
The statement.


Rima rolled her eyes at the guy. The signs that he was planning on asking her out were all visible. All of them.First off, his palms were clearly sweaty. Second, he looked nervous. Third, he was holding a freaking bouquet of flowers.

She was about to open her mouth and break the sucker's heart for good, until she realized no matter how cold she was towards these saps, they just kept coming back. She needed to think of a way to keep them off her case for good. But what would do the trick?

She found herself staring at Mochi, the really nice gay boy from her Japanese class, who was passed by her. If only all these losers bothering her were just gay—wait a second! That was it!

"I'm sorry," she said aloud so everyone in the hallway could hear. "I can't go out with you."

"But...why?" the boy asked.

"Because," she announced. "I only like gay guys." With that, she walked off, feeling happy. Now, those irritating fan-boys would leave her alone for good.


Nagihiko stood in the hallway, frozen. His classmates though, were able to move fine. They were all speaking in hushed voices talking about what Rima – beautiful, unattainable, Rima – had just said.

Was she serious? Was what she had said been the truth? Well, it had to be, right? After all, she'd never found an interest to the straight portion of the male student body who liked her and her and that Mochi guy were a tad bit too friendly to one another…..

Oh, lord.

He felt sick.

"Hey, Nagihiko are you okay?" Kukai asked.

"N-no," he said. "The girl of my dreams just announced she likes gay guys."

Kukai stared at him; he looked as though he was trying to hold in a laugh. Did he think this was funny? How dare him! "Thanks for being a great friend, Kukai," he said dryly.

"Hey, hey, hey," Kukai held up his hands in the universal'ease up, man' action. "Don't go pulling that card, Nagi. How about you...talk to her, get to know her then be all, 'Oh by the way, I'm gay!'"

Nagihiko glared at him. "Not funny, man."

"Think about it!" Kukai said. "After she falls for you, you can get more points by going to her, crying about how your boyfriend dumped you! Then, once she's help you get over him, you can say that she made you go straight!"

Nagihiko wanted to punch Kukai in the face. Mostly because his idea sounded like it'd work. "Who...who would play my boyfriend..? And don't say Mochi, I'll kill you if you say him."

Kukai grinned. "Tadase."

Nagihiko banged his head against a wall, but did not say no.

Kukai stared at him. "Damn, you must really like the girl."

"No, I think I fell for her, Kukai," muttered Nagihiko, as he continued to bang his head on the wall. "I think I fell really, really, really bad for her."



"So you wouldn't mind if I scream out loud, right now, that you've switched sides."

"Sure what – wait, what?"


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