Author's Note: No, you are not mistaken. Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is, in fact, a brand new chapter of "Matches the Sky." After a 36 day break, I have returned! First, I must profess my most humble and/or sincere apologies for my absence. It truly was not my attention to leave this story neglected for so long. Things just got out of hand. My laptop battery died (and the replacement was wrong, and had to be sent back twice), so I wasn't able to access the chapter I had prepared. I tried to just write a different version, but I hated what I wrote, and trashed that. I was going to write you all a note, but I didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing when you were notified about a new chapter. Not to mention I had APs, Prom, and the starring role in Swan Lake to deal with. And so, I decided to simply wait for the new battery. And wait I did. But after 36 long, long days, I bring you Chapter Twenty-Eight of "Maches the Sky", in all its (delayed) glory. I fear, however, we have reached the end of this tale. I do plan to write an epilogue, which I promise will arrive in the next 12-16 days. But I would just like to thank you now for all of your favorites, suscriptions, and lovely reviews. You all have made me feel so loved, and made this story worth writing. But for now, read, review, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: Io no, e non hanno mai, di proprietà del musical Gatti. Faccio Odio essere ripetendo myelf però!


As Misto's song ended, the junkyard's lights dimmed, and the music grew gentle and hushed. The tribe sank to our knees, and we turned towards Jemima.

"Daylight- See the dew on a sunflower. And a rose that is fading- roses wither away."

Jem stood atop the old TSE 1 car, her body facing towards the moon, her face radiant. My sister's soft words permeated the air, melodiously floating above us. I closed my eyes peacefully, trying to absorb the soft harmony.

"Like the sunflower, I yearn to turn my face to the sun. I am waiting for the day." Her song finished, Jem quietly made to join us on the clearing floor, and I turned to the courtyard's center. Sometime during the song, Misto had unostentatiously entered the area, and was seated quietly next to Alonzo. Spotting him, a joyful smile broke out on my face and he beamed happily back at me.

Daddy stood proudly at the clearing's center, and clearing his throat, he began his part. "Now, Old Deuteronomy- just before dawn, in a silence you feel you could cut with a knife, announces the cat that can now be reborn, and come back to a different Jellicle life."

The tribe quickly moved to cluster eagerly around Grandfather, anxious to hear his final decision as to who would ascend that night.

"I hope it's Gus," I thought, trying to predict who would be chosen. "He's so elderly, and such a good tom. He would deserve it. All the other cats are probably too young- Jenny and Skimble still have Teazer, and I'm sure they'd want to be here to see her and Jerrie have kits. And Bustopher may not have the greatest relationship with Misto, but I'd still like for him to be here when we're mated, and for them to at least have a chance at reconciliation."

My chain of thought was interrupted as the music grew lingering and haunting. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Misto's midnight-black form rose to its feet. I turned to see the cause.

On the far edge of the clearing stood Grizabella once again. At a sluggish pace, she began to proceed towards the rest of the tribe, limping slightly. The majority of the Jellicles stood and scattered, completely avoiding her. I watched as Misto momentarily stood before her, as if he were to welcome her, before dissuading himself and settling upon the great tire. The Rum Tum Tugger mockingly reached out his arm towards her.

"But she's his own mother!" I protested in my head, my eyes welling up with tears. "I don't care what happened in the past, that's just awful." Without thinking, I ran to Grizzabella, and reached my arms out towards her in an attempt to embrace her. But before I could do so, Jellylorum sharply tugged me away, practically hissing at the once-glamorous queen. Upset, I shrugged out of Jelly's grasp, and ran to crouch beside Old Deuteronomy, burrowing my head into his thick fur.

"Memory- turn your face to the moonlight. Let your memory lead you, open up, enter in. If you find there the meaning of what happiness is- then a new life will begin."

Barely turning my head, I snuck a peek towards Grizabella. She stood staggering about, searching for a single kind look or word. You could tell even a simple acknowledgment of her presence from the tribe would thrill her. However, the Jellicles' backs remained turned, blocking out the haggard old queen.

"Burnt out ends of smokey days- the stale cold smell of morning. The streetlamp dies, another night is over. Another day is dawning."

I watched as slowly several cats turned their heads, glancing at Grizabella. Etcy and Electra sat huddled together, staring sympathetically, and Jennyanydots hesitantly directed a soft, sad smile towards the queen. Gradually, Bombalurina rotated around herself, to look towards Grizabella. And a finally, a wide smile enveloped my own mouth when Misto turned towards her.

