Title: Playing House
Author: Hollita
Pairing: Harry/Draco (in that positional order, don't flame me because it's not your preference)
Rating: R (That means Mature. So if you are not already corrupted, or do not want to be, turn around!)
Summary: The Hogwarts final year's experience potentially the most horrific event of their lives; caring for a flour baby. Worse for Harry, his own tumultuous personallity wound him up paired with his Slytherin nemesis as punishment. Worse than that, he's starting to like playing house with him.
Warnings: Slash and Smut (Oh God! lots and lots of smut... when we get to it... Why are these chapters already written? *Wails*) Completely impossible situations. Not at all compliant with the actual HP universe~ Takes the view Voldemort was vanquished for good in CoS and therefore no Siri/Remus etc... [Sorry], OOC-ness, the plot bunny barely cares for canon. Uhmmmmmmm... Not Beta'd & Language.
Disclaimer: Yeah I don't own, Harry Potter or anything related to. I makes me unhappy too.

A/N. Right! So before we start, I'd like to make something quite clear! Said story is about 70% written [But subject to change] and I like to update quite frequently. But I also Like reviews. NOT STORY ALERTS, FAVOURITES. R.E.V.I.E.W.S

So it's quite simple. [Sorry but I'm in a bad mood atm] for this chapter I only need 5, yes the measley number of 5, reviews in order to post chapter 2. which is completely pathetic as on average most stories get about 200+ views on at least the first chapter and you don't even need to sign in to review! That's how much you screw an fanfic writer over when you read their stories and don't review. Pathetic. So yeah...I'll shut up now.

This chapter is short...

The golden trio of Gryffindor and the silver trio of Slytherin sat in obscure and tense silence in the Headmistress' office, which used to be Dumbledore's, until he retired. The cold eyed and old looking witch reappeared in front of them carrying a suspicious looking sack in hand.

"Never in my life have I seen such childish behaviour! Especially from students in our final year, including one of our brightest students!" The hawk eyed witch berated in a high and ear pain inducing pitch and Hermione, whom the last part was clearly aimed at, looked down at the floor in guilt and regret, she had been hesitant to the whole thing anyway.

"But Professor they…" Harry started, but stopped abruptly as she gave him an incredulous and piercing glare and he turned away, emerald eyes meeting with the stone silver pair belonging to his blonde enemy, who was smirking at him. Well he was, until McGonagall focused on him also.

"I don't want any back chat as to who started it and who did what. Not only have you caused damage to the building, hurt younger students, been a bad example for those students and missed this morning's announcement. You have also proven that none of you can put your differences aside, but I'm not going to give you detentions. No. your own actions have worked against you this time." An unnatural grin spread across her face and all six of them shrunk back in their seats in mild horror as the accentuated wrinkles practically ate up her face.

Harry quickly glanced at his two friends who were both sporting grimaces, Ron especially looking livid and then. He snuck a peek at the Slytherins who were both the same, except for Malfoy who glanced at him at practically the same time and they shared a look, a concerned one.

"Yes, because today's announcement was about a year assignment in which students were paired together and given rooms to share, however because none of you were present, none of you names were called and therefore you shall be paired together." Her smile grew even more and they all paled.

"Wait! Professor what is the assignment?" Draco piped up and her smile dropped before coming back in full force.

"Well Mr Malfoy, if you had attended today's announcement you would know and have all the details, however instead, you and Mr Potter will simply be given the care guide instead. Speaking of which, Mr Weasley will be paired with Miss Parkinson and Miss Granger with Mr Zabini. Additionally if you don't reach the third elimination round of the assignment you will have detentions every day until the end of the year and for you two." The emerald eyed raven and the silver eyed blonde sat rigid and stiff, "If you do not reach the third round you will be filed for expulsion and your N.E.W.T results made invalid."

Harry swallowed heavily and felt his hands become clammy, if he was to have no N.E. his plans to become an auror were absolutely screwed and he had never considered anything otherwise, he felt an oncoming headache and barely took note as the blonde had a sack thrust into his arms which looked rather similar to the short lived flour baby Dudley once had and Professor McGonagall mentioned something about not being allowed to use magic either and automatically he handed her his wand, whilst others…Malfoy, put up more of a fight and had to be threatened before begrudgingly passing their wand over.

"Potter!" Harry snapped out of his distressed reverie to focus on the blonde, who looked equally pale but perhaps that was due to his natural alabaster skin colouring. Tiredly he dragged his eyes up to look in line with the other boy's pupils before closing them again, turning away and massaging his temples with a single hand. "Potter, we need to go and find our room."

Annoying. The blonde's voice was seriously annoying. It was whiney or nasally or anything particular but by Merlin it was annoying, or perhaps that was just the fact that Draco Malfoy annoyed him. Dolefully he followed after the half an inch shorter frame across various halls and up several flights of stairs till finally they stopped in front of a portrait of a brown eyed man with colour changing hair.

"Password." Draco stated turning to Harry with a nonchalant expression, "the password Potter."

Harry frowned at the blonde's now expecting face and tried to rack his brains. "The password?" he asked and the Slytherin nodded slightly, shifting the sack of flour which was slipping from his grasp along with the manual and other appliances necessary. "Uhhhhhh…"

"You weren't paying attention; you didn't note it did you?" Silver orbs flashed angrily and soft, slightly darker blonde eyebrows knitted together angrily. "You imbecile! How the hell are we going to get in!" He screeched, absolutely fuming.

"We'll just go ask McGonagall to give it again." Harry sighed feeling an oncoming headache.

"We! We! I'm not going to see that Bitch again after she forced me with you! Threatened me with expulsion and took my beautiful wand! No~ you can go on your own, you brainless half-breed." Draco hissed

"Oh shut up you cantankerous little bastard, I made a mistake, big fucking deal! You were the one who started this whole thing in the first place." Harry shouted back before being punched sharply in the jaw and stumbled backwards clutching his face before he swung his own fist at the blonde and hit where his chest should have been.

A pouring noise sounded and a pile of flour pooled out onto the floor and all over Italian shoes.

"You bloody killed it!"

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