Alright, so this is my new story. I guess you could say it's a different version of season one. It took me days to do the first Chapter. Thanks to my very awesome friend for helping me with this Chapter. ;)
Also a big shout-out to 'MsRebeccaBell' for coming up the title. :)
I know the first Chapter is bad but it's just starting. The real drama starts in Chapter two! Promise! lol :)
So anyways, enjoy and tell me if you like it and if I should continue it. :)
"Rachel Berry?" William Schuester called. He looked around at his class. It wasn't hard to find Rachel since she was sitting at the front of the class. Rachel stopped reading her book and looked at Mr Schue.
"Here." She said before turning her attention back to her book. Mr Schue gave her a small smile before he started calling out the names of his other students.
A few minutes later he looked at the last name on his list. "Santana Lopez?"
"Here." She said.
Mr Schue looked at Santana who was sitting at the back of the classroom with the group of Cheerios. "Santana, you were absent from my class yesterday. Do you have a note?"
"No, Mr Schue." Santana said back.
Mr Schue knew that Santana wasn't bothered to show up to his class. "Where were you, Santana?"
"I was very sick yesterday." Santana said.
Mr Schue wasn't buying any of this. He could tell Santana was lying. "You were sick? What was wrong with you?"
"She had a hangover." Brittany said. The group of Cheerios burst into laughter.
"Santana, I want a note saying why you were absent first thing on Monday morning." Mr Schue said to her before standing up. "Okay class, You know your Spanish assignments are due back today."
Santana coursed under her breath. Most of the class took out there assignments. Mr Schue noticed Santana didn't have her assignment out. "Santana, do you have your assignment done?"
Santana shook her head. "No, Mr Schue."
Mr Schue looked at Quinn. "What about you, Quinn? Do you have the assignment done?"
Quinn looked down and shook her head. "No, Mr Schue."
"Okay. I'm giving you both detention." Mr Schue walked up to his desk. "Take out your books and start working on the questions on page 93."
Mr Schue sat down and started writing out detention slips for Quinn and Santana. He was used to giving Santana detention. She was always in trouble for not having school work done or talking back to the teachers. He hated giving Quinn detention. Mr Schue has known this group of students for a while now. Quinn was always a bright student. Always had her assignments in on time. She was very friendly. That all changed when she joined the Cheerios. She stopped handing in her assignments and started getting lower grades. Mr Schue knew that she was hanging out with the wrong crowd. He finished writing out the detention slips and turned to Santana.
"Just a warning, Santana. If you get detention one more time you will be suspended." He said. Santana just nodded in response.
Rachel took the books out of her locker and started walking down the hallway to her next class. She held her books to her chest as she walked down the hall. She felt someone bump into her she turned around to see Santana.
"Watch were your going, Stubbles!" Santana shouted.
"You bumped into me!" Rachel shouted back. "You should watch were your going!"
"You feeling brave, Berry?" Santana shouted as pushed Rachel against the lockers.
Rachel felt pain in her back and screamed. She shut her eyes in fear. She was terrified about what was going to happen next.
"What is going on here?" Rachel heard someone shout. Rachel opened her eyes to see Quinn holding Santana back. She saw Mr Schue walking towards them with an angry look on his face.
"What is going on?" Mr Schue said to Santana.
"Nothing." Santana said back.
Mr Schue was starting to lose his patience. "I saw you push Rachel into the lockers. Why did you do it?"
Santana started feeling bad for losing her temper. "I don't know, Mr Schue."
"Apologize to Rachel now!" Mr Schue said, raising his voice.
"Sorry Rachel." Santana said.
Mr Schue looked at the crowd of students around them. "All of you go to class!"
Santana was about to walk off with Quinn but Mr Schue stopped her. "I'll be reporting this incident to the principal, Santana."
Santana nodded and walked off with Quinn. Mr Schue kneeled down and picked up the books that Rachel dropped. "Are you okay, Rachel?"
Rachel was still shaken over what happened. She looked at Mr Schue and nodded. "I'm fine."
Mr Schue handed the books to Rachel and put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm fine." Rachel said, not making eye contact with Mr Schue.
Mr Schue just nodded. "Okay then. Go to class I don't want you to be late. I'll see you at Glee practice later."
Rachel nodded and walked to class. Mr Schue watched her leave. Mr Schue felt bad. Rachel has been bullied ever since she started attending William McKinley High School. She didn't have many friends. The other students were always giving her mean nicknames and teasing her. Mr Schue was now even more worried now because violence was involved.
"I hate this school!" Santana said as she slammed her locker shut. "I swear I'm going to burn this place down."
Brittany looked at Quinn and gave her a worried look. "Is she being serious?"
Quinn laughed and shook her head. She looked at Santana. "So before you burn the school down, tell me what's happening tonight."
"What's tonight?" Santana asked.
"Your party..." Quinn said, giving Santana a look.
Santana suddenly remembered the party she had planned. "Oh yeah. I forgot."
Quinn sighed and look at Brittany. "Santana has to be the only person I know who can forget her own party."
"One time I forgot my birthday." Brittany said.
Santana gave her a confused look. "Anyway, everyone has to leave my house by midnight. Since you guys are staying over we can't drink any alcohol."
"Why?" Brittany moaned.
"Cause Louisa will kill me if she knows I'm having a party." Santana got a chill thinking about what her guardian would do to her if she found out about the party. "Louisa thinks the three of us are having a sleepover. She's going out tonight and won't be back until after midnight. I want to live to see my 18th birthday."
"How about one drink each?" Quinn asked.
Santana laughed. "No way, Quinn. You get drunk on one glass of alcohol."
"Excuse me? Santana when your drunk you speak fluent Spanish." Quinn shouted.
Brittany laughed. "It's true. We can't understand a word your saying."