"Daylight- I must wait for the sunrise. I must think of a new life, and I mustn't give in. When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too, and a new day will begin."

Suddenly the music swelled, and the tired old queen collapsed to the ground. I inhaled sharply, afraid for her health.

"Sunlight through the trees in summer, endless masquerading."

Jemima quickly rose to her feet, and using her own sweet voice, added to Grizabella's melody. My sister's face glanced out hopefully, seemingly praying for Grizabella to rise back on her feet.

Apparently, Jemima's words encouraged the queen, and Grizabella's rich voice joined Jem's. "Like a flower as the dawn is breaking, the memory is fading."

The music crescendoed, washing the clearing with its haunting, resounding melody. In a final, desperate attempt at forgiveness, Grizabella staggered to her feet and defiantly belted the final lyrics:

"Touch me! It's so easy to leave me. All alone with the memory, of my days in the sun. If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is. Look- a new day has begun."

I swallowed, trying to hold back tears. "I can't leave her. All she wants is forgiveness and love," I thought. And I quickly rose to my feet, to follow Grizabella's retreating form.

I hesitantly stepped forward, before quickly turning back towards Daddy and Grandfather. I couldn't risk losing them, if this would alienate from the tribe. But Grandfather waved his paw forward encouragingly, and my father gave me a hesitant smile.

So softly, I took several tentative steps forwards. And when I finally reached Grizabella, I placed my own paw gently into her own outstretched one, before bringing it to my face to nuzzle. I felt her whole body give out a great sigh of relief upon contact, and saw a blissful smile creep upon her face. She turned towards me, and I took a deep look into her own tearful eyes. I have never seen anyone look happier, or more at peace.

I saw Misto approach timidly, and with a happy smile, I placed her paws in his. I grinned proudly at him, and with his arm wrapped lovingly around my waist, I watched as cat after cat welcomed her back into the tribe.

Nuzzling the top of my head, Misto leaned over to whisper in my ear. "You did the right thing, sweetie," and kissed me softly on the cheek. "I'm proud of you."

I raised my eyes slightly. "You're proud of me? Says the cat that saved the whole tribe, and Old Deuteronomy. If anyone should be proud, it's me of you."

He eyed me sincerely. "I'm serious. You changed her life. Even Jellylorum looks apologetic now, and you know how much of a grudge she has against her. And I think your father has forgiven her. All because you weren't a coward like the rest of us, and you actually did the right thing."

I smiled up at him, a slight blush coming to my cheeks. He took my paw, and lead me towards the end of the train following Old Deuteronomy and Grizabella.

"Up, up, up, past the Russell Hotel. Up, up, up, up, to the Heaviside Layer," the tribe sang wistfully, eyeing our leader and his former mate.

"That's so sweet," I thought. "It may only be for this one moment, but for now, they've forgiven each other, and can be happy. And Daddy can finally see his parents together again."

A thin layer of fog began to gradually blanket the floor of the clearing, and the tribe surrounded the great tire as Old Deuteronomy and Grizabella ascended it.

"Up, up, up, past the Jellicle Moon. Up, up, up, up, to the Heaviside Layer."

An otherworldly, eerie blue haze settled over the tribe, and somehow, the tire itself began to rise. We ceased singing, but somehow the music continued, escalating in intensity. Misto reached his arm out around me, grinning, and I put my hand on his shoulder. Together we looked up at the strange, yet beautiful right forming above us. And suddenly, an ethereal, arm-type form reached down from the heavens.

Tentatively, Grizabella stepped forwards, and began to climb the length of the arm. She smiled exultantly, as if she was experiencing something completely heavenly.

"The mystical divinity of unashamed felinity, Round the cathedral, rang 'Vivat!' Life to the everlasting cat." The tribe sang in unison, watching Grizabella till her figure was no longer visible.


The mist from Grizabella's ascension to the Heaviside layer had mostly cleared, leaving the clearing in only a slight haze. Old Deuteronomy had turned back towards the tribe, a soft blue light illuminating his coat.

I fidgeted slightly, as he began the traditional finale, the Ad-dressing of Cats. The song had never been my favorite moment of the ball, it was always a little dull and drawn-out for my taste, not to mention I was typically exhausted from the dancing at that point. Still, I was usually able to endure it. Tonight, however, the song seemed simply endless.

