
The spread of darkness begins as a barely audible whisper amongst any nation, kingdom, or realm.

Slowly it builds, first nothing more than an isolated event, that of a drunken tale of an unfortunate survivor of a terrible mishap. Perhaps it is just a deranged rambling of a man drenched in the sorrows of his untimely misfortune.

But as the days begin to merge into weeks, and the weeks into months, that barely audible whisper that was laughed at mercilessly, becomes a much louder murmur.

Now the tales of horrendous acts and of despicable horrors seems much more realistic to the small villages, towns and cities that litter the outskirts of a great nation.

Though the skeptics remark that it is just a way for the people to be controlled through fear tactics, they wonder deep in their bitter hearts if now is not the time to worry.

The shady murmurs quickly transgress into something more than shallow talks between the people. It becomes a way of life for them, in the eye witness reports of that give detailed and often times gruesome accounts of women and children killed for sport, and of the men used for labor and games made for sick amusement.

The cynics that once cast their doubt at the rumors, shake their heads in despair, for they know, that the life they once had will never be the same.

The Fey were no exception to this rule. Though they were considered the "chosen children" of the immortal realm, they were a fickle and more times than not, a deadly overbearing lot. Their pride was legendary, as were their arrogance and vanity. Created by the heavens and earth, they were meant to give guidance and nurturing care to the other childlike races, but they fell to quickly to greed and hatred.

It was considered many times, by many different peoples, that it was unfortunate that so many of the Fey were rotten to the core. They showed no sense of compassion or love for any, who were not of Fey birth. They were bitter, cold, harsh, and bigoted.

The Fey were a very defined people. One was easily recognized as a Fey by features alone. And the strong will to use magic, as well. They always wore their hair long and flowing, chins were pointed, noses were shaped in aquilline aristocracy, while eyes were large and luminous, ranging from all colors of the prismatic nature. There were reds, yellows, violets, blues, greens, etc. Slender, and elegant, they ruled in dominance over their entire realm. But all good things must come to an end, and so are story begins.

King Oberron was the reigning king of the realm. He was a generous man, or had been until he married the gorgeous Titania. His home which had been filled with laughter and joy, became a place seeded with wickedness and corruption.

It all began with the new queen's reign. Nasty to all around her, it was often times questioned as to what the good King saw in her. In this night particular, it was once again brought up when a unlucky brownie servant girl, accidentally spilt a peach nectarine wine. The Queen flew into a blind rage, cursing and being crude, spewing vulgarites from her foul mouth.

King Oberron sidled out of the ballroom in distaste. He kept trying to defend her behaviour to his court and council, but he couldn't even deny it to himself that she wasn't as graceful and demure as he once thought she was. In fact, he was sure that was a ploy to get him to marry her. Too bad he held the belief that once married, you were to be remained married. Divorce was not an option.

Sighing deeply troubled by the mistakes that he had made. He walked to a small alcove balcony, and was held in a beguiling sight.

Moonlight shrouded the entire marbled balcony in a silvery light, as the rays danced in and out of the whispery clouds. There standing was a black haired beauty. She was twirling a camillia lilly in between her fingertips, while gazing out at the moon in a forlorn manner. Enchanted beyond reason the king stepped forward and disrupted the etheral beauty's self contemplation. This is the one mistake in which the King paid for so many times in the upcoming years.

Twenty seven years later.

Cerulean eyes watched intently as the court proceedings began to take place. A small family of winged fairies had been refusing to pay the high tithes of the kingdom, and were now being sentenced. Most of the court were in favor of the wicked Queen's solution. She believed that the family shoud be sentenced to slavery, well the men anyway, the women could be used for other...uses.

Her opponent in the matter was an older Fey by the name of Jirayia. He felt that the family should work until the debt was paid off and then they could continue on with their lives. Unfortunately only one other agreed with him.

Naruto was disgusted by the court of Fae-lian, which was the official name of the court and council of the Fey kingdom. He didn't believe in the high taxes or the way his people were treated. Naruto was the only child by the King Oberron, though the Queen was not his mother.

He was slender like most. Etheral and sweet by nature, he was considered an anomaly by most of the other Fey that inhabited the country. Unlike most, Naruto freely gave his love and generosity to others. Gentle and kind, he was the epitome of what a true Fey should be like.

