This is the sad ending, if you don't want to read it, you obviously don't have to.

Like the other second chapter this title is a My Darkest Days song, though this chapter is actually inspired by the song as well

Really when I say sad, I mean it's sad

I gave both a happy and sad ending because I said Naruto was a player so I see this more happening than I do the other ending but I also know people love happy endings so I wanted to give the choice of reading that as well…

Chapter 2 (Sad Ending): Every Lie

Sasuke sat home alone again. He thought that when he and Naruto moved in together he wouldn't be sitting home alone. In the beginning, they were always together, but apparently after awhile the novelty seemed to wear off, at least for the blonde. He frowned as he flipped through the channels, looking for something to watch.

They'd been dating since a few weeks after that initial meeting. Naruto was a charmer and Sasuke fell for it. The blonde always knew what to say and do to make things up.

They moved in together before the start of their first semester of college. It made sense; they were going to the same college and needed an apartment close to the University and they could split the rent. For the entire first semester it went great, but then things changed and Sasuke just wished he'd listened to what everyone had told him before he got into a relationship with the blonde.

There was a knock on the door, 'Who could that be?' The dark haired man got up and opened the door, wishing he hadn't seen who was at the door. "What are you doing here?" he asked, not wanting to know the answer.

"Do you know where Naruto is? He isn't answering his phone, I wanted to know if he wanted to hang out tonight," the brunette at the door said. The man was Kiba, Naruto's best friend.

"He said that he was with you," Sasuke said. The young Uchiha didn't know which emotion was stronger at that point, sadness or anger. "You don't even know where he is?" he asked, obviously borderline breaking down. He had a feeling that something was going on, but he didn't want to believe it. Naruto had been so secretive, walking away when his phone would ring, texting more and more often, and making up a new excuse to go out more than usual.

"Oh," Kiba said, surprise. 'Crap, why didn't he tell me this?' he wondered as he looked at Sasuke. "Look don't cry, I'm sure he had a good reason for lying to you," Kiba tried to reassure Sasuke as the dark eyed man leaned against the arm of the couch.

"How many times?" Sasuke asked as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He gripped the couch, trying to control his anger.

"How much what?" Kiba asked, trying to play dumb. He didn't want to answer that question. He didn't want to lie to Sasuke, but he also didn't want to ruin his best friend's relationship.

"Don't play stupid Kiba," Sasuke said, a mix of hurt and anger in his voice. "How many times was he just using you as an excuse?" he asked.

Kiba was quiet for a moment, decided what to do. He knew what Naruto was doing was wrong, but it was the usual Naruto that he'd known most of his life. The brunette knew what he should do, he had made friends with Sasuke over the past year and the dark haired man was the one getting hurt by it all. He frowned; knowing he couldn't let Sasuke could continue to get hurt so he told the truth, "We haven't hung out for over a month."

Sasuke's phone started to ring. He looked at it as the name 'Naruto' lit up the screen. "Hello?" he answered, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked. He could tell that something was off about Sasuke's voice, though he couldn't quite tell what. "Are you getting a cold or something?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he answered. "What's up? You don't sound like you're getting as drunk as usual," he said, his tone a little bitter.

"I figure since Kiba is getting totally trashed I should stay sober. It looks like I'm going to have to drive him home so I'm going to be later than I thought," he said. "Anyway, my phone is dying so I've got to go."

"Right, bye," Sasuke said as he looked at Kiba. He frowned, hanging up the phone. He clutched his phone and said, "I can't do this anymore." He looked at the brunette and asked, "Who is it? Whom is he cheating with?"

Kiba wished he could tell him, but he honestly didn't know. He wished he weren't in that situation, but he was and he couldn't help him. All he could say was, "I don't know." He finally walked into the apartment, shutting the door behind him, "I'm sorry Sasuke." He knew that Naruto would be mad at him for all that he'd done already, so he asked, "Do you want me to help you pack?" Sasuke just nodded, not sure he could trust his voice anymore that night. "I'll go get some of boxes from the store, I doubt you have enough luggage to put all your stuff in," he smiled.

"Thank you," Sasuke said in a weak voice.

Kiba frowned again; he'd never seen Sasuke so weak. The guy was usually arrogant and confident, never broken. "I'll be right back, you start getting packed." He paused before he walked out and asked, "Do you know where you're going to go yet?"

"Back home I guess," he frowned, knowing that'd be about an hour drive to school.

"You should call Suigetsu, I'm sure he'd let you stay with him and he'd probably come help us pack," Kiba suggested, knowing the dark haired man wouldn't want to stay with him. The brunette always had Hinata over and if he and Naruto were still friends after all of this, he'd be over too. Sasuke just nodded and forced a small smile.


Naruto came home to find Sasuke sitting alone on the couch. He looked around and noticed that things were missing from the house and he didn't understand why. "What's going on?" he asked.

Sasuke got up and walked over to the blonde. Naruto thought he was going to get a kiss by the way Sasuke wrapped his arms around him, but instead the dark haired man just pulled out his phone. He looked at it and said, "What do you know, a full battery." He walked away from the blonde, obviously angry.

"I charged it a Kiba's," Naruto lied. He thought that his words would make the man's anger disappear, but it didn't. He changed his tactic by saying, "Come on let's go to bed, I'm tired."

"You always were tired after sex," Sasuke said. "I'm surprised you didn't just make up some excuse about staying at Kiba's," he shrugged. "Like that you were so drunk you passed out on his couch," that was what you used last week wasn't it?" he glared.

"It was true," Naruto said defensively, too defensively. "And tonight he was drunk, I had to get him to his bed with out him hurting himself."

"There's just one problem with that," Sasuke crossed his arms. He was trying to cover up how hurt he was with his anger as they talked. "Kiba was here tonight," the Uchiha said. "He came looking to see if you wanted to do something. It's funny how he could be in two places at once, isn't it?" he said, making the blonde's eyes widen. "You know I really thought you were smart enough to at least tell your alibi that you were supposedly doing something with him, but obviously not," he continued.

"Babe, we can work this out," Naruto said, trying to soothe over what he'd done. He walked over, trying to put a comforting hand on the other man's arm, but Sasuke just pushed him away.

"You don't get to call me babe anymore and you certainly don't get to touch me. I mean I think it's a little late to try to work things out, don't you?" he asked. "Don't you think you should have tried to work things out when you felt the need to go to someone else?" he continued angrily. "I thought you changed, but obviously I was just as naïve as the rest of your conquests," he said, on the borderline of tears, but he promised himself he wouldn't let Naruto see him cry.

"Please, let's just talk about this," Naruto tried. He couldn't believe what he'd done to Sasuke. He never meant to hurt him; it was just a part of who he was. The blonde really meant for this time to be different, but something in him just wasn't the commitment type.

"As you can see, I've packed my things, they're in my truck ready to go," Sasuke said. "I'll call on Monday to get my addressed changed for everything," he then said. "Suigetsu already said that I can stay with him," he told the man.

Naruto wanted to make things right, but he didn't know how to, he couldn't take back all of the things that he'd done. "Sasuke, please I'm sorry. Just give me another chance, I promise this time will be different."

"I wish I could believe you," Sasuke said. "But we both know that's a lie," he looked down. The dark haired man let out a sigh before looking at the blonde and saying, "With every lie that you've told me, we both know that I can't stay." He walked over to Naruto, placing a hand on his cheek before saying, "Goodbye Naruto." He knew he had to get out of there before he started to cry. Sasuke grabbed his car keys, walking out of the apartment door for what he knew would be the last time.

The End.