From where I stood, I wasn't even privileged a glimpse of Victoria, the one thing I wanted to see more than anything. As she stood behind me, I couldn't catch her eye or flash a smile, let alone take a fleeting glance at her. Impatiently, I shifted my weight back and forth between my legs.

"With cats, some say one rule is true- Don't speak 'til you are spoken to. Myself, I do not hold with that. I say you should ad-dress a cat! But always bear in mind that he resents familiarity," rang out Old Deuteronomy's proud voice. I squirmed slightly, as a bit of guilt crept into my mind.

Maybe I should try to appreciate the song a little more, I thought. It's tradition after all, and it's really not that bad. I'm just being selfish, I should try to forget about Rory just for a second and pay attention. I'll see her in a couple minutes anyway. Attempting to clear my mind, I turned my attention back towards the Jellicle leader.

However, that didn't last long. Within seconds, my mind was filled with thought of how happy Rory looked- how sweet, how beautiful. I once again began fidgeting, anxious to get away from the rest of the tribe. Rory looked so gorgeous, I thought, grinning to myself. And perfect. And hot. Prettier than any other queen, that's for sure. The other toms are all idiots, I have no clue why anyone would find Bomba or Cassandra or anyone more attracti- Focus Misto! The song is literally over in less than a minute, just pay attention for a couple seconds, and then you can spend the rest of your life with Victoria.

The music crescendoed, as the song began to draw to a close. "A cat's entitled to expect these evidences of respect. So this is this, and that is that. And there's how you ad-dress a cat!" The entire tribe joined in on the final refrain, and together we held out the final note in a perfect, beautiful harmony.

I exhaled loudly as the song finally ended, and immediately turned as to go and find Rory. However, she had without warning vanished from her earlier spot behind Coricopat and Tantomile. My brow furrowed from puzzlement, and I at one ran to Electra and Etcetera, who stood with Tumble and Pouncival, giggling madly.

"Hey, guys, did you see-"

"Hey stranger," Rory whispered in my ear, flinging her arms around me with such force she almost knocked me off my feet.

"We'll leave you lovebirds alone," said Electra with a discreet smile.

Pouncival frowned in confusion. "Wait, why? I wanted to ask Misto how he did those insane leaps at th-"

"Let's go Pounce," said Etcetera firmly, gritting her teeth and tugging him away.

Grinning wildly, I turned back to Rory. "You look exhausted. We need to get you home."

"I look exhausted?" she replied, raising her eyebrows. "Look who's talking! You single-handedly saved the tribe, and I'm supposed to be the tired one? Did you hit yourself with one of those bolts?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

"No, wait! I have to say goodbye to everyone, and I've only told Mom, Dad, and Jem about the engagement, I'm sure everyone-"

"Can wait until morning," I cut in. "I don't want you falling asleep on your feet before I can give you a goodnight kiss."

She perked up considerably at the last comment, and with a haphazard wave at the rest of the tribe, exited the clearing with me.

"Oh, Misto, everything was so wonderful," she commented with a sigh as I wrapped my arm around her slight waist. "Well, except those brief interruptions by Macavity, but you fixed all that." She rested her head on my shoulder as we walked, gently rubbing her soft white headfur against my lower neck.

"I'm glad you had a good time," I remarked.

"A good time? It was the greatest night of my life! I got to dance for everyone, finally spend some time with you, we're engaged- which makes me so, so happy, you're a hero, and Grizabella finally has a happy ending-"

"I'm not a hero," I replied. "If anyone is, it's you, you gave her that happy ending. You're the one who helped everyone forgive her."

Rory's cheeks turned a furious red, and she leaned more into me. I tightened my grip on her waist, and we continued in silence. Finally, we reached her family's den.

Turning to face me, Rory wrapped her arms around my neck, and moved so that her face hovered only inches from mine. "'Night, Misto," she whispered, gently brushing her lips against mine. Quickly, she turned, and moved towards the den's entrance.

Before she could move out of my reach, I swiftly grasped hold of her waist and pulled her back towards me. "Is that the best kiss you could give your fiancé?" I whispered, and swept in for a kiss. In contrast to the last one, this was deep, passionate, and surprisingly tender. I felt Rory's lips smile against mine.

After several moments, I pulled back. "Goodnight, Rory."

"Goodnight, Misto."