Author's Note: Hello, and thank you for reading Matches the Sky. I definitely plan for this to be a Multi-Chapter story, and am almost done writing it, but I need reviews to post! Harsh criticism, kind compliments, anything as long as it isn't cruel. Please enjoy!


The two boys huddled, silently, in the corner. Their mother had not come to them for days, and this time they weren't sure if she ever would. The older one questioned, silently, if it was her choice or if Father wouldn't let her again.

The little one, with his black coat blending him into their corner, was confused. He hadn't seen his Mommy since the last time Father got mad. She cried again that time, and when Father slept, snuck over to them, kissing their heads softly. She had tried to comfort them, but Alonzo was sleepy and simply nodded and dozed again. He had clung to her, until Father awoke and drug her back to wherever he kept her.

He hadn't seen her since.


Munkustrap paced the yard. He couldn't sleep anyway, so he might as well keep guard. He hadn't slept much since his mate, Mirany, passed shortly after giving birth to their tiny queen kitten.

He thought of the little girl, Victoria, who was totally white all over. She was the exact replica of her mother, missing only the soft gray streaks on Mirany's sides.

Munkustrap loved his daughter, the quiet little thing who adored him as he did her. At night he would hold her till she slept, and marvel at how delicate she was. He missed her mother, and wished she could have seen how much Victoria was like her.

The night was clear, and the cool air washed over him as he stood guard. Moonlight dappled the courtyard, and the soft glow illuminated the outline of the junk piles. It was almost completely silent, with all the Jellicles asleep in their dens.

Suddenly two heads popped through the fence. A pair of sisters, one golden and ebony, the other scarlet, crept through, quickly and near-silently. Munkustrap turned, catching sight of them. The small one dashed behind her sister, startled.

"Do you thinkā€¦ Bomba, should we tell him? Is he one of them?", the golden one whispered. She was a young queen, just around Munkustrap's age. Her chest was pure white, and her sides were a startling mix of gold and deep black. Her collar was spiked, and her face was relatively pale, with white around her mouth.

Annoyed, Bomba replied, "This is the place. How could it not be one of them? You're older, do you remember him?" Bomba was a young teen, but seemed to move and act much older- like her life had aged her. She was a startling red, with a white chest and small black patches. Her face was similar to her older sister's, and she wore a matching collar. However, he lean body towered over her petite sister's.

Munkustrap hesitantly stepped forward. If they worked for Macavity, he would be dead by now, he reasoned. They wouldn't be stupid enough to come straight at him. The two queens must not be plotting against him. He was curious as to what they whispered, and strained to try to hear. He looked them over, they both looked slightly familiar.

Emboldened, the gold and black queen stepped forward. "You're Deuteronomy's son," she stated, "Munk? Munkustarp?"

"Munkustrap," he answered. "You look familiar, who are you? Can we help you?"

She smiled softly. "We played as kits, remember? I'm Demeter, this is my little sister, Bombalurina. We ran away a few years ago, to travel."

Munkustrap smiled. "You were the rebels. What happened, is anything wrong? Why come back now?" He remembered all they wanted was to get away, see places, and meet people from outside the Junkyard.

Bombalurina piped in. "We came from Macavity".