"Whatever." Santana started walking towards the classroom with Quinn and Brittany. "That's the reason why we won't be drinking tonight."
"Fine." Brittany said as they watched into their classroom and sat down at their desks.
"Is Finn coming tonight?" Santana said to Quinn.
Quinn sighed. "No, he can't come tonight. He's going to miss Kathy Martin's party too."
"When is Kathy having her party?" Santana asked, forgetting that another member of the Cheerios was also having a party.
"Tomorrow night." Quinn said. "You coming?"
Santana nodded. "Off course I am. You guys can get drunk at Kathy's party."
Quinn and Brittany laughed.
"Dad?" Rachel called as she walked into her house. "Daddy? I'm home."
"In here, Rach." Leroy shouted from the sitting room.
Rachel threw her bag on the floor and walked into her sitting room. She saw Leroy sitting on the couch, watching TV. "Hey daddy."
Leroy looked at Rachel and smiled. "Hey Princess."
Leroy pulled Rachel onto his lap. "How was your day?"
"Good." Rachel said as she rested her head on her dads shoulder.
Hiram walked into the sitting room and saw Rachel. "Rachel, we need to talk."
"Talk about what?" Rachel asked with a worried look. "Did I do something wrong?"
Hiram smiled and sat down next to his husband and daughter. "No Rachel, you didn't do anything wrong. I got a call from your principal today. He said there was an incident in the hallway today. One of the girls pushed you into a locker?"
"Is that true?" Leroy asked. Rachel didn't say anything, she just looked down. "Rachel, this is serious. Is this true?"
Rachel nodded. "Yeah, it's true."
"This is unbelievable." Leroy said, holding his only daughter close. "They call her names, they throw slushies at her. Now their pushing her into the lockers?"
"I'm okay, daddy. They didn't hurt me." Rachel said.
"Yeah Rachel, they didn't hurt you this time. What about next time?" Hiram said, Leroy interrupted him.
"Oh, believe me there won't be a next time! I'm not letting them hurt my daughter."
Hiram sighed and tucked some of Rachel's hair behind her ear. "Rachel, you don't have to stay at McKinley."
"I don't understand why you won't leave." Leroy said.
"I don't want to leave." Rachel said. "If I leave then I have to give up Glee."
"Sweetie, There's Glee clubs in other schools." Hiram said.
Rachel shook her head. "They won't be like the one I'm in now."
Hiram smiled when he thought about his daughters love for singing. "Remember Rachel, if you decide you don't want to be there anyone, just tell us. You can move school."
Rachel nodded. "Thanks dad."
"I'm going to start dinner." Hiram said as he stood up. "Remember Rach, this isn't over. I'll be going to the school and talking about this."
Rachel nodded. She stood up and ran into the hallway and opened her bag. She came back in with a note and handed it to Hiram.
"What's this?" Hiram asked as he started reading through the note.
"It's a permission slip." Rachel said back. "It's for the trip to Louisiana with the Glee club."
"Are you sure you want to go?" Hiram asked. Rachel nodded.
"Okay then. I'll sign it." Hiram said as he put it in his pocket.
Rachel hugged Hiram and kissed his cheek. "Thanks dad."
Hiram went into the kitchen and Rachel sat back down on the couch.
Leroy put his arm around Rachel. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"Yeah. I know." Rachel said as Leroy onto his lap.
Leroy stroked Rachel's long dark hair and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Princess."
Rachel smiled. "I love you too."
"Hey Louisa." Quinn said as she walked into Santana's sitting room with Santana and Brittany.
"Hey girls." Louisa said back.
"I have something for you." Santana said as she handed a note to the 28 year old Latina woman.
"What is it?" Louisa asked.
"It's a permission slip." Santana said back. "It's for the trip with Glee club."
Louisa nodded. "Okay. Santana, I need to talk to you for a minute."
"Okay." Santana said as she walked into the kitchen with Louisa.
"You know it's amazing how your fluent Spanish and your still failing your Spanish class." Louisa said.
"It takes talent to do that." Santana laughed as she sat up on the counter.
"I got a call from your school today. You pushed a girl into the lockers?" Louisa said, crossing her arms. Santana looked down and nodded.
"It was Rachel Berry you pushed into the lockers. Right?" Louisa asked. Santana nodded again. "Santana, why?"
Santana sighed. "I don't know. I had things on my mind and I guess I just lost it."
Louisa put her hands on Santana's shoulders. "I understand if you were upset. That gives you no reason to push that girl into the lockers."
"I know." Santana said.
"I don't know who Rachel Berry is. I've heard a lot about her during your parent-teacher meetings." Louisa said. "That girl was bullied from the first day she started at McKinley. She has very little friends. Imagine what that girl goes through. Being bullied and no friends. She's alone, Santana. You know what it's like to be alone."
Santana looked down and nodded. "I know."
"You hated that feeling. So the last thing Rachel needs is to have someone push her into lockers for no reason. So be nice to her." Louisa said.
Louisa had no idea that the Cheerios were bullying Rachel by giving her mean nicknames.
"Okay. I'm going to leave now." Louisa said as she got her bag and coat. "I'll be back late. So don't answer the door to anyone. Don't stay up to late."
"Don't worry. We'll be fine. We're just going to relax and watch movies." Santana said.
Louisa gave Santana a quick hug before leaving. Quinn and Brittany went into the kitchen after Louisa left.
"You coming to get ready?" Quinn asked. Santana nodded.
They went upstairs and Santana went into her bedroom. She took her red dress out of her wardrobe and lay it down on the bed. She looked at the photo on her bedside table. A photo of seven year old, Santana and her mother. Santana looked at the photo, thinking about how much she missed her mom. Santana sighed as she stood up and started getting ready. Santana wanted someone to fully understand how she felt. She wanted her mom back.