attractive. You'll never know unless you just ask. The outcome may surprise you."

Kendall remained silent, unable to formulate a response, so he just settled with an understanding nod.

Deep down, he knew his mother-of all people-was right.



A/N: Wow, this chapter went on a lot longer then I had originally anticipated. I do believe that this is the longest chapter for this story so far!

Any who, I hope that you all enjoyed the sweet exchange between Mama Knight and her son. Now that Kendall has admitted his feelings to himself, will he go forth with his mother's advice and ask out Logan? Well, you'll just have to find out next chapter!

Also, I really, really need to make sure that before I continue on with this story that there are still some of you out there reading this! So please, please PLEASE! Leave me a REVIEW telling me that you are still out there! I would greatly appreciate it!