Blue eyes dominated a slightly round face while, three scars hugged each of his cheeks. A small upturned nose graced his lovely face, as well as voluptuous pink lips. He was a half breed Fey which is why he was so much smaller than most. Standing at five foot two inches, he barely reached the chest of an average adult Fey. Blonde hair fell out in wavy spikes across his face and head.

He quickly turned away from the proceedings with disdain. He preferred not to see the outcome of this matter, knowing how it would end, much to his dismay. Whatever the Queen wanted, she eventually got. Although, much to her dismay, she could not sway the King to get rid of Naruto. Though he was considered the King's only child, in truth he was adopted, not that many if any knew that fact. Which is why Titania wanted him gone. Nobody knew for certain if the Queen had actually conceived any progeny, but many speculated that she was barren which was considered a weakness in the eyes of many.

Walking outside Naruto became aware of two things. One, screams and shouts could be heard, and two, he was standing infront of a very tale, very pale man.

Sasuke gave the signal, and his men began to attack and infiltrate the kingdom. Not that it was hard by any means. It was apparent that guarding the castle wasn't considered a priority. Which only served to make the raven haired man's job that much easier. Smirking in succes when they made it with little effort, and no alarm was sounded he proceeded forward, when out stepped a breath taking sight.

White robes clinged to a slender, yet curvaceous body, while blonde hair haloed a sweet, gentle face. No doubt about this child being a Fey, though he didn't have the dusual pointed features.

Shaking his head in order to dislodge the thoughts that were clouding his mind, he quickly whispered a sleep spell, and watched as the (boy?) closed his eyes slowly and fell gracefully to the floor. Or would have if Sasuke hadn't grabbed before his head hit the ground.

Signalling one of his men to carry the blonde, he would deal with him later, he pressed forward to the room he knew was meup ahead.

Rushing into the opulent room, his men quickly overpowered the Fey people.

Stepping forward he commanded the eyes of everyone upon him.

"I am Sasuke Uchiha. I have come to claim this kingdom as my own. The pathetic attempt in guarding this place has left you at my mercy." The raven gave a wicked smirk that dared anyone to defy him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Came a screeching cry from the red headed queen. "This is my kingdom and my people. You have no right to barge in here and demand that I hand over my country to you!" The foolish woman stood up and walked confidentally up to the raven, thinking that she could seduce him with her unnatural beauty.

Finally she stood face to face with the man that had the audacity to claim her country as his own, and was promptly slapped with enough force to send her sprawling on the ground.

Picking her up by grabbing her harshly by the throat the raven gave her an unholy look.

"Do not presume to question me woman. I am rightfully the heir to this throne. For I am the true son to your...wretched king." Sasuke delievered in an altogether too calm voice.

Stepping forward Jirayia asked without fear in his voice, "How can you prove this son?" The man's dark eyes watched patiently at the raven haired man, waiting for the answer that could change the path of the kingdom and those surrounding it

Lifting the sleeve of his leather tunic, Sasuke showed the white haired Fey the unmistakable crest of the King. Only the true heir of the King would have the mark of the five elements, a symbol of the heavens, appear on his flesh.

Naruto awoke in a slightly groggy manner. He vaguely recalled walking out of the courtroom and fainting. Though he could have sworn he felt someone grab him before he had hit the ground.

Looking around he noticed that he had been carried into what appeared to be a tent. Funny, there weren't any tents around the castle grounds.

"Ah...I see you are awake. I will alert Master Sasuke to join you momentarily." A sickly sweet voice murmured to the shocked blonde.

He turned swiftly around to see who had spoken to him, but was only greeted with a fleeting back.

Naruto noticed that the bed on which he was sleeping had black sheets and a crest with a red and white fan on it. In fact most of the furniture had the same exact symbol on it. Freaking out slightly the small blonde was scrambling to get out of the bed when the tent suddenly flapped open. And in stepped the most breathtaking man that Naruto had ever seen, and behind him, Naruto's godfather.

Jirayia looked at the blonde in a piting manner. The blonde was going to be in for quite a shock.

"Naruto," Jirayia began, "How are you feeling?"

"Um...fine?" The blonde answered a puzzled look crossing his face. "Is something the matter Jirayia? You look awfully pale? Have you been spying on Lady Tsunade again?"

" like that. Naruto I have some bad news. You" The elder man stuttered out.

"What you're godfather is trying to say, is that tomorrow evening, you will be married...To me."