I finished it! /cheers like America/ 8'D

Well, enjoy my lovelies! I still take request, if you want more Nyotalia.

PM me. (;

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN. HUR HUR.

Anyhow, Enjoy!

"You owe me precisely one hundred dollars," Francoise announced in a proud, firm voice. The two exchanged glances, not at all convinced she managed to date the Brit girl. How long had it been? Not even a day.

"Ha, that's funny! We said to date Alice, not get water dumped on your head by her," Gisela snickered.

"I kissed her, though," Francoise pouted, pointing to her lips. "She defiantly enjoyed it, as everyone does," Francoise added with pride, knowing that her status at this school was that she was the best-kisser. It came with the years of practice she obtained. Nobody didn't enjoy her smooches, and she was sure Alice was loving every moment of their scene.

"We said DATE!" Antonia reminded her in a matter-of-factly tone.


"No buts," Gisela said, "You have to date her. Which means, full-on relationship date."

"But to date her is like to date a mule!" Francoise cried in fake-agony, shoving her face into her palms.

"No dating, no money. That simple," Gisela crooned, and the two began to walk away.

"Wait!" Francoise cried, "What is the meaning of 'date'? In your standards?"

"Well," Antonia began, "It means, like, take her out on a date. Let's start with that."

"I have to take her out on a date?" Francoise repeated in utter disbelief. Dating? Why, Francoise didn't know the first thing about dates. Mind you, she wasn't much of a dating person, despite her being well-educated in the act of intimacy. She didn't date, per se, she was only in it for the sex. If that made any sense.

"Did I stutter?" Antonia asked dryly, and her two friends broke into a chorus of laughs. "Francoise? Dating? Oh, this will be a freaking riot, all right!" Gisela said in between laughs. Francoise scowled, crossing her arms, and stomping away. Dating Alice? She was only keen on kissing her, because Francoise was a big fan of kissing and whatnot.

"Remember, take her on a date! And we'll know if you don't!" Antonia shouted from behind her, and Francoise rolled her eyes, plopping down into her seat. Date her? You've got to be kidding me.

But I want the money. Damn it.

It's decided then. I shall take her on a date. I mean, what could go wrong?

Francoise began to ponder over the so-called date, and moved her hand to her lips, remembering where they have previously been. Alice tasted of something sweet, even though she acted so sour. She was interesting, to say the least. Francoise was absorbed in her train of thought, she almost didn't see the Brit approaching the classroom, ignoring the very sight of Francoise. Oh? Was she even more angry about the kiss? She had to admit, her face during the make-out was of sheer enjoyment. She looked so meek whenever she was nearing her face. She remembered how nervous she was, although she would have thought miss snob would have been confident. Nothing is always what they appear, she supposed.

"Ah! Alice!" she called for the blonde, who took one glance at her, and sat in her seat hastily. Francoise could only smile. She got up from her seat, puffing up her rich brunette hair for volume, and making sure she looked too dead-sexy to reject. Her top buttons were un-done, ready to expose cleavage. Boys lost their minds over it.

"Why the long face, mon ami?" she cooed, trying to win back Alice's favor. The Brit's face flushed, and she looked away. "W-why don't you just leave me alone, bloody git! You've already embarrassed me enough!"

"Hm? Embarrassed? How so?"

"B-by kissing me!"

"Ah, that~" she said in a sigh, "I was petrified by your beauty, I got caught up in those cherry-pink lips of yours." She blushed tens-fold.

"By the by, if you are interested, I'd like to take you on a date this evening."

"A date?"

"Yes, and if you accept my offer, I'll be more than glad to take you somewhere you'll never regret."

Alice averted her eyes to the desk, looking as if she was considering the offer.

"W-well, I suppose I could. I've nothing better to do," she replied as curtly as possible, in order to make it seem she wasn't too excited about a date.

Francoise smirked. Jackpot.

"Lovely! I shall pick you up about seven, non?" She winked, and Alice shrugged. Francoise laughed lightly, and ran her fingers along her cheek bone. The feel of the French woman's fingers on her flesh caused her to flush. Francoise leaned in closer, her lips close to the girl's ears.

"See you then," she chuckled, and kissed her cheek gently. The girl froze, her heart thumping harshly against her chest.

Francoise headed back to her seat as class began. Be prepared to be wooed, Alice~

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