Collective struts through the hall, hips swaying from side to side. Francoise had the routine all down, and the simple fact of the matter was, she was a professional. Everything about her just screamed sex. Whether it be her brunette hair that bobbed as she walked, or her seductive smile that lured people into a false sense of endearment, she was the queen of sexual appeal. When boys saw her, they began to wish for her, and when girls saw her… well, who knows? It was a mix of jealousy and another of romantic feelings. It didn't matter though. Francoise pitched for both teams.

As she began another day at the World Academy, she felt her ego stretch even more as she made her way to homeroom. It was the same old thing, and she wore her trademark look with pride. She barely even noticed the American girl approaching her at top speed, a grin plastered on her face as she looked too excited for her own good.

"Bonjur, Emily," she greeted with a friendly smile.

"Did you hear?" Emily beamed in joy as she spoke, confusion striking the French girl.

"Hear what, exactly?" she questioned, folding her arms casually, and tilting her head to the side.

"About the new chick! She's a transfer student from England or something!"

So, that was what was getting the American stimulated this morning. Emily was well-known for acting as a child at times, getting energized by something simple as a new girl. Yet, Francoise couldn't help but get slightly curious as well. What would the new girl appear as? Would she be cute? Snobbish? Humorous? She couldn't tell from this point, so she would have to wait.

"Did you see her?" Francoise inquired.

"She was in the head office! She looked mad though, and I tried to talk to her!"

"What did she say?"

"She said that I was an imprudent bimbo," she recalled slowly, looking confused as she remembered, "Say, what does that mean?"

"Err, never mind, Emily. Let us just get to class, okay?" Honestly, for some inexplicable reason, she couldn't bring herself to explain the girl's insult.

Although, Francoise couldn't help but feel slightly interested in the new girl. She had a unique personality that attracted her. Feisty. Hard-to-get. She would have to see.

When they got into class, Francoise headed to the back of the classroom, sitting next to her two friends, Antonia and Gisela. They were her two best companions. Gisela was a loud-mouthed, tomboyish Prussian girl, with silver hair and crimson orbs. Antonia was the friendly Spanish girl, who was currently dating the Italian girl, Romana. Romana was such a cute girl, who was a year younger than herself.

"Hola, Francoise!" Antonia greeted with a smile, and Gisela gave one of her toothy grins.

"Same to you. Apparently, we have a new girl in our midst. Emily says that she is from England, is that right?" She turned to the American, who nodded eagerly.

"That's interesting," Antonia said.

"Yeah, she's probably stuck-up," Gisela added.

The conversation came to an end when the teacher walked in, everyone retreating to their seats. Antonia and Gisela in one pair of desks, Emily and Maddie in another, and the French woman sitting in a lone pair of desks.

"Good morning, class!"

"Good morning," everyone replied dully and dry, probably being effected by the early morning tiredness.

"Now, before we start our new lesson, I'd like to introduce a new student. Her name is Alice Kirkland, and she is a transfer student from London, England. Please treat her with respect and be kind. Um, Alice? Would you care to come in now?"

A wave of murmurs broke out when the new girl decided to enter. Her red-framed glasses covered her narrowed eyes, her blonde hair long and tied in two ponytails, and her school uniform covering her thin, attractive frame. The French woman controlled her urge to gawk at her.

The girl could give her a run for her money at being the top lady at this school…

"She's cute," Francoise whispered to her two friends, who exchanged glances.

"We decided. Me and Gisela both challenge you to date the new girl," Antonia announced.

"Oh? Not much of a challenge," Francoise laughed lightly.

"Ha, good luck! She looks as stubborn as a mule!" Gisela snickered.

"What will be my reward if I accomplish this task?" Francoise questioned.

"A hundred bucks satisfy you?" Gisela offered, and Francoise smirked.

"You're on," she stated, and they all turned back in their seats.

"Very good! Welcome to the school, Alice," the teacher broke into the talking, and smiled kindly to the girl. Alice stayed still with no emotion change. The teacher laughed awkwardly, and looked around. She spotted whatever it was, "Alice, why don't you sit next to… Francoise," she said, and Alice only pursed her lip, and walked over to the desk, plopping down into the seat. The teacher twirled around on her heels, and went back to the board, not giving a second glance to the class as she went on with her teachings.

Francoise glimpsed at Alice, and a smirk crossed her face. Oh, this shall be very interesting indeed…