HI READERS! Man, it's been a crazy long time! I am so sorry I haven't written lately, but life has been CRAZY! I have a new baby niece, I made it into the Nursing program at school, I'm three weeks into P90X, my father was just diagnosed as clinically depressed, and I'm raising money to go to New York City! Wheeew, busy bee!
So, I'm going to write this and see if my plot comes back to my mind because I totally forgot where I was going with this! :D
"Shut up, you fool!" the girl hissed and she clamped her filthy hand over my mouth. I tried to back away and call for my cousin to come and handle this ruffian, but I was weakened by my illness and so I gave up and crossed my arms so she would know I was not intimidated by a silly girl!
She looked behind me and reached back to close the door. Then she grabbed my arm like a bully and yanked me into a sit on a crate in a shaft of moonlight.
"What are you doing down in the galley at this time of night!" she asked angrily.
"I might ask you the very same thing!" I snapped, in no mood to be pushed about. "How dare you accuse me of anything when you're sneaking about down here at the very same time as I am?"
"I was not SNEAKING," the girl growled at me, "I was doing my duty and guarding the stores."
Of course I admit I didn't know anything about how these horrible old ships worked so I shut my mouth and sat there looking off into the darkness.
"Then how come when I asked that "king" guy who you were he had no record of a girl on board other than my cousin?" I suddenly remembered the earlier part of the day and I was curious in spite of myself.
The girl didn't answer right away, she paused in her shuffling pace across the floor and looked at me in a rather peculiar manner.
"If you MUST know," she mumbled, "I'm…not counted among the crew,"
"You're a stowaway!" I fairly shouted. She clamped a rough hand over my mouth again and I found myself wondering how her hands were so calloused. It nauseated me to think of the work one would have to do to gain such hands as hers!
"Hush, you little worm!" she said, venom dripping from her voice, "You could not possibly understand my purpose for being aboard. I don't even believe you have any more right to be aboard than I! Now, if I hear you say on word of me to the captain, your cousins, or ANY of the crew I will throw you overboard in a storm before you even know what hit you!"
Normally I would not allow myself to be bullied into anything, but it would appear I would have no support from the others, especially not my rotten cousins or that young…captain. So I felt I had no other choice but to bitterly sign onto an agreement of confidence. She spit in her hand and forced me to spit in mine and then clasped my hand with her germ covered one and shook it with the force of a soldier. How horrible these Narnians are!
I was awoken the next morning at the most ungodly hour! The sun was just above the water when Lucy shook me awake and told me in an annoyingly cheerful voice that land had been sighted and we were going ashore. Peachy, another disgusting culture with disgusting rituals…
But I pulled myself out of bed and dressed quickly. As I emerged onto the deck I caught sight of that girl from the previous day looking out toward the speck of land in the distance and she looked sickeningly happy. I wanted to push her over the side.
I made a face and nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around to come face to face with that Caspian fellow. He was looking at me nervously.
"I've decided you will accompany your cousins and I to the shore," he said firmly, "But I must have your word that you will not be a nuisance while we are there. You must also agree to follow my every command even if you do not like them. Are we understood?"
I nodded my head merely to humour him because I knew he would only hound me until I said I would anyway. He clapped my shoulder and smiled and then went to help lower the rowboats. Rowboats…so medieval .
"Eustace," Lucy said as she came to stand next to me and watch the preparations being made to get to the shore. "I know that this pull into Narnia has been quite a shock to you, it was for all of us the first time, but Narnia can either be a blessing or a burden depending on your attitude. I hope you see why we love Narnia and I hope you come to love it too."
"Don't count on it," I mumbled darkly, crossing my arms once again. Mother always said it made one have an air of decidedness about them.
My cousin gave me a look and then marched off to her cabin, leaving me standing in the middle of the deck looking quite the fool. But I was not alone for long because the cleverly disguised stowaway girl walked cautiously over after checking to see that everyone was distracted with work to be done.
"Why are YOU coming ashore!" she asked, obviously not pleased.
"Because the captain asked me to come," I replied, raising my nose slightly.
"Do you even know the first thing about how to handle yourself around other cultures? Around people in authority? In a fight?"
"A fight?" honestly that was all I had heard from her tirade.
"One can never be sure," she replied simply, "And one should always be prepared for the worst!"
"Well I'm a pacifist and I've never held a weapon in my life!"
"You're a fool is what you are," the girl snapped. "But we would all be better off if you got killed anyway. You just keep doing exactly what you're doing and eventually everyone will be happy. You won't have to deal with Narnia anymore and Narnia won't have to deal with you. Everyone wins."
I watched her back as she walked away and stuck out my tongue at her. It was all I could for now because I was still feeling wiped out from my illness…besides, she wasn't worth my time.
Writing from Eustace's POV is really fun xD You get to use sarcasm and winey complaints! So, I'm back and I'll try to get things rolling again! This story and my other so keep checking, I'll try to keep